[Trans] Myojo 2011.04 - KAT-TUN Interview

Mar 02, 2011 22:30

Someone asked me this, but shamefully I don't remember who X_X But anyway, here is the last Myojo's interview.
I don't read nor watch One Piece /bricked so I hope I didn't miss hidden references in the text @.@
As always, sorry for my grammar mistakes~ Japanese and English aren't my mother languages.

Scanlations here by kat_tun5 scanlation team.

Myojo 2011.04
Every day is a cartoon adventure! Boys’ life at strongest.

Run! Jump! Enjoy! Boys’ life at strongest.
Look up at the sky, run with all your strength… Adventures start from there. The fields and roads that should be familiar invite everyone to an unknown world. Really, every day is an adventure. Listen to the experiences that made those 5 boys all excited, ok?

Translator's note: Let’s state beforehand: this article is the slang festivity. Especially Maru (!) and Koki. Yes. And of course Kame, which is the King Of Random Slang. I headdesked so much. I suppose they were on high-tension mood for the One Piece topic. So well... imagine them talking as hyper-status boys XD
Rounded parenthesis () are in the original text. Those aren't my notes but interviewer's.


I’m the type that doesn’t have many adventures. Speaking about the adventure I remember, it’s something at the level of entering into a restaurant that has the aura “we don’t accept first time customers”. [*] Particularly, regarding money I’m very conservative. At the end, I choose not to use them, because you don’t know what will happen from now on in life. I discern necessary and unnecessary things, without buying anything and everything. Even if I bought everything I temporary want, I’m the type that doesn’t feel completely satisfied. On the contrary, reducing the expenses to the minimum level, I’m satisfied! Speaking about simple stuff, clothes are necessary, but you can live even if you don’t have clothes over the necessary level, right? That demarcation line is difficult! This is a standard worry that comes every season. First of all, spring clothes: I’ve already bought knitwear and shirts, those are enough.
But even this “me”, to be honest, is wondering if beginning a new adventure or not. Looking at the so-called University’s syllabus (the study plan) I’m wondering which seminars take. My first choice was a seminar about South-East Asia studies, but there are conditions like you must be fluent in English, or absolutely taking part in a summer camp. And then another one surfaced, a seminar that studies agriculture. But that agriculture seminar is the most popular because of feasibility study. This means the possibility not to be able entering it is high. Taking a seminar with harsh conditions, or taking the most popular seminar… it seems the choice will become my greatest adventure in my life!


[LOL. I remember you that the () parenthesis are the interviewer’s comment. They’re quite lol-tastic XD]

I obtained the second class ship driving license. I am reading “One piece” on magazine since the first chapter, so with this I’m a “captain” both in name and in reality! (Note: it’s Koki’s personal “name and reality”.) Because just reading the manga I can’t become a captain nor can I have adventures. This is why I took the license. Continuing like this I will take a step up and try to take the first class ship driving license. You know, for the first class I must be able to read maps and the stars! Opening the map and taking my bearings with a compass! (Very excited) And saying stuff like “The air is a bit moisten, the temperature fell, so a storm will come…”! (great joy) Ah~, I’m really excited! Then, now I think about the mark of the flag hoisted on the ship. I absolutely wish for a skull (Note: he idolizes and copies the One Piece’s Thousand Sunny’s skull), but if I held it and go in the sea, I think I would be attacked and arrested by the Japanese Coast Guard, so it wouldn’t be funny, right? As first thing, I considerate to hoist it inside the ship to not attract attention. Don’t say it’s lame! But taking as last step the ship driving license for big ships, I’ll aim for the Grand Line! Without stealing money and goods! (He’s badly confusing manga and real life) I’ll become a good pirate.
As an effect on the land, I’ll take the license for large-size bikes (motorcycles of more than 50cc) -> at the place that (Tomoya) Nagase-kun told me I’ll buy a sober Harley and make it my beloved means of transport -> I’ll start a journey alone all around Japan. This is the adventure I’m planning. I’ll carry with me money enough just for food and gasoline. At night I will sleep slopping down on the Harley; sleeping in the open should be good, right? Oooooh, so cool! (laughs)


