[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.8 Five senses

Jul 23, 2011 00:22

-Kame is the “I don’t think, I feel” school for general acknowledgement.
-Kame talks about his fetish on a magazine(LMAO *facepalm*)
-Talking about Ueda’s incident during NMP con tour (I can so see how the staff scolded him after what he did ignoring the orders LOL)
Many thanks to yararanger that betareaded answered to my English doubts and checked this translation's English <3<3 *sends love*

What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

VOL.8 五感 - Five senses

「It’s better to use the 5 senses more than the head. Not only you can choose correctly both in love and communication but also enjoy it.」

Since I prefer dark nights, the light in my room is limited to the minimum. When my friends come over they tell me “it’s dark!” (laughs), but I’m more at ease this way. During the day bathing in the sun, during the night sleeping in the dark: since it’s given also by the natural rhythm, it gives a good sensation.

I like the darkness of the night. During daytime I want to feel the sun, but the night if it’s dark gives more mystery and sense of security. A too bright night is unnatural and if my senses are assaulted too strongly, my sensitive self is tired out, maybe.

But I think about it. If I lost my eyesight and the world were completely enveloped in the darkness, how would I perceive and sense things? ---- Some time ago for a job I had my face shape taken using plaster. Eyes, ears, lips were blocked in a flash with plaster. When I was deprived of my sight, of my hearing, of my five senses, a great sense of terror welled up and breathing became difficult. For an instant I forgot how to breathe. Even though if you think about it calmly, it is possible to breathe with the nose. The instant I lost use of the five senses, I was caught by bad images. What I realized at that moment is that if you use your head too much you become afraid of doing anything and become unable to move. If I imagine too much about jet coasters and planes I can’t go on board either, and being on a stage is the same. If I think too much about the risks, I can’t do the wire-work. In order to fly coolly, it’s necessary not to think too much about it, be manfully with no regrets and feel that place.

Generally, I'll admit to being the sensitive-impulsive type. Even in choosing what to do, the feelings lead me. Romantic love is the highest point of that side. Love can’t be done with the head. Isn’t it being attracted to each other unconsciously, by the aura and the 5 senses? In my case, of course there’s the sense of sight, but even the sense of smell is very important. This because I like the scent of girl’s nape of the neck. At the point that even if I like the face, if that smell isn’t of my liking it doesn’t work! Just, the problem is that there aren’t many chances to smell it (laughs). In love the power of timing is great, but I wonder if even catching it isn’t a matter of sensation and destiny. For example, let’s put to meet someone now and even if we captivate each other for some reason we can’t date. In that case, I’ve got the impression that even if we could meet again in an absolute situation after 1 year, we wouldn’t be able to get together. Because love isn’t something so simple. You must feel what was coming to light on that exact moment between the 2 of you and grasp it without letting it escape. Communication revolves around the importance of feeling too. I’m better at interviews and play by play (broadcastings) if there is no script. I think that to continue creating using ad-libs while understanding that place is not only fun, but you also create something interesting.

When the great earthquake happened, the five senses and mind were in full operation

Just, I’m the impulsive type, but actually I’m the prudent type too. I realized it once again when that great earthquake happened. The second the earthquake happened, my body sensed the danger and at the same moment my mind was in full operation. I addressed to the people next to me at once saying “it’s better to take the valuables and go outside”, and when we got out, soon after I was making sure of the arrangement of the surrounding buildings and reflecting where was fine to stop. The “me” of such a moment is both prudent and bold! It was the same during last year’s overseas concert, when Ueda was badly injured on stage. In a situation of extreme tension with Ueda somehow retired backstage, we managed to do the show till the end just in the remaining 4 people. We were told by the staff to end the performance without mentioning Ueda’s situation, but I thought right away “That’s wrong”. Who was worried more than anyone else was surely the audience, and I felt we couldn’t let the curtain fall without addressing the subject. Following my personal instantaneous judgment, I said that Ueda got hurt on stage and was heading to the hospital, then that they didn’t have to be worried since the situation was fine. After that everyone had more relaxed faces, and I felt that the concert was more or less concluded. I felt that my judgment wasn’t wrong.

What is important in such cases is the ability to judge. And I think also the ability to take action. I want to be this “me” that can feel the urgency yet act correctly. In order to do this, together with the 5 senses and an animal instinct, I also want to improve a mind that acts well.

Kame’s fixed point of observation

While talking about the nature of the relation between “5 senses” and “love”, Kamenashi-kun said “By the way, isn’t girls’ sixth sense incredible?!” Indeed, the woman’s intuition about love is sharp. Both lies and affairs, they see through them from small actions and words. This is his sharp opinion: “That is a certain kind of romantic love dependence. Compared to men, for women the weight of love is overwhelmingly heavy, so they learn the power of observation”. Does he hate women with love dependence? “No, because men and women are different, so it’s fine. I think that’s exactly because women are so earnest in it that love relationships work”.

By Maquia

*translation: kame camera, kat-tun, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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