oo9. [Action] The Perfect plan

Jul 20, 2011 02:20

[ The hallway is empty. Quiet. Jade is leaning against one of the walls keeping an eye peeled for a certain nubby horned friend of hers. They had made a plan and god dammit if he ruined it by being late she was going to give him hellIt was the perfect plan. She would look good in front of her fellow mobsters and he would get the girl. Or whatever ( Read more... )

mobster lyfe, #event: film noir, sassy angry friend

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Comments 16

[action forever] hamburellakind July 20 2011, 06:35:14 UTC
[I am this close to the treasure. Or well, maybe not. The map isn't exactly the easiest to read. But I can tell it's inside the mansion! Probably.

Whatever it is.

I'm so wrapped up in trying to count my steps as I read the map that I basically run right into my long lost sister!!! I take a step back, and then narrow my eyes, suspicious of her despite the surge of brotherly affection I feel for her.]



ironlass July 20 2011, 06:47:32 UTC
[ Treasure? Treasure is pretty cool! But, sorry I am already too busy for that..maybe later dearest brother. ]

Hi John.


hamburellakind July 20 2011, 18:50:04 UTC
[I don't know what it is about Harley and Strider that they have to invade my monologues, but at least Jade's slightly less annoying about it than Dave is.]

What're you busy with? You don't look busy.


ironlass July 21 2011, 04:47:07 UTC
[ Dave~? Oh right, you work with him. ]

I am the busiest, John! Can't you tell?


iin before that kk douche aquarium_tipper July 20 2011, 20:00:45 UTC
[Protecting thith manthion ith a hard job, but thomeone'th got tu do it. Tho ith not all uncommon tu be looking out for every thingle rethident -- like that doll up ahead.

I'm definitely not hardboiled, tho I end up tipping my unfathionable cop hat. Kinda lame, but whatever.]

Hey mithh, everything okay over here?


ironlass July 21 2011, 04:49:27 UTC
[ Oh. Oh. Oh a cop. She straightens her posture and waves her fingers at him. ]

Everything is perfect! Thank you for asking.


aquarium_tipper July 22 2011, 16:26:05 UTC
You thure? [Of courthe thhe's thure.Thtupid. He nods.]

Well it can get dangerouth around thethe parth. Try tu thtay away from anything that lookth thuthpithiouth.


ironlass July 29 2011, 03:13:56 UTC
Pretty sure! [ She puts on the most innocent look she can muster, which isn't too hard actually. ]

Oh no! I will be sure to stay away from anyone that looks like a bad guy...


forevercapslock July 20 2011, 20:20:12 UTC
[Karkat is never late. Never. If you think he is, it's because you're a fucking idiot a dumb broad who didn't get the message that they were meeting ten minutes later than scheduled. And the reason you didn't get this message is because he hates the capslock key, but both of his shift keys are broken.

So he just comes along ten minutes after the scheduled meeting time shut up Jade and joins her.]


ironlass July 21 2011, 04:54:28 UTC
[ He is late this time. Excuses or not!! It is not her fault that he is a big nubby horned baby about everything and won't use normal letters to type with. He could have made a voice call too.

They look completely innocent standing next to each other. No one should suspect a thing. ]

You ready?


forevercapslock July 21 2011, 19:29:39 UTC
I'm always ready, Harley. Let's get this over with.


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