Bad Love ~ an 'Essex Boys' story ~ Chapter 4

May 18, 2006 09:35

Here's the next Chapter of my little Jason fic.

Disclaimer:The characters from the movie do not belong to me, but I have given them new friends to play with. And my apologies to the original writers for completely changing the second half. ;)
Rating: NC-17 (Things are heatin' up!)
Beta: A big "Thank You!" to my dear friend Jacqui for reading and helping me out with dialect. *hugs*

For the next couple a days we spent a lotta time at tha Avalon. Least, me an’ Jason did. Course Jason wasn’ gonna let nobody else ‘andle tha dealin’s at tha Avalon. He was there evr’y night keepin’ an eye on things, an those things mostly bein’ Alex Sinclair.

She was real cool ‘round ‘im tho’, keepin’ ‘er distance, not givin’ ‘im any special treatment. I’d almost get tha feelin’ she didn’t care fer Jason one bit, til I see her lookin’ at ‘im when she thinks no one’s payin’ attention. An’ then she gets ‘at look in ‘er eye. I seen that look plenty a times from the women ‘round Jason. Not sure wot it is really, but the birds just seem ta flock to ‘im. Not that I’m complainin’, ‘cause when I’m with ‘im they look at me diff’rent, too, an’ that ain’t all bad, is it? But, yeah, even a bird like Alex Sinclair seems to be drawn ta Jason Locke, even tho’ she’s tryin’ not ta let it show.

I bin trying ta get ta know that bartender, Bobby, like Jason wants, but the bloke ain’t very talkative. He watches Jason like a hawk, tho’. An’ I notice that even though he’s hardly talked ta Alex while I bin around, he keeps an eye on ‘er, too. When I asked ‘im how he liked workin’ fer Alex he just shrugged an’ said “It’s awright.” I bin getting’ ‘im to respond to a little small talk but I ain’t asked much else ‘bout Alex yet. He seems ta be getting’ used ta me a bit an’ don’t seem ta mind me sittin’ at the bar. He even laughed yesterday when Jason said summat ta me, bein’ an arse like he can be sometimes, an afta he walked away, I just rolls me eyes. I remember thinkin’ wot a wanker his is. Anyways, Bobby saw it an’ started laughin’, an’ I couldn’t help but laugh wit ‘im.

Then he asks me, “How tha hell did ya get ta be mates with ‘at prick, anyway?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call us mates.” I tell ‘im. “I just work fer ‘im.” Truth is, if I wasn’t paid so well, I would definitely find some one else ta spend me time wit, tha’s fer sure. Besides, after all I seen, somehow I don’ think they’d jus’ let me up an’ quit, now would they? But anyways, after that he started bein’ a bit more social like, but it sure was plain he didn’ like Jason one bit. I’m jus wonderin’ how long it’s gonna be ‘fore those two go at it again.


The last few days had been sheer torture for Alex Sinclair. After heading up stairs Sunday night, she had attempted to get totally pissed, but after consuming nearly half a bottle of vodka and not feeling anything more than slight buzz, she had given up. Why was it when you wanted to get drunk, the alcohol seemed to have little effect?

Her body had been on fire. After what Jason started at the bar, she had needed one hell of a fuck. But there had been no one to help her out in that department. After what Bobby had said to her, there was no way she could have gone to him. Besides, Mick would have knocked her silly. Nope, she had been on her own that night, with nothing but a cold shower that did little to douse the flames.

She had lain in bed, the sheets kicked back because she couldn’t stand anything to touch her. Every little rustle of the fabric reminded her of Jason’s touch, gently down her arm or softly moving up her leg. In frustration she had gotten up and began rummaging through her drawers until she found the dildo Mick had given her after the first time she had brought Bobby to her bed after the break up. “Next time ya get the urge, use this.” He had said, “And leave the poor sod alone.”

She had never used it, never wanted to. She preferred the real thing, she told herself. But that night she was desperate. When she found it she quickly slid it out of it’s silky pouch and held it up in front of her. It certainly was realistic, not one of those bullet shaped things, no, this was very detailed, right down to the veins running the length of the shaft. It was about eight inches long with a perfectly shaped head. ‘Damn’, she thought, too bad there wasn’t a nice warm body attached to it.

