[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.7 Adult

Jun 23, 2011 15:35

Another nice essay. As the title says, about being an adult - and being an entertainer.

What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

VOL.7 大人 - Adult

「A side is adult, a side is still a kid. I think the balance between them is that person’s charm.」

When I started covering baseball news and became conscious of the time, I felt I became adult a bit (laughs). This watch is a matching one with all my brothers’. I gave the same watches as presents to all my brothers using the prize money I won the time I received the MVP prize at a Johnny’s baseball tournament.

Now I’m 25 years old, but I don’t know if I was able to become an adult or not. A thing I can say is that I’m far away from the image of adults I had when I was a kid. When I see people of my generation wearing suits, going to the company, talking about money and success in life, even if my career is longer than theirs, I feel like that as an adult I’m being surpassed. I still don’t understand how to exchange the traditional midyear gift-giving nor the way to correspond to it (laughs).

Both now and in the past, I stay in a position separated from the common social system and sense of time, I always focus on the moment I have in front of my eyes and I live being honest with my heart. In a certain meaning, since it’s a work which lets the “kid” inside me continue living, probably I’m drifting away from the normal adults. But, you know, who is the “right adult” to begin with? I neither judge people’s nature nor I change way of hanging out with them due to their age or status. There are people I respect even if they’re younger than me, and I don’t flatter people just because they are older. Same goes with women. If that person has charm I’m attracted despite of the age, moreover I want to be equal with the one I like regardless of gender. To turn the other side, I’m not good in relating with people whom enclose themselves into small frames such as “because I’m older”, “because I’m a doctor”, “because it’s a good University”.

Although, I don’t want to become an adult that fixes on “rules don’t matter!” either. Because I think that there are also rules necessary to continue living with everyone. A blindly reckless spirit isn’t cool. I want to be an adult that can do the proper thing at the appropriate time.

Maybe it’s thanks to the experiences I have had until now that I mature the “adult thinking”

It’s good to have an “adult” side and a “kid” side, I guess the important thing is that balance. It subtly changes following each person’s different character, type of job and way of thinking. For example, exactly because I do this kind of job there’s also the side that could become adult. An entertainer is a “product”, a job where you perform in front of people. For this reason I think it’s a job where on the stage it’s fine to open your emotions and be egoistical. Dividing it that way, there are times you can feel at ease as a person. But I don’t want to do this. Even if I’m a “product”, during the production I want to properly face each other, as both human beings, with the same eyes, so I don’t want to behave like a true entertainer.

In this job the chances in which your name is used or you see the bad sides of people aren’t few. Even if I notice it, my present self doesn’t understand the anger. I think “he’s such a person, eh…”, I say nothing and simply cut down. I take him as bad exemplum. Being able to close everything in a positive way must be thanks to the experiences I had until now.

On the other side, surely there are also things that I can do because I’m Kamenashi the entertainer. Some days ago, when I went to visit the stricken area for a TV program, many people smiled seeing my face. I was asked by some wives “Hug me, please!”, and since their husbands said “please do so”, I hugged I don’t know how many people and they were very happy, and I though “ah, I’m so glad I’m doing this job”. Then I also thought that women, even if they become adults, at the end they are still girls. (laughs)

Together with the balance between the “adult” and the “kid”, there are also “the true Kamenashi” and “the entertainer Kamenashi”, and this [=the union of all these sides] is me. I want to cherish both of them, but maybe I came to the point to think that I want to be always calm. For example, as Kamenashi the entertainer, I don’t want to fix over the idea that I absolutely won’t do also actions/activities that may fail. On the other side, if after having reflected calmly without being carried away by emotions I consider that something is necessary for the Real Kamenashi, then I think it’s also fine enjoying without further reflections. Probably this balance is my style of “adult”. (laughs)

(because someone requested this pwetty pic of adult!Kame to be here. credit: koichitanjyobi)

Kame’s fixed point of observation
Towards the end of the interview, the themes switch to “adult women”. When I ask “what’s better, a 30-40 years old woman that looks like she’s in her 20s, or a beautiful woman that shows her age?”, Kamenashi-kun answers “If she’s splendid, both of them are fine, but if I had to choose, I like people that don’t conceal their age." His deep comment is "Just, the sense of beauty as woman is important. Then, also the gap! The instant when an adult woman without chinks becomes pretty at home, only imagining it my heart skips a bit (laughs)”. In a few days shall we interview again about peculiar point of view towards women?

By Maquia


Note: About the line “I want to be equal with the person I love regardless of the sex”, before people read it only in a yaoi-ish way: Japanese society is still pretty sexist. Here Kame isn't giving "hints" about sexuality but simply requesting equality, putting men and women on the same level. He says he wants to be “on equal terms” with the person he loves, so the meaning is “I don’t want to think the other person is inferior just because she’s a woman and I am a man and I deserve respect while she doesn’t” - because traditional categories want male>female. In fact he continues explaining that he doesn’t like the traditional “deserve respect” categories (age, status, job, etc).
Fangirling is fine, but I just want to be sure that the real meaning reaches you :)


So no, he didn’t talk about the cigarettes, but as someone smartly noticed, there are 4 half cigs (=4 brothers) and the theme is adulthood. A bit cliché, maybe? Nice one, though.
Smoking!icon for cigs!pic XD.

*translation: kame camera, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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