I check livejournal. I find out what one cog in the google machinery is doing. What the falcons and hawks are up to at the cathedral and whichever downtown building they live on. What a couple web comics are up to. Sometimes I even hear about friends. I'm also starting to use it to keep track of what I'm cooking and where I might be getting recipes from. I have significantly reduced actual postings, but I'm not sure how interesting postings about how I saw another rerun of Jaque Pepin and I wish they were airing his technique shows would be. I should probably check out the cooking groups here.
I read lj, but I miss the community. Furthermore, I find that having moved my own writing to an individual blog it takes critical mass to create community. I miss the dialogue that used to exist here on LJ. Please share your thoughts and experiences and movie reviews someplace; I'd miss them terribly.
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