I intended to write about new months...

May 06, 2006 00:46

Nothing really stands out in my mind happening Tuesday through Friday.  Besides the daily...  Get up at 7:30, play with my tapes / watch an ep of the Mole, Australia.  Shower at 8:30.  Leave at 9:45.  Go on rounds from 11 to 1.

*sigh*  This one case...  Guy comes in, first thing I notice is jaundice.  I don't remember the H&P exactly, but I think everything pretty much was negative, at the time of admission.  He seemed kinda out of it when we saw him.  We interviews the wife.  Drugs?  He tested positive for opiates.  Wife says the only drugs he took were pain killers and they weren't codeine.  As far as she knew he never took drugs.  Oh yeah, he did complain of RUQ pain, liver?  gallbladder?  I mean, he was jaundiced.  Vomiting.  Other than that nothing.  No alcohol.  Had a respiratory infection a few weeks prior.  Anyway, they pretty much thought he had autoimmune hemolytic anemia.  Cause...  Not exactly sure.  Oh yeah, they were also concerned it could be secondary to ant spray...  36 years old.  When we were on rounds, we discovered he had coded, like a few mins prior.  When we were there, family there and everything.  He coded again.  Is it a requirement for all interns to show up?  I mean, there were a lot of people just standing around.  And the family was there.  I guess the group of people shielded them.  I tired to watch / not watch.  I mean, he was our patient, but we had other patients we had to see as well.  In all likelihood he probably died.  36...  His wife was pregnant as well.

Ugh...  This guy, asked me about my lifedrive.  Later Dr. Jamil asks if anyone has a calculator...  Actually he wanted that thing that calculated GFR.  Anyway, what's his face basically said I was the go to girl.  I then had to look up Ddx, indications for Herpes Zoster treatment, etc, etc.  Ugh...

Dad had an eye doc appointment.  I ended up going with him.  N.B.  This is an ophthalmologist, as in an eye doc that went through medical school, has an MD after his name.  From what I could tell by the diplomas on the wall, he went to the university of Alabama.  Did his residency at Harvard.  Fellowship in...  Some vitreous / retinal thing...  Anyway, a lot of sitting around / waiting.  Doc finally comes in to see him like an hour later.  Dad of course has to mention that I'm pursuing medicine.  What does he say?  Go into business.  Little did he know I'm almost done.  Dad asked if I learned anything.  He talked to fast when he dictated his note...  So no.  Honestly, it was a complete waste of time.  I don't even know what Dad had...  I think it's retinal detachment, but I don't remember the doc saying that.

Haha...  Funny how things change.  I started writing this cause I wanted to comment on Texas Ranch House.  But before, my main objective when I write was...

New month.  I kinda hate it.  Time to make a new homepage layout / html journal pic, etc, etc.  Why do it?  Why waste my time?

OK, Texas ranch House.  When it started, I don't even remember what happened.  But ooh...  I'm getting flashbacks to Manor House, my favorite out of the series.  Looking back...  In as sense you don't really learn about history, cause it focuses on 21st century people trying to live in the past.  One girl was saying that's what they're supposed to do, so in a sense they succeeded.  Really?  That's hard to believe considering they seemed strict in the past.  Then the outcome...  OK, so the goal is to get some cattle, drive them off to some military camp and sell them off.  See if they'd be able to survive more than the summer with those profits, etc.  He did successfully do that, but the fact that their 21st century roles kinda affected it.  Their upstairs / downstairs attitude.  The cowboys basically walked off.  The ranchers turned out the be the bad guys, etc, etc.  So the assessment.  Sure they sold the cattle, but the fact they didn't have good financial records, the house was a sty, and their biggest asset, the cowboys were gone, they couldn't survive more than the summer.  So it was a failure.  Once again...  My biggest problem...  The whole role of the sexes.  Yes I understand it was a different time, we're 21st century women, it's not right, etc, etc.  But isn't the purpose of going back in time to experience how it was?  To have a maid of all work turn farm hand cause she doesn't like her day to day work.  Overall...  I liked it.  It's no Manor House.  But it was good.  To rank...  I'd say:
1.  Manor House
2.  1940 House
3.  1900 House
4.  Texas Ranch House
5.  Regency House Party
6.  Frontier House
7.  Colonial House

I had planned to spent my "shopping days," 10% off everything at Borders on all the series, but SB has them all, but Frontier House.

Anyway, I think I'll watch a little Manor House and sleep.
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