I don't even know why I bother with a screen!

May 04, 2019 21:10

Not only is it see through, when I went in Fr. I looked out from behind it to see who was entering!  He was also on the phone!  By the time I closed the door he had put it away though.  It was a no frill confession.  He didn't counsel me, just gave me my penance and told me to do my act of contrition.  I honestly don't even remember if he absolved me.  I mean...  I heard him whispering as I was doing my AofC...

Afterward I asked him to bless my scapulars.  So I'm wearing that now.

But seriously...  Them coming over on Sats is interfering with me going to confession.  I posted on twitter.  "Guess I need to stop sinning!"  HAHAHA!!!

They came relatively early.  Got to the mall around 11.  They said to meet 12:30 to 1.  Not sure when we met...  I was sitting there by 12.  We then ate at Applebees b/c Tita Neng wanted to go to Ulta.  I got a burger and salad.  Didn't eat much.  Maybe a 3rd of my burger.  As I said Tita Neng wanted to shop.  So...  I went to modells for a bit.  Went into Ulta.  So out of place...  So I sat on a bench.  Then waited in the car paranoid.  It was getting past 3.  Then I heard Tita Evelyn wanted to go to Rite Aid.  She was looking for planting pots.  There were none.  I was scurred we'd end up going to white post farms, but I was making comments to hurry up I wanted to go somewhere / saying I needed to go to confession under my breath.  We then got home maybe 3:40.  But then they're dilly dallying, using the bathroom, looking at social media, etc.  I'm like...  Can you at least move your car?  Mom then said she was going too.  Anyway, we didn't leave till past 4.

Afterward we went to Target.  I just wanted oatmeal and maxi pads.  I only got the former.  They didn't have my brand.  Just got them from walmart / for pick up tomorrow.

Oh yeah, I bought cheap earphones from that Swedish store and...  They don't work.  I wanted something without those rubber ear buds b/c...  All I hear it myself breathe / every move I make.  My favorite earphones in the world broke.  I have back up pairs, but I want to save them for now and thought I could use the ear tips on these cheaps ones.


Bishop Barron posted to his instagram a summary of Brideshead Revisited / how it's an example of evangelization.  Mind blown!!!  I mean...  I've read in the past it's about Charles falling in love with man, woman, then God.  But then Bishop Barron talks about how he's introduced to the "church" through the beauty and art of Brideshead, then to its inhabitants, Sebastian's mother, who introduces the morality of the church, eventually coming to embrace the philosophy of the church / the Eucharist.

I follow this actor from The Americans on Instagram and among his posts, he posts Christmas / Easter pics...  Russian Orthodox.  But the fact I've become somewhat familiar via CSYSK / Father Michael the Byzantine priest I know they have certain greetings.  Like the response to "He is risen" is "Indeed He is risen".  So I greeting him with that.  Lol.

Jhumna posted a church pic on Divine Mercy Sunday.  That turned into an invitation to go to her church.  I mentioned being a bad Godmother / I should probably go to church with Alex.  She then mentioned he's either going to Buffalo, LIU or CW Post?  Don't go to Buffalo...  Honestly, Dr. L even said, no one we know who went there graduated.  Anyway, I checked out the church website.  Praise dancers???  Like liturgical dance?  They say they're Haitian / Caribbean based.  Uh...  I went to church in Dominica and...  Sure there was overt praise and shouts of Amen.  And...  Lots and lots of singing.  Mass was seriously and hour thirty.  But...  No liturgical dance.  Not even on Palm Sunday, which was bring your own shrubbery day!  HAHAHA!!!

7500centfish is in Texas, or as I'm now calling Woodmere 2.0 to babysit the aunts.  Candice and her hubby met her as well.  Don't know if they're still there, but 7500centfish texted me she was stuck with the Aunts outlet shopping.  My condolences!  HAHAHA!!!

They thought Dr. L and co were going on vacay next week.  Nope.  Anyway, I mentioned that I took HH off.  I still don't know what their plans are.  But I'm thinking of being a big girl and driving down myself.  I'd like to have a back up...  Then at the same time...  The fact flying is so convenient.  I'd have to find a flight out of Islip or park in Queens or something.  I don't know...  My monthly confession session also falls during HH.  I'm always up for a new priest!

  • A bunch of Nuns posted a pic with Tim Tebow at the Syracuse Mets game.  I commented, look like my prayers are working!  Lol...  Seriously...  The fact his father's ministry says the majority of Filipinos don't know who God is...
  • Travis d'Arnaud was released.  It was made official today.  Sad...  But he didn't live up to his potential.  I mean...  He was traded for 2 Cy Young winner and...  His offense didn't hold up and he was injured a lot.  I honestly thought he should have gone to the minors work every day and come back strong.  But...  Nope, he's officially a free agent.
  • Caught "Egypt With the World's Greatest Explorer", with Ralph and Joseph Fiennes' cousin (I though it was their uncle) Sir Ranulph Fiennes.  I only caught the last ep.  Too bad the rest of the eps aren't avail on demand.  Looks like a cool show.  But I would have loved Ralph in there.  Kinda made me want to watch The English Patient.  HAHAHA...
  • It was the feast of my confirmation saint, Catherine of Siena.  I honestly don't know why I chose her.  I wanted to be St. Christine b/c POTO.  Is there even a St. Christine!?!  But Mom said no and was insistent I had a C name...  Then Jennie had toured the college and that was a C name so.  I honestly had no clue about her.  But then we went to actually Siena and.  Did I see her head?  I thought I had, but then pictures on line don't seem familiar to me.  Anyway, I always thought it was cool they did the Litany of Saints and they combined our names, so they did "Sts. Elizabeth and Catherine" "Pray for us".
  • There is a twitter account trying to organize a veneration of relics in museums, the Met, Cloisters and the Morgan.  Sound pretty cool.  I hope it actually drawn interest, in the good sense and not cause them to be kicked out.
  • Subibor was messed up.  The whole family visit was muted.  Well...  There were no vocals, just back ground music.  It came back on, but then went out again for tribal.  They posted a link later to rewatch, but I didn't even bother.
  • I ate meat on purpose on Friday to force myself to get accustomed to the Stations of the Cross.  I did it, but...  I didn't like it.  Like...  I was looking for a scriptural based one and...  It was just a lot of I don't know how to describe it, touchy feely charismatic prayer.  Like constantly saying "Jesus, my Love".  It was weird...
  • catholicism

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