TIME wants some fan questions for M. Night Shyamalan about The Last Airbender. Everyone should go leave a comment asking why this film has been whitewashed! racebending has some good ideas for how to best word your question.
JUST IGNORE THEM especially that one kid posting like. Five comments every page. I'm actually getting second-hand embarrassment from the procasters, seriously.
Besides, it looks like the majority of the questions are "why did you whitewash this?"
Comments 11
291 Here's a question: why are all these "Racebenders" so blatantly stupid?
Besides, it looks like the majority of the questions are "why did you whitewash this?"
MNS has answered questions like this before, but with bullshit answers about HOW DIVERSE THE FILM IS! I fully expect some bullshit answers, though.
And if they don't ask him, then we'll just have to ask Time why they ignored 13 pages' (and counting!) worth of questions about it.
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