She had finally just said, “What the fuck” and leaning against her dresser spread her legs, closed her eyes and went for it. Not bad, she thought at first, and imagined it was Jason’s cock thrusting into her. Then she started imagining Jason’s hands and mouth on her, touching her, kissing her neck, her mouth, but she didn’t feel it. She didn’t feel the heat of his body on hers, didn’t feel his strong arms around her. She had cried out in frustration as she threw her rubber substitute across the room.

Alex flopped down on to her bed. “Damn him.” She muttered and proceeded to finish herself off with her own fingers before finally succumbing to a very restless sleep. She had awakened very early the next morning, with a killer headache and another dull ache still lower.

After her tea and several aspirin her head had begun to feel better, the other ache however, continued. Thinking it may help to do something physical she decided to go for a run. It had been over a week since she had gone for a jog on the beach, so donning her running shoes and a pair of shorts and a tank top she walked the few blocks to the beach and found the exercise definitely helped.

So every morning this week she repeated the ritual, because every night Jason never failed to get to her in some way. Not so much as those few minutes at the bar, but he never failed to take advantage of any opportunity to touch her, steal a glance or a kiss if he was able. Though she did her best to avoid him when he was in the club, he always found some reason to be near her. But it was more the way he did it that unnerved her. It wasn’t that he was clinging to her or following her everywhere. It just seemed that no matter where she went to get away from him, she would turn around and he would be there, not far away, talking to someone, getting a drink, wrapping his arm around some blonde. And he would catch her eye, and the look in those amazing green eyes never failed to stir something inside her. Christ, he could get her wet with just a glance.

Jason commented on her appearance every night, telling her how good she looked in that dress, or how much better he liked her hair up because she had such a beautiful neck. Of course he would have to punctuate the comment with a gentle caress down the length of her arm or a seductive nibble at the base of her neck. Then he would be off on business, checking in on things out front or taking care of a minor problem somewhere in the club. And just when Alex would start to relax again, he would be back, and he would catch her eye again, starting the cycle all over again.

She had to admit, though, with Jason in the club, there was hardly any trouble at all. His mere presence had a calming effect on the crowd. Everyone knew him and his reputation. If anyone started anything, they were not from Essex and as soon as Jason got involved it was finished. Jason saw to that.

Shaun complained because he didn’t have anything to do, so he started wearing a suit like Mick and they managed the club together. Bobby kept to himself for the most part, only speaking to Alex when absolutely necessary, and then only on matters concerning work. He didn’t apologize for what he had said to her, and truthfully, she didn’t really expect him to. He really had nothing to apologize for.

Alex watched Bobby behind the bar, it was a Thursday and things were starting to pick up for the weekend already so they had scheduled a second bartender for the night. She knew Bobby hated having someone else behind the bar but it was necessary and on Fridays and Saturdays they usually needed a third person as well. He got on well enough with Nate though and they appeared to work seamlessly together.

Alex noticed a pretty redhead watching Bobby’s every move, though he seemed oblivious to her. The girl finally caught his eye and flashed a bright, flirtatious smile. Bobby didn’t really notice. “Can I get ya somethin’?” was all he said. From the look in the girl’s eyes, Alex knew exactly what she would like from Bobby. Alex couldn’t blame her really. Bobby was definitely a good-looking man; he had those big beautiful brown eyes and full soft lips. He was starting to grow his beard back, too, and had few days’ worth of stubble that looked incredibly sexy.

Oh no, she could not go there, Alex reminded herself. She was not going to take advantage of Bobby again no matter how bad Jason was getting to her. A little stab of jealousy went through Alex as Bobby set a drink in front of the redhead and the girl reached out and placed her hand on Bobby’s. He looked up; finally realizing that she had been coming on to him and smiled. He did have a beautiful smile, thought Alex.

“Not jealous are ya?”

Alex nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Jason’s voice so close to her ear. Jason chuckled at her surprise. “Don’t worry, babe, she ain’t got nothin’ on you.” He purred, the seductive lull of his words sending chills down her spine.

“Don’t be silly.” Replied Alex, trying to sound unaffected. “Why would I be jealous? Bobby is free to do as he pleases.”

“Right.” Jason said, not hiding his sarcasm. “But then he might not wanna be yer play thing any more, eh?”

Alex turned to face him. Jason could see the resentment in her beautiful brown eyes. “He’s not my…”

Jason’s laugh cut her off. “C’mon Alex, ya can git off yer high-horse wit me! I don’t blame ya, I wish I’d a done tha same. It’d make things a lot easier if I never got married.”

