Player Information
Name: Pinstripes
Age: 20
AIM SN: cyberneticitrus
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yep!
Currrently Played Characters: n/a
Conditional: Activity Check Link: n/a
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Reserve link! Character Information
Canon Source: Homestuck
Canon Format: Webcomic
Character's Name: “Bro” Strider
Character's Age: not stated in canon, though presumably somewhere in his late twenties or thirties (I’m assuming 32, for the sake of specifics)
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. n/a
What form will your character's NV take? Bro’s NV will be in the form of a pair of sunglasses identical to the pair he usually wears. On the inside would be the display, invisible from the outside, and largely see-through from the inside (think like a heads-up display in a video game). The glasses themselves can be controlled both by voice command and eye movements, and function more or less similarly to an iPhone/iPad.
Character's Canon Abilities: While it isn’t exactly handled in canon as an “ability”, Bro is able to move at inhuman speed. He is shown moving around the apartment in one scene, but does so so quickly that his younger brother, Dave, does not appear to see him. When the two are later fighting, both continuously move by flashstepping, yet Bro outpaces him to the extent that at one point, Dave is actually fighting Bro’s afterimage. At other times, Bro is seen doing things like jumping high in the air, or standing on falling meteors and then cleaving them in half with a single strike of his sword. It doesn’t seem, however, that Bro necessarily possesses inhuman strength to match his inhuman speed, he just has moments of defying physics for the sake of looking awesome. Which is totally a superpower.
His sylladex also seems to defy physics, in essence, acting as an organized inventory (as to keep in with the pseudo text-based adventure game style of he comic). While it acts more or less like hammerspace, Bro uses a “hash modus”, which organizes his sylladex into various slots where items are stored based on a numerical value assigned by the name of the item, and then used by a command word that has the same numerical value as the item being used.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? n/a
Weapons: Bro primarily fights with a remarkably-durable Japanese style sword, and is appears to have a great deal of skill in wielding it (even if he seems to go more for speed than elaborate technique). Perhaps less conventionally is fighting through his favorite puppet, Lil' Cal, largely to taunt and mess with people rather than to do serious damage. Both were essentially on (or in his sword's case, in) his person at the time of his death and subsequently, his canon point, and thus would be transported with him into Siren's Port.
It is also mentioned that Bro is excellent in “weaponizing” sylladexes and frequently has “hash rap battles” with Dave, wherein they both use their hash moduses to launch items at each other with command words they work into their raps. However, he’s never actually shown doing this in the comic, and is probably too time-consuming to be used as a primary weapon in battle.
Character History:
Bro’s MSPA Wiki page pretty much covers it all.
Point in Canon: Bro will be taken post-death, after being slain in battle by Jack Noir in the Land of Wind and Shade. Shortly before this, Bro was within Dave’s planet within the Medium, the Land of Heat and Clockwork, where he challenges Jack Noir to a swordfight on Beat Mesa. The two only fight briefly, however, before Bro wedges his sword into the Beat Mesa, initiating the Scratch, and takes off on his rocketboard through the portal to another planet in the Medium. Jack removes the sword and follows Bro, where they resume fighting in the Land of Wind and Shade. It is here that the majority of the battle takes place, wherein Bro uses his puppet, Lil’ Cal as well as his sword to fight Jack. Davesprite later comes to assist him as well. However, once the omnipotent Becquerel is prototyped and Jack is given his powers via his ring, Jack is too strong and overcomes Bro in battle, fatally stabbing him through the chest with his own sword.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: n/a
Character Personality: Given both the stoic nature of Bro’s character and his comparatively small screentime, it’s hard to say a lot directly about him. However, a lot can be inferred about his personality from his actions, as well as the way Dave both talks about and mimics him. Dave is very heavily influenced by Bro, as is evident from day one when the first thing Bro does when he finds Dave is gives him a pair of sunglasses to match his own. Bro begins teaching Dave everything he knows from there on out. The way Dave plays everything down and bases much of his humor on irony is undoubtedly picked up from Bro, suggesting he has a similar cool demeanor. When he’s shown in the comic, he always appears perfectly calm and blank-faced (literally).
This, paired with the seemingly-distant relationship and fierce sibling rivalry between Bro and Dave, might suggest Bro to be uncaring, or even abusive, given the mind games and frequent sparring he and Dave participate in. However, whenever Bro is shown, he’s often doing things to protect Dave. Prior to Dave’s entry into the Medium, Bro buys him a little time by splitting the meteor that could have just as easily killed him in half, and then sends down his rocket board to catch the boy when he falls from the blast. When in the Medium, he purposefully intercepts Jack, both to keep him from going after Dave and to test him; once he realizes that Jack is too strong for Dave or his friends to defeat, he initiates the Scratch to begin resetting their session, and then draws Jack away to buy them time.
Since Sburb doesn’t exactly come with an instruction manual, it seems apparent that Bro somehow already knows about the game and its mechanics. If one assumes this, it isn’t hard to imagine that all the fighting and mind games and apparent animosity between himself and Dave is to challenge him and better prepare him for the game itself. For 13 years, Bro did what he believed he needed to for Dave to succeed, suggesting a strong sense of dedication and a belief that self-reliance and strength are important. We even see these reflected in Dave, along with everything else Bro imparted to him.
A lot about Bro can also be inferred from his and Dave’s apartment. The living room more or less functions as Bro’s room (as the one actual bedroom in the apartment belongs to Dave, for which a lot can be said) and is full of puppets, weapons, and piles of DJ equipment, among other things. The fact that their kitchen is full of weapons suggests not only an interest in weaponry, but also a blatant disregard for safety, though he no doubt believes he and Dave are both skilled enough in handling dangerous objects not to injure themselves. His DJ equipment, as well as video game systems (and copies of Game Bro magazine lying around), wide screen TV, and expensive computer setup show his affinity for technology. But most notable are his puppets. Dave seems to interpret them as something he is into ironically, but the extent to which they are present suggests otherwise. It’s important to note that many seem to reflect not only an interest in urban culture, such as puppets like Lil’ Cal and the rapping ventriloquism acts he is mentioned to perform on occasion, but a sexual side to this interest. Most of the puppets lying around the apartment are brightly colored plushes with suspiciously-shaped backsides and phallic noses, many of the puppet posters hanging on the walls have mosaic censoring on various parts of them, and one of his supposedly “ironic” websites that he runs appears to be a puppet pornography paysite.
One can interpret a lot of things about Bro’s interest in puppets. One is that he seems to have a certain level of immaturity to him, which could also explain things such as the messy state of their apartment, his disregard for safety, and the fact that he decided to establish himself as Dave’s older brother, rather than as his father (of which he is both biologically and presumably old enough to be, given that he appeared to be a grown adult when Dave was a baby). On the other hand, his interest, particularly the potentially sexual nature of it, could be even interpreted as a way of supplanting real people with something similar, yet inanimate. Lil’ Cal’s constant presence at Bro’s side seems to provide Bro with companionship. It is also stated in canon that Bro spends most of his time in the living room, and between that and the apparent “thousands of dollars a month” he makes off of his puppet paysites, it’s entirely possible that Bro doesn’t have a job in the outside world. And while Bro’s suggested manner of carrying himself is no doubt learned in some ways, it’s not