Fic: Life Lessons - Chapter 6: In Which Ichigo Realizes He Is Screwed

Aug 13, 2009 21:20

Title: Life Lessons -- Chapter 6: In Which Ichigo Realizes He Is Screwed
Author: nehalenia
Pairing: Ichigo/Ishida (eventually)
Rating: hard R/NC-17; NC-17 overall.
Warnings: language, nudity, blood, slight non-consensual touching, sexual imagery, masturbation
COMMUNITY DISCLAIMER: All characters depicted in sexual situations in this post/ ( Read more... )

rating: r, fanfiction, rating: nc-17, author: nehalenia

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Comments 23

blackmorghann August 14 2009, 02:48:57 UTC
Oh, yeah, I'd have to say he *is* screwed. Heh, it probably wasn't Ichigo's brightest moment, going into Ishida's room to even *try* to sleep. In his bed!

I'm glad we're in the homeward stretch, 'cuz Ichigo's killing me! :)

:D Can't wait to see Ishida's reaction to waking up in Ichigo's bed. Nekkid. Hehehe, Ichigo's attempt to explain should be priceless.


nehalenia August 14 2009, 05:22:05 UTC
We'll just have to see what Ishida does, won't we? ;)

Thanks for reading and commenting!


rynankh August 14 2009, 05:04:37 UTC
Ohoho! ^o^ yeah with all that and he insists on denial? XDD oh Ichigo, can't wait to the next up :D

Ichigo cursed as he rushed back to the bathroom, grabbing the medical kit in one hand and fishing his phone out of his jeans with the other.
em, you mean what jeans? :O


nehalenia August 14 2009, 05:14:51 UTC
Oh crap! I knew I should have had this one beta'd for continuity! Argh! I'll have to see if I can fix that one.

Thanks for the comments. :D I think Ichigo's denial has just taken a fatal blow there, tho, so things might actually start moving along now. Assuming Ishida cooperates. ;)

ETA: Fixed! Whew! Thanks for bringing that to my attention.


rynankh August 14 2009, 18:32:20 UTC
hehe, Uryuu is a bone hard to gnaw so I guess Ichigo will have it tough XD

you're welcome :)


nivell August 14 2009, 05:49:41 UTC
Oh no, Ichigo's got it bad. And um, that's kinda perverted for him to come on someone else's bed..Ishida's gonna be so pissed when he wakes up, hahah.

Loved the Yoruichi gropping bit..if I was there and saw a naked Ishida, I'd probably grope his ass too!


nehalenia August 14 2009, 19:51:58 UTC
Well, while technically Ichigo came on Ishida's bed, it was more like 'while he was on' Ishida's bed. His jeans and underwear were what took the hit, tho, so it won't be like Ichigo has to wash his bedspread or anything. ;) But yes, Ishida would probably be mad if he knew. Or would he? Hmmm.

Glad you liked Yoruichi. I'm not sure I could resist pinching his butt either. :D


shalomdebbie August 14 2009, 13:34:08 UTC

Thank you, Neha, thank you soooooo much. Oh this is just what I needed this morning! <33333 Urahara Shouten goodies all over this were making me crack up, and I was grinning at the "Not Your Fault" influence in this too! I'm a sucker for a giggle OOC under the influence Quincy, omg--I love him humiliated like that even more than I love him bleeding, half-conscious and half-naked. Ichigo is adorable here.

Ichigo is SO fucked. XD XD XD XD


nehalenia August 14 2009, 19:27:12 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, I was going to say that this chapter could stand as my entry into the "Hurt/Comfort Ishida" fest. Writing loopy Ishida is so weird because it feels so OOC for him -- but that's the point of it, I guess. Loopy, giggly Ishida just sort of has to be balanced by Panicked/Angry Ichigo, doesn't it?

Also glad you liked the Urahara Shouten 'products'. I can just picture that label, too. ;)

And yes, Ichigo is up the proverbial creek w/o a paddle for sure. I actually feel sorry for him, you know?


kuro_wolf August 14 2009, 13:39:13 UTC
Happy happy happy!
Ooohhh, yes Ichi, you are so fucked.
I am not updated with bleach at the moment so some parts like when Ishi lost his arm i didnt know that happened. I stopped watching the anime some time after ep 140 i think. Got like 100 eps to catch up on! hehehe
But i like the progression of the Ichi/mind battle. He is realising things. :D
Now i cant wait to find out what happens next! Ganbatte~


nehalenia August 15 2009, 23:04:39 UTC
Oh yeah, you are way behind! If you love Ichi/Ishi though, it's worth catching up on the manga as there were some exceptional IchiIshi moments recently; things that Ichigo will be feeling guilty about for a LONG time. (I guess I should have warned for spoilers for the current arc, huh?)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


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