Secret Christmas Gift for Anke

May 10, 2007 19:18

Why do I write this entry at a 10th of May, that's long passed?

Because it's a secret for Anke^^ *whispers* So don't tell^^
I couldn't imagine another way to reach all of her friends, because I don't have all your email adresses.

So now to the reason why I wrote this entry:

Maybe you have read about the japanese legend of folding 1000 cranes to grant a wish like long life and recovery from illness.
If you don't you can read it here^^

I had the idea of folding those as a christmas gift for my Dear Anke (asti-chan).

You can join^^ You can send me one or some more if you want.
I can stretch the wings of the crane so it shouldn't bee too difficult to send them in a letter^^ You can write your name or nickname on it, so she will see who folded it^^

I'm jumping through every LJ of her friends (who I see comment from time to time or of whom I know, they are important for her) so feel invited to be a part of this big christmas present^^

Folding is really easy^^

or the two coloured one:

I already have 220 cranes folded(I'll try to keep this number updated^^)
and recieved via mail: 10 cranes

If you want to join and don't have my adress already, I can send it to you via mail.
I don't like the imagination of posting my adress in an open LJ entry^^

Here's my email adress:
isha_chan (at)
When I don't answer your mail in about three days, then my mail account ate the email and you can try it again... My account did it before, so just to make sure I'll tell you this right away m(_ _)m

Thanks for reading and spending a thought^^

Oh, I forgot, you can delete my comment if I wrote in your LJ, to avoid Anke to read it^^ I wasn't sure about how to contact all of you^^

Another edit: The size doesn't matter (why do I start to giggle about this sentence o_O). Just not too big (postersize is way too big^^)

Edit 3: Deadline is somewhere in the middle of December, because I'll be visiting Anke one or two Days after Christmas. Then I will take all the cranes with me^^

Edit 4: (yes, more and more^^) Actual number of people joined: 39 \^^/
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