“Oh, please!” laughed Alex, “Like that would make a difference, you fuck anyone you want now, don’t you?”

That damnable smirk spread across Jason’s lips and his left brow raised as green eyes bore into her. “Not quite.” He said his voice changing back to his deep seductive hum and Alex fully understood his meaning. “But I aim ta fix ‘at soon enough.”

Jason leaned closer as he slid his right hand around her waist and pulled her tight. Alex turned her head away from him but that did nothing to deter his mouth, it merely sought another target, pressing against the soft skin of her slender throat. “I think maybe tonight.” He murmured, barely audible above the pounding music of the club. His left hand brushed her hair back away from her neck to give him better access to her delectable skin. “I wanna taste more…” he growled.

His seduction was interrupted by the sound of breaking glass behind him. “Fuck!” he muttered and turned around to see a guy being helped up after falling on a table and knocking everything to the floor.

Alex was slowly regaining her composure now that his hot mouth was not robbing her of her senses. “Time to earn your money, Locke.” She told him. Jason eyes narrowed as he turned back to her, he didn’t say anything, but his look warned her he would be back.

Jason went over and grabbed the drunk by the arm. He had seen the guy around the clubs; he wasn’t one that was normally any trouble. “Think you’ve ‘ad enough, mate.” Jason told him firmly.

The man looked up at Jason and grinned when he saw who it was. “Jashon Locke! How da hell are ya!” The man slapped Jason on his shoulder, his speech was slurred and his breath smelled of scotch, a lot of scotch. “Jashon, me man, I’m shelabratin! Me divorsh wuz final taday!”

“Yeah?” asked Jason, then muttered to himself, “Lucky bastard.” He motioned to one of his boys by the door. “Well, yer gonna ‘ave ta finish celebratin’ somewhere else, mate.” He handed the drunk off to his man and turned around to see Shaun and one of the waitresses cleaning things up. He was irritated as hell for having such a simple thing take him away from Alex. Looking back to the bar, he became even more annoyed when he saw she was gone. “Fuck!” he muttered and began searching the crowd.

As soon as Alex had seen it was only a minor problem she took the opportunity to disappear up to her office. If she didn’t get away from Jason tonight she feared her strength would give out and she’d be sorry in the morning. She was already going to be sorry in the morning, the way she was feeling she was going to have to run a few extra miles to get rid of some of this frustration that Jason kept building up in her. She was so close to saying “What the hell!” and giving in, she had never wanted one man so much in her life, and of course it had to be the man she should stay away from more than anyone else, too.

Before she escaped upstairs she had warned Mick to keep an eye on Jason and be sure she wasn’t followed. She watched through the window as Jason had turned and saw she was gone. She couldn’t help but smile at the look on his face. Serves him right, she thought, thinking he was going to get anywhere with her tonight. A deep sigh escaped Alex’s lips as she realized he probably would have if not for that drunk.

Alex watched as one of Jason’s boys went up to him and looking quite annoyed informed Jason of something that must have been going on outside the club. It was obvious Jason was not happy as he followed the man out of the club.

“Well, it looks like he’ll be busy for a while.” Alex said aloud to herself. Now maybe she could really relax for a few minutes. She grabbed the remote to the stereo and kicking off her heels sat behind her desk and propping her feet up pressed the power button and began looking for music more to her liking. She hated that techno crap they played downstairs and although the office was soundproofed she could still hear, or more accurately, feel the beat through the floor. Glad that they had installed satellite radio in the office, she found a good rock station and sat back and closed her eyes.

Downstairs Jason had gone outside to find the newly divorced drunk had passed out as soon as he got out in the fresh air and put a good gash on his forehead when he hit the pavement. The guy was out cold and bleeding all over the sidewalk. At least it hadn’t happened in the club, thought Jason as he sent one of the guys in to get Mick and a couple of towels. If he had his way he would just leave the bastard laying there, but he knew Alex would not approve of that, and he wasn’t about to fuck things up now, when he was so close to getting what he wanted.

Mick came out and he decided the guy should probably go to the hospital and finding a couple of his friends inside sent them on their way, hoping they would not hold the club liable for the man’s stupidity.