When I was little I lived in a place that had both sea and mountain really close, so going there to play normally was an adventure itself. When I was at 4th year of elementary school, I went down to an underground drainage ditch and came out of the mouth of the river. With 5-6 friends we thought “It should be connected to the sea, let’s go!” and aiming nothing but the sea we walked. There were 2 girls too, the underground drainage ditch was completely dark and every little sound reverberated. At a simple “swoosh” made by feet the girls went “kyaaa!”?! The young boy Taguchi was unexpectedly grabbed by an arm?! Ah, well~, it is not that I like that kind of girls, but I stated “ah, cute”. Because I thought “I want to enjoy this atmosphere, with the heart pounding both for the adventure and the boy’s heart feelings”. It was the dandyism of a 4-year-old boy.
I liked the sea, but I often went at the shrine on the hill back from the seashore. With 3 close friends we formed a square with rocks and light a fire (The fire prevention was perfect! But, readers please don’t imitate…). We bought a butter-enriched roll at a baker around there, warmed it on the fire and ate it keeping saying “it’s good! It’s good!”. That was our three’s secret game. Sometimes when a rain like squall came we said “Emergency!” and take refuge under a big tree. We get wet on purpose to have fun too. I really loved playing outside, as much as that when I had the mumps I went outside to play hiding from my mom’s eyes. I’m quite an adventurous guy.


I wonder if I can call it an adventure… When I was young, my mother always took me to the swimming school by car, but a day by chance my big sister, another girl who lived in the same apartment house [**] and I went by feet. Then, while I was saying “Don’t we go there?” “Why don’t we try going this way?”, we actually got lost. But in reality more that calling it “adventurous spirit”, I didn’t want to go to the swimming school and I took the wrong road on purpose. At the end I don’t remember well how, in a way or another we three came back home. And then, there was a huge scream at the apartment house! As if people lost in a mountaineering accident were rescued, we were surrounded at once by lots of residents like a search party! I didn’t think it had become so much important, and in my heart I thought “I’m lucky skipping swimming school!” (laughs)
The solo corner at live cons is always an adventure. I’m always thinking to not create standard performances but to challenge lots of genres and music. That’s my adventure. Following my nature, I played ballads or rock songs, even because I don’t like that the image can be fixed, and the moment I betray the fans who think “This time he will probably do this kind of song, right?”, as if I’m a person who commits a crime of conscience I say “I’m sorry for you!”… I like to betray in a good meaning people's expectations! In order to do that, I take it as an adventure. Even if likes and dislikes were different, since every time a live comes I will enjoy everyone’s reaction, even I myself can discover many new sides of me.


I always start journeys all of a sudden all alone~. For me this ends being my adventure… for this reason, maybe it’s nothing special. At days off, without checking the navigator but only with my sense I take and go out for a drive. Without a goal I arrive at towns I don’t even know the name, I go for a loosely stroll for 30 minutes: that’s my little adventure. Then, if I see an incredibly good scenery by chance, I go “wah!” and brighten up. With just that I’m satisfied. Even when I went to France for the first time, I took the subway or strolled idly all alone without information or bringing with me a guidebook. Even me, I’m a bit afraid of places I don’t know. But even that is good. No, that is good. Because I can’t often go through situations where I don’t know what will happen. Lunch time is the same. As an adventure, I enter in restaurants I don’t know what kind of restaurants are, order something and go “ooh!”. It doesn’t matter if it’s delicious or disgusting. But if I want to eat something veeery good, I go to places I already know. Even if I eat something that doesn’t taste good in a random picked place, I don’t think it was a failure. On the contrary, I think that was the real thrill of the adventure.
But at the end, the greatest adventure of my life up until now is when I entered the agency and I went for the first time to the NHK studio by myself. I was in my 1st year of middle school, but at that time I didn’t know well even how to take trains; just that gave me goosebumps, and I was nervous of walking alone on Shibuya’s streets. Yes, that time I opened the door of the adventure of my life…

[*] It’s an expression that indicates restaurants or places where the clients are rich and/or well mannered, and because of this the restaurant doesn’t accept “first time customers/new customers” if they haven’t an invite from regular customers. It’s to not ruin the atmosphere, to not make the image of the restaurant fall, to not disturb regular (and “important”) customers, etc.
[**] Little explanation of Ueda's house (XD) here.

kat-tun, $magazine: myojo, .member: all, *translation: magazine

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