[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.13 Friends

Mar 01, 2012 00:15

Kame camera is back~ I still have 2 numbers to do, I hope I can find the time to at least read them translate them soon :D There are many recent interviews I'd like to have time to translate (Kame's MISS because he talks about present KAT-TUN, KT's CHAIN-related issues...), but time-wise I haven't decided yet what to do or in which order do them :(

For this issue, thanks to plumerika for helping out in some lines :D Luv u ♥

What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.13 友だち FRIENDS

「There aren't many people I can call “friends”, but people I really consider important are equal to a family. I show them 100% of myself without pretending.」

With Anne-chan and Fuku-kun I can relax a lot. Even though we’re work colleagues, there’s a special feeling of just our three, exactly like a family. It often happens that I got enthusiastic talking about beauty with Anne-chan so she calls me “Kazuko”, but also Fuku sometimes imitates that way of calling me (laughs).

Inside of me, the people I can call “friends” are very few. You know, men are creatures with a passionate sense of companion like “we are best friends, right?!”, but that’s light. Even if among men we get drunk together, unite our shoulders and talk, when the next morning arrives it’s just a “see ya!” (laughs). I am not dependent to specific people. I’m basically alone and I like time by myself too. It has been like this since when I was a kid. The idea “I want to make friend with someone” or “I must create some friendships” has never came to mind. There were also times I wasn’t called to baseball games “because Kame is skilled”, yet I also enjoyed throwing balls to the wall all alone. Instead of belonging to no place at all, I managed to become friendly with every kind of group. Both the naughty teams and the nerdy teams, even with girls’ groups, not only I could find a point of contact and play with all of them, but I went along well even with people that kept distance with everyone else.

I want to always be flat. Belonging to some sort of group you end up being categorized, right? I think it may be particularly true in showbiz. For this reason I have almost no “same job friends”. Not only I don’t like being always together and being influenced before realizing it, but also since there’s a little rival sense too, it’s impossible I can put my 100% trust on them. For this reason in my case I have many friends who do a job of a different genre. There are also people I don’t understand well what they do (laughs). There are also quite a number of baseball players. Talking about baseball players, [my friendship with] Nishioka Tsuyoshi is probably long. I encountered him on a TV show some years ago, there was the topic “my niece is your fan” and the conversation became lively. When we went drinking together the first time we both got drunk a bit too much and the distance between us naturally decreased (laughs). Even recently since he came back home for the off season, we went out to eat together and take a massage, and it often happens that he comes to my house and eat with my family.

Tsuyoshi and I are from the same generation, but if we speak about age, I have many friends who are older than me. Because I'm usually impertinent. So I talk to people in an equal way [to theirs] while I do continue respecting them. And I think that's why I'm more attracted by those who are a little bit older than I am. If they’re younger than me, even one year is fine. Since the nature of the relation is very clear with those kouhai whose admiration start from them, for example Miura Shohei, or even among Johnny’s kouhai like Kisumai’s Yokoo or A.B.C-Z’s Kawai, it’s easy to hung out with them. They call me “Kazu-nii”[*] and sort of demand my attention. Those guys toddle till my house and idly sleep there (laughs).

I don’t keep shallow relationships, nor do I want half-finished friends.

My human relations are either 0 or 100. If we’re together I want to show everything of myself, without pretending, totally. Due to the position there are many things I can’t be open about, but not only I don’t want to uselessly increase relationships, I also don’t want half-finished friends either. [**] There’s the tendency to say about me “I’m friend with Kamenashi” just after we’ve gone drinking out together one time and there are also people that I can’t trust who talk about me as they please, and this puts me in trouble. I don’t want that people I get along well talk about me around either. I naturally have this wariness about that topic. For this reason I think that my “friends” are just few.

But on the other hand, the people with who the bond became deeper thanks to natural destiny and timing overcome the so-called “friends” frame. I show them both my private life and what I think as it is, and talk about it. I spend that time with my friends along with family or a girlfriend. Yes. For me friends are close to “family”, without limits. They are my irreplaceable base. Though, I am the one who’s cold towards my very close people. Since they adapt to Kamenashi Kazuya’s way of thinking and lifestyle, I guess I inflict them a considerable dose of troubles (laughs). My deep-rooted feelings towards them, of considering them important, will never change for sure.

[*] Kazu-nii: “Big brother Kazu”
[**] “I don’t want to uselessly increase relationships”: meaning, creating new shallow ‘friendships’ just to say “I am friend with this person” or, even worse, “I am friend with this huge number of people”. With “half-finished friends” he obviously means those shallow friends you call just to go out drinking, but that you wouldn’t call “friends”.

Kame’s fixed point of observation
This photoshoot was taken while having a stroll under a good-feeling blue sky. “Recently I don’t have time to do this, I’m happy” said Kamenashi-kun, he seemed to feel good. During the stroll, he talked about Fuku-kun and Anne-san, about Fukuyama Masaharu-san giving him a champagne bottle as present to celebrate the drama high ratings, and I wonder why the conversation became about the old age time. “In the future I want to open my own shop”, he said. “I’d like that my precious people and people I want to meet come and reunites in that shop. More than going out myself, I prefer the others to come to me. I like to receive (laughs)”
By Maquia

I think this issue's picture is one of the best pics Kame has ever taken. I love it.

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Moreover, if you want to retranslate, CREDIT this LJ for the first JP->EN translation please!

*translation: kame camera, kat-tun, $magazine: maquia, .member: kamenashi

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