As Jason came back in the club he resumed his search for Alex. He was determined he was going to take things up a notch or two tonight, he sensed a bit of acquiescence in Alex tonight and he wasn’t going to let that slip by. Knowing she had probably gone upstairs, Jason excused himself and went to clean up. He was sure Mick would not just let him go up unannounced so he would have to wait for the right opportunity.

When he came out of the bathroom he saw Mick involved in conversation with Shaun and Jason used the distraction to slip down the hall and up the stairs. At the top of the stairs he found the office door closed but could here music on the other side, not the club music, but rather loud rock music. Jason chuckled to himself, for someone who owned a dance club; she seemed to prefer listening to something with more of an edge to it.

Carefully turning the knob, Jason pushed the door open a crack. He almost laughed out loud when he saw her. Alex was at her desk, long, shapely legs propped up, leaning back, with her eyes closed, and singing her heart out using the remote as her microphone.

Is she perverted like me?
Would she go down on you in a theatre?

He had heard the song before and his cock twitched at the thought of Alex performing that act on him. The thought of those luscious lips wrapped around him made him instantly hard.

He slipped quietly inside and closed the door behind him, careful not to make a sound, though she probably wouldn’t hear him with the music so loud. He watched for a moment from across the room enjoying her performance, thinking how she never failed to amaze him. Everyday he saw a new side to her, and everyday he was that much more fascinated with her.

Jason smiled as he approached the desk, she still had no idea she had an audience and kept up her little show, singing along, her feet moving with the music, her hands gesturing with the lyrics.

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know

Alex poured her heart into the chorus and Jason almost gave himself away as he struggled to keep from laughing. He leaned against the desk, facing her, his hip only a few inches from her outstretched legs. He resisted the temptation to run his fingers down their silky lengths. Jason’s gaze ran up the length of her legs to the hem of her tight fitting red dress. She looked amazing in red, he thought, and the cut of this dress showed off her incredible figure. He bent his head slightly wishing it was just a bit shorter, and was rewarded with a brief glimpse of her matching red underwear as she moved her leg in response to the music.

Did you forget about me, Mr. Duplicity?
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced
Are you thinking of me when you fuck her?

To put emphasis on that last line Alex turned slightly in her chair, nearly jumping out of her skin when her ankle brushed up against Jason’s pants. Her eyes flew open and she shrieked when she saw Jason right in front of her.

Jason burst out laughing and applauded as Alex turned a deep shade of red. She made a move to take her feet of the desk but Jason stopped her with a warm touch of his hand. “Leave ‘em.” He said, his eyes filled with amusement and something else that made Alex’s skin tingle.

Using the remote, Alex turned the stereo off. “How long have you been here?”

“Long enough.” Jason replied with a laugh. “’at was very entertainin’.”

“I like that song.” She said in her defense.

Jason grinned as his hand ran lightly over her calf. “I could tell.” His eyes grew dark as they travel up the length of her body before finally meeting hers. “Has special meanin’ to ya, does it?”

“No, not…well, maybe a little I guess.” She admitted. “It’s always reminded me of the man I was seeing in college, seems he forgot to mention he was married.”

“Yeah…” said Jason in mock sympathy, “Ya gotta watch out fer the married ones, don’t ya?” His hand moved a little higher as he kept his eyes on hers. A grin spread across his face as he saw she did not appreciate his joke. Changing the subject he asked, “A college girl, eh? I figured as much.”

“UCLA.” Alex answered proudly.

“Yeah?” he said, thinking he should sound impressed, when in truth he wasn’t really sure what UCLA was.

Alex didn’t miss the flash of uncertainty in his haunting green eyes. “UCLA…University of California…Los Angeles…” she explained.

“I know wot ya meant.” He lied. “ Is ‘at where ya learned the night club business, Los Angeles?”

“Well, not at school, my degree is in Art History.” She said with a laugh. “But I think I spent more time in the clubs than I did in class. I’m surprised I even graduated!”

“So ya were a wild one, eh?” Jason wished he could have seen her then.

“Yeah, I guess. I actually worked in a lot of different clubs. Dance clubs, rock clubs, gentlemen’s clubs.” Her eyes gave Jason a mischievous twinkle at the mention of the last one that caused his balls to tighten and he swallowed slowly.

“Gentlemen’s club? Wot'd ya do there?”

“I was a dancer.” She replied with her Mona Lisa smile.

