First LoM fanart

Feb 17, 2011 17:24

Title: Daddy's Gone
Fandom: Life on Mars
Music: "Daddy's Gone" by Glasvegas
Summary: A fanvid centered on Sam's relationship with his father, drawing primarily from the finale of Series 1.
Notes: This is my first time working with Life on Mars, and the first fanvid I've made in ages, so feedback would be great!

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life on mars, fanvid

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Comments 14

mountland February 18 2011, 10:56:17 UTC
Wow thats great! Really great!

Congrats on such a brilliant first fanvid. It's nice to see a fanvid that focuses on a major part of LoM that often gets forgotten in favour of the prettyness of other parts.

Downloading this and popping it onto my mp3 player :)

*rolls around in the beautiful angst of this video*

Also poor Sam your daddy may be gone but I am sure Gene will happily play (sugar)daddy for you XD <- well someone was going to have to make that joke at somepoint I'm just being honourable and saving someone else the pain of being the person to make such a bad joke ;P


isaytoodlepip February 18 2011, 13:07:57 UTC

The theme all came from hearing this song months ago and flashing on the scene where Sam plays footy with Vic in the park. Thought it was perfect but it took me a while to get around to doing something about it.

As for the prettyness, well, anything with John Simm in it, right? Can't be helped. And kudos on the sugardaddy joke :D I'd have put more Gene into the vid only I thought it might detract from the main focus. Still, had to stick a few bits in. And with that turn of phrase, here's hoping for more bad jokes ; )


mountland February 18 2011, 23:36:13 UTC
It truly is a brilliant idea, with the line 'all i wanted was a kick about in the park' I can see why it inspired you it fits so perfectly ( ... )


isaytoodlepip February 19 2011, 03:46:38 UTC
The song really does most of the work in this vid, I must admit. When I first found it, I played it on repeat for ages, so I'm glad you like it!


(The comment has been removed)

isaytoodlepip February 18 2011, 14:44:52 UTC
Thanks :) I'd worried that the 1x06 scene might be a bit obscure for people who don't remember what Sam was "hearing" at that moment, but I liked the parallels between these two moments when Sam has a gun to his head and how in one Vic (the memory of him) saves Sam's life while in the other he's threatening it. Something to do with the perhaps idealized version of Vic living on in Sam's childhood memories versus the reality Sam has to accept as an it stayed in! And hopefully people like you will get the connection or else it'll just look wonky ; ) Thanks for the comment!


fern_tree February 18 2011, 17:53:08 UTC
Wowwwww! This is amazing! And AWW it made my insides wibble for poor Sammy D:

The pacing of the song and the whole video is just brilliant. I'm gonna add to my Youtube faves right now for rewatching later :D <3


isaytoodlepip February 19 2011, 03:42:51 UTC
Thanks for the comment! Yeah, that whole episode made me want to give Sam a big hug.


rincewindy13 February 20 2011, 10:14:35 UTC


chamekke February 20 2011, 20:06:22 UTC
I love this! It's a truly refreshing take on LoM. And the way you worked in Sam's memories of Vic from 1x06 was masterful.


isaytoodlepip February 21 2011, 01:50:03 UTC
Thanks very much for the comment!


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