[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.18 Little devil

Jun 15, 2012 23:22

-first of all, what is the meaning of "little devil" XD (see note below)
-who is the real femme fatale
-a talk whether Kame's charm is the "little devil" type xD
-Kame being cute and funny, in many ways.

Once again, a lot of thanks and cookies to yararanger for betareading my English :D

This time the most difficult part is understading the theme given by Maquia, so read this note first.
Koakuma (lit. “Little devil”) isn't used with a “rascal” bad meaning, as a direct translation might suggest. Actually it is a term used towards girls (not guys) as “cute imp/cute witch”; it has a meaning of “femme fatale”, a cute girl who charms guys; it has a “girly, cute” shade of meaning more than “beautiful”. It implies "sexy, cute and confident" all together. To make this clear, I chose “(cute) femme fatale”.
Though, since towards the end the topic switches from women to men too (and I can't use 'femme fatale' for a man), I decided to keep the literal translation for the title (because it's broader). In the text I'm going to use “femme fatale” for women and “little devil” for men. I know it may look difficult to follow, but bear with it >.<
(Thanks to Marco for explaining me the use of this word :D)

What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.18 小悪魔 - Little devil

「I think that “people beyond expectations” are little devils. Both words and behaviour are free and original. You're excited because you can't read what will come.」

I challenged self-portraits for the first time! The theme is little devil. I'm not aware of this, but I am sometimes said “Kame... you're sly!” (laughs) As a result of a trial-and-error process, I wonder if a 'little devil' is a person whom enjoys playing with people's feelings, so I tried to make some evil expressions (laughs)

Men often say they're weak towards 'femme fatale' women, and indeed it might be exactly like that (laughs). I don't know the right definition of “femme fatale”. But if I try to reflect on it in my own way, I guess it's a woman that quietly infiltrates inside men's heart using an uninhibited behaviour and a versatile charm.

Thinking like this, then maybe there are quite a lot of so-called femme fatales among actresses. Looking at how they grab every man's heart at the filming set or many other places I think “ooh!” (laughs). If they're innocent and friendly despite being a highly self-conscious existence called 'an actress', I guess men are captivated by that gap. Because basically men are simple-minded!

The one that I consider the strongest 'femme fatale' is a person who doesn't calculate at all. I'd think that a normal femme fatale's calculations are transparent and visible. Maybe I see quite a lot people that I think “she changes attitude depending on the person...” (laughs). A natural femme fatale who attracts people no matter what is someone whose thoughtless movements or words are amusing and who makes everyone laugh without thinking. For example, even though she does stuff like suddenly setting up a prank such as turning back saying “wah!”, she's very intelligent and can also suddenly have serious conversations. Normally she's guileless but at the work place she shows she's got guts or at the right moment she's sexy, there's harmony. While you're seeing so many different aspects, before realizing it the distance between your hearts has reduced a lot, something like that. I think that maybe a true femme fatale doesn't plan to get inside people's hearts at all, but she's a person who possess a pleasantness that makes people want to let her in.

If you have a strong essence of wanting to be loved, you naturally become a femme fatale/little devil?

Just, even if I myself am charmed by femme fatales, if I think about going steady with them... Because I mean, doesn't it look like you're going to be twisted around her little finger after being made spineless? (laughs) Well, it's completely a delusion though (laughs). If I have to think about it for real, even whether they are femme fatales or not, I like independent and loving people more, women that make me feel even a fatherly sense like “actually it's me who's taken care of the family!”. These women who appear perfect actually have a goofy and clumsy side that I find cute and I think I want to protect them.

On the other side, I also think that every woman has a femme fatale-like element in her. The degree differs from person to person though. Even a familiar normal girl has moments when she suddenly becomes without inhibitions and baffles men, I'd say.

I wonder if there are “little devils” among men too. Eh? I am a little devil? That's a lie! (laughs) I absolutely don't have self-awareness of it, but.... It might be true that the distance between me and people I like, both female or male, naturally becomes closer. In front of a person I like I naturally have a happy face and I also do body contact. Even when I interview baseball players I say “You're in shape!” while touching (laughs).

But that's not a calculation, it's unconscious. I think it's an action born of my 'wanting to be loved'. I think that maybe it's because I grew up as middle child of 4 male brothers, but I had the feel “I don't want to be hidden! I want you to look at me more!”, so I naturally became affable and a sort of 'service spirit' was born, I guess. If it looks like being a little devil, then maybe that's my individual nature.

As conclusion, I guess that being a 'femme fatale/little devil' isn't something to aim at, but it's something that's inside that person. It must be the charm of both men and women who are “people beyond expectations”. Both actions and words aren't in accordance with a calculation or a manual. It doesn't mean that there isn't a reflection beyond, but they're intuitive and original so you can't read what will come and you're excited. For this reason I think that it's charming once that person behaves just like his- or herself, honestly and freely, and exactly for this reason she/he is the ultimate femme fatale/little devil.


Kame’s fixed point of observation
During the photoshoot he was requested to make little devil's expressions, and once in a while he made 'the cute kid who always tries to act innocent' expression. “I did it on purpose! (laughs)”, he said keeping smiling shyly, but he was into it! If we say a “male femme fatale”, then as expected it's Kamenashi Kazuya!? “No, there are others! (he considers carefully for a while) …...... (Arashi's) Ninomiya-kun, maybe? He really infiltrates in everyone's heart before realizing. He appears smooth but actually he's manly so he's popular with girls. About me, at first sight I can be seen as a carnivorous man difficult to approach, [**] so girls end up being cautious toward me (laughs)”
By Maquia



[**] Carnivorous man, as opposed to herbivorous man; while the first is the strong, dominant, attacking type of man, the second is quieter, the kind of man that doesn't make the first step, etc.


I honestly lol-ed more than a couple of times translating this. LOL!! And Kame you're cute even when saying you aren't popular with girls and I don't believe you btw. It was soooo difficult to focus on the text with those self-shots! But totally, as Maquia says, Kame is a male femme fatale XD

*translation: kame camera, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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