“Yeah?” Jason’s eyes widened as he pictured it. “You were a stripper?”

Alex raised her chin almost proudly. “We prefer the term ‘exotic dancer’.” She informed him. “They were very up-scale clubs.”

“I’m sure.” Jason couldn’t imagine Alex doing anything that was not up-scale. What he could imagine was her doing a very erotic strip tease. He leaned forward and his hand moved slowly up her thigh. “I can’t wait ta see ya dance fer me.” He told her, a husky growl tainting his words.

Alex’s heart quicken at his words and the feel of his fingers grazing her skin. “I don’t do that anymore.” She told him, though she could definitely see herself dancing for him if things were different. She had no doubt he would be a very appreciative audience.

“No?” he asked leaning even closer, his hand toying with the hem of her dress. “Ya never danced fer yer bartender, then?” His voice was low and barely above a whisper. Alex could only shake her head in response and Jason was pleased with her answer, he didn’t want to think of her dancing for Bobby or anyone else for that matter.

With his right hand on the arm of her chair to brace himself, Jason moved closer, his lips brushing hers. “Don’t ya think it’s time we put an end ta all this?” he whispered.

Alex could barely think, her desire for this man was so overwhelming. She was tired of fighting it, but she could not bring herself to say yes, no matter how much she wanted to. “Jason…” His hot mouth pressing full against hers interrupted her words; he pulled himself away from the desk to be able to kiss her properly. His tongue demanded entry and a whimper caught in her throat as she opened her mouth and accepted him. Jason slid his left hand under her dress and dipped around to grip the rounded cheek of her arse. A groan rumbled in his chest as felt the firm flesh in his hand and he forced his tongue deeper.

Jason almost snapped when he felt her hands on his chest, pushing him away. “Jason, please…stop…” Alex murmured.

Backing away slightly, Jason looked at her bringing his hand back up to her thigh, his green eyes bright with passion, his breathing labored. “Alex…” he rasped, trying desperately to contain the anger and disappointment he felt at being pushed away again, “Ya can’t tell me ya don’t want me.”

Taking a deep breath herself, Alex couldn’t deny it. “I never said that.” Her desire was obvious in her voice. “But maybe I just want you all to myself.”

Jason moved forward and kissed her again. “Baby, there ain’t no one else ‘ere.” His lips moved down her throat and she closed her eyes. “I’m all yers.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She said hoarsely.

Raising his head, Jason took a deep breath. His face was only inches away from hers as he bent over her; his right hand came up to brush her hair back off her shoulder. “Alex…can’t we just have tanight…one night?”

“Jason…” With his eyes burning into hers she couldn’t finish, but could only shake her head slowly. If she thought she could just leave it at one night, Alex was tempted to say yes, it would probably be much safer than any type of real relationship with this man, but with the way he made her feel she knew she could never be happy with one night. The more she got from him, the more she wanted.

Jason knew she was unsure and thought to convince her with more kisses. With both hands now, he cupped her face, his lips teasing at first, before becoming more demanding, more convincing. “At least let me taste ya…” he murmured, “Ya gotta be needin’ it as much as I do.” Then came more persuasive kisses. “Unless yer boy down stairs ‘as bin takin’ care a ya.”

“No…” replied Alex, barely able to form the words between even more kisses. “I’m not…doing…that…to him…anymore.”

That was all fine and good with Jason, should make things that much easier. “All I bin thinking ‘bout all week was how good ya tasted, how sweet…”

Alex felt like each kiss, every little touch of his lips was robbing her of what little will power she had left. “I have ta taste more, Alex…” he continued, “I wanna dip me tongue inside ya, suck on that sweet little cunt a yers, til ya can’t take it no more…” Alex could feel herself getting wetter and wetter with every word, every touch.

Taking her silence as a positive sign, his hands moved slowly down, cupping her breasts, his fingers toying with her nipples through the fabric of her dress, dipping into the soft valley of her exposed cleavage. Alex’s groan only motivated him further, she hadn’t said ‘no’ he surmised, so he would keep going. Not that a ‘no’ usually stopped Jason Locke, but it was different this time, he wanted Alex to be completely willing, with no need for force, a little coercion maybe, but not force. He wanted her to want him, and it was obvious she did, and he wanted all of her, nothing held back.

Tempting, teasing hands moved expertly down her body and when she felt their warmth on the bare skin of her thighs, Alex took a long, slow, deep breath. When they moved up under her dress she held that breath until Jason’s fingers hooked around the top of her red satin bikinis. His eyes locked on hers as he started to pull them down. “Lift up that sweet, little arse a yers.” He ordered. Gripping the arms of the chair, Alex did as she was told, and he slid the garment over her bottom and down her thighs.

Honey-brown eyes watched as Jason gently lifted her feet to completely remove her panties and held them up for his inspection. “Verra nice…” he commented huskily before holding them to his nose and inhaling her scent. He could feel her dampness as he folded them neatly and tucked them into the breast pocket of his jacket, pulling them up a bit so they looked like a fancy handkerchief peeking out. Jason was dressed all in black, a nice black suit with a black silk shirt beneath and the red satin looked like it belonged there.

“What are you…” started Alex but was silenced by Jason.

“Shhh…” he urged, “Just sit back an’ enjoy…” He lifted her left leg and moved between them. Leaning back on the desk he took a moment to admire the view. He reached down and pushed up the hem of her dress, giving him a full view of his prize. Noticing the distinct lines of a very minimal bathing suit, his cock stiffened even more (if that was possible) as he imagined her lounging by his pool. His eyes followed the very thin pale stripes to the smooth clean-shaven mound at the middle. God, he loved a naked pussy, he thought. A groan rumbled in his throat as he thought about burying himself in her hot, and so obviously wet cunt.

Alex had never seen such blatant desire on a man’s face before, and that fact that she was the source only increased her own building passion. She thought she would scream if he didn’t do something. “Are you waiting for me to change my mind?” she teased.

The corner of Jason’s mouth went up in his familiar lop-sided grin. “’Fraid it’s too late fer that, love.” He answered huskily and leaned forward, his hands slid up her thighs as he did so. As he stood and bent over her to seek out her mouth once again, his hands slipped under her dress and then underneath her to cup the temptingly sweet arse he had admired from the moment he first saw her. Alex groaned as he squeezed and pulled him down to her, her tongue desperately battling with his.

Jason brought one hand around to caress the silky skin over her sex before sliding it between her legs and stroking her wet folds bringing moans from Alex’s lips. She turned her head to the side, gasping, as Jason shoved his fingers inside of her. “Christ, yer like a fuckin’ furnace.” He murmured as his mouth moved down her neck. The sound of her wetness could be heard as Jason’s hand moved in an out before spreading her juices through the folds of her cunt and teasing her swollen clit.

Jason’s mouth had moved to the soft swell of her breast and nibbled at her right nipple through the fabric of her dress. He had very gifted hands, thought Alex, but she could not wait any longer to see if his tongue was just as talented. Displaying her impatience, she pushed on his shoulders, urging him lower.

Chuckling, Jason looked up at her. “Wantin’ it now, are ya?”

“Just get on your knees, boy.” She ordered. “And give me what you promised.”

Jason’s left brow went up in amusement at the term ‘boy’. No other woman would ever get away with talking to him like that. “Pushy bitch, aren’t ya?” Before she could answer he grabbed her hips and pulled her roughly to the edge of the chair. His amazing green eyes met hers as he slowly knelt before her. With her feet propped on the edge of the desk, Jason spread her thighs wider. He smiled with satisfaction at the pleading look in her beautiful brown eyes. She was finally his.

Without further hesitation Jason buried his face between her legs. Alex stiffened as his tongue delved deep, lapping up her sweet nectar, before sliding through her soaked crease to tease her clit. She arched her back, pushing her hips toward him. “Oh God…” Alex cried breathlessly, pushing down on the back of Jason’s head.

Jason gladly increased his efforts, pushing her thighs nearly to her chest, splaying her wide open before renewing his attack. He devoured her mouth-watering pussy like a man starved for months. His tongue moved relentlessly, in and out, back and forth, pausing only briefly to suck at her engorged nub. Alex squirmed with pleasure, barely able to stay in her chair. “Jason…” Her whisper went straight to Jason’s cock.

It wasn’t long before a week’s worth of pent up passion exploded through her body, causing her to writhe and buck uncontrollably as wave after wave enveloped her. Jason nearly came himself as she cried his name over and over again. He looked up at her as she attempted to catch her breath; he watched the rise and fall of her breasts, watched as she swallowed slowly, licking her lips. Alex lifted her head slowly, and looked down at him. “Come here.” She said, her voice thick with lust.

Jason rose, practically climbing up the length of her body. “Like that, did ya?” he teased with a cocky grin. Alex only responded by grabbing him behind the neck and pulling his mouth to hers. Groaning, Jason took her other hand and guided it to his throbbing dick, which she grabbed eagerly. “Ya know I can’t stop now.” He told her as a matter of fact, there was no question in his voice now.

“I know.” She answered simply.

Quickly Jason slid his hands beneath her and picked her up as she wrapped both arms and legs around him. His mouth never left hers as he turned around and set her on the edge of the desk. Sliding his hand between them, Jason struggled with the buckle of his belt. He cursed to himself; he wanted her so bad his hands were shaking as he finally released the buckle and fumbled with the button of his pants. Just as he found the pull on his zip there was a knock at the office door.

“You gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me!” muttered Jason.

Mick didn’t wait for an answer and quickly pushed the door open. “Ah! There you are, Jason! Peter’s looking for you.” Alex pushed Jason away from her and quickly stood behind him as she pulled her dress down.

“Yeah? Well, tell ‘im I’m busy.” He answered gruffly and turned to Alex, pulling her tight against him.

Mick wasn’t about to leave and coughed to get Jason’s attention. Jason turned around, furious. “Didn’t ya fuckin’ ‘ear me? We’re busy!”

Mick’s gaze narrowed. He was normally a pretty easygoing chap, but he was really getting sick of Jason’s attitude. “I heard you fine.” He answered sharply. “I also need to get change for the bar.”

Jason growled. “So get it and get the fuck out!”

Alex put her hand on Jason’s chest in an attempt to calm him. “Jason…”

“I’m not about to open the safe with you in the room.” Mick informed Jason.

“Christ, tha last thing I’m int’rested in right now is yer fuckin’ safe!” growled Locke. “If you’da walked in a minute later, mate, ya’d seen that.” He slid his hand down and roughly squeezed Alex’s arse, reminding them all just what he was interested in. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” he stated stubbornly.

Alex pushed him away roughly. He had to go and get all macho now and ruin everything, she thought. “Jason, it’s a policy we have between the four of us, it’s nothing personal.” She told him, hoping to smooth his ruffled feathers, though it wasn’t completely truthful.

Jason’s jaw clenched and he scowled fiercely. His eyes nearly glowed with the combination of pent up lust and vicious rage. “Policy, is it?” His breathing was labored and voice gruff. “I’ll wait outside the fuckin’ door then, an’ as soon as he’s done…” he paused as his tongue snaked out to moisten his lips. The taste of her was still strong and he fought to just finish his sentence. “…you an’ me are gonna finish wot we started.”

Honey-brown eyes that only moments ago had looked on him with pure desire were now filled anger and shock at his audacity. Those words and the way he said them only succeeded in getting Alex’s ire up. Who the fuck did he think he was? From the way he saw it she apparently had no choice. Well, she had news for him. “Is that right?” she sneered, “Well, I hate to tell you this, Locke, but we are finished. You think you can talk to me like that and still get something more from me? Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“I’ll tell ya who tha fuck I am.” He growled leaning over her. “I’m tha guy that ‘ad ya ‘bout flyin off tha’ chair a few minutes ago when I buried me face in that ‘ot little snatch a yers! Ya knew who I was then, eh? Ya kept screamin’ me name over an’ over!”

Even though she was completely mortified that he would bring that up in front of Mick, Alex kept her cold glare on Jason, refusing to back down. “Yeah, it didn’t take you long to turn back into an asshole, did it?”

“You fuckin’ bitch…” snarled Jason.

“Oh! You’ve got such a way with the ladies, Locke!” Alex’s sarcastic mockery almost made Mick laugh out loud. “No wonder they flock to you; sweet talkin’ them like that!”

“Yeah,” agreed Jason bitterly, “I bin sweet talkin’ you fer a week an I think it’s time I get wot I want.”

“You know, Locke, some men go their entire life without getting what they want.” Taunted Alex as she walked around to the other side of the desk. “You’ll have to let me know what that’s like.”

Mick cleared his throat trying not to laugh. He tried in vain to suppress his smirk as Jason glared at him. Jason had a very strong urge to throw Mick through the goddamned window, if not for him he’d be fucking Alex right there on her desk. How the hell did things go so wrong? This isn’t how he wanted it; not with Alex. Jesus, he was going to have to start all over.

Turning back to Alex, Jason took a few steps closer. “You’ll have ta ask ol’ Mick, ‘ere, ‘cause I’ll be getting’ wot I want, ya can count on ‘at.” Quickly buttoning his pants and buckling his belt he took another step toward Alex. “This ain’t over, Alex. I’ll have ya, ya might as well get used ta that idea, an when I do, what I did ta ya tanight’ll seem like a nice little walk in tha park, ‘cause I’ll be fuckin’ ya ‘til ya can’t see straight an’ you’ll be screamin’ me name so loud tha fuckin’ Queen’ll ‘ear ya!” Closing the remaining short distance between them, Jason grabbed her and kissed her roughly. Just as Alex started to respond he pushed her away and left, slamming the door so hard the walls rattled.

Alex stood there staring at the door, unable to speak. Her heart was pounding and it felt like she had just had all the breath sucked out of her. “Jesus!” Mick said with a laugh. “He don’t think much of himself, does he?” He shook his head at Jason’s unbelievable confidence. “What a fuckin’ prick!”

“I thought I told you to watch him!” cried Alex as she finally looked at Mick.

“I’m sorry!” replied Mick, a bit put off that she was blaming this on him until he saw how upset she really was. “I thought he was in the bathroom. We had a problem outside with that drunk and he went to clean up. He must have snuck up here while I was filling Shaun in on what happened.”

Alex sighed and went to the window to look out over the club. Mick proceeded to tell her everything that had happened downstairs but she didn’t hear a word. She watched Jason as he went up to the table where Peter and Wayne were now sitting. She couldn’t help it; she still wanted him. She couldn’t believe how close they had been; his tongue had felt like heaven, her cunt still tingled at the memory. Alex had not come off that strong in a very long time, if ever. She could only imagine what he would do with his cock. She had no doubt whatsoever he would be able to keep his parting promise.

Looking down at him as he talked to Peter, Alex couldn’t really blame Jason for being angry, he didn’t have to go quite so overboard, but she admitted to herself that she probably over-reacted herself. He just had a way of pushing her emotions to the extreme.

Alex held her breath as Jason looked up at the window where she stood. She knew he couldn’t see her through the tinted glass, but she could feel his eyes burning into her nonetheless.

“Alex…” Mick’s voice finally soaked through to her brain and she turned to look at him. “Did you even hear a word I said?”

“Yeah…of course…” she lied.

Mick walked up to the window and knew right away what had her attention. “He really gets to you, doesn’t he?” Alex didn’t answer, what was the point? “You want to tell me what happened?” Saying nothing, Alex just shook her head slowly as she stared down at Jason. “Alex, you’ve got to stay focused.” Mick told her firmly. “You can’t be getting distracted just because there’s a few sparks flying between you two.”

“Sparks?” Alex couldn’t help but laugh. “Hell, Mick, I’d say it’s more like a fucking inferno!”


Ya know I ‘ad ta smile ta meself when I saw Jason sneak upstairs after Alex. He don’t give up, that’s fer sure. I almost said summat’ ta Bobby ‘bout it an then remembered ‘at prob’ly wouldn’t be a very good idea. Jason’d kill me if I messed things up when he was with Alex.

When I saw Peter an’ Wayne come in I figure I’d go tell ‘em wot was goin’ on. I thought Jason was prob’ly getting wot he wanted, he’d bin up there a while, so I was saprised when I saw ‘im comin’ up ta tha table. An’ I could tell by tha look on ‘is face things didn’t go well fer ‘im upstairs.

“Wot tha fuck is so important?” he says ta Peter. Oh no, he was not happy at all.

Well, Peter was confused fer sure. “Wot are you talking about?”

An’ Jason tells ‘im, “Mick says ya needed ta see me.”

“I just asked ‘im where ya were is all.” Pete says. “Nuthin’ urgent.”

At’s when Jason stares up at that winda. I don’t know wot was goin through ‘is mind, but I do know it more ‘an likely wasn’ nuthin’ good.

Thanks to govi20 for my Jason Anim!! *hugs*

You Oughta Know - Written by Alanis Morissette/Glen Ballard

bad love, fic, essex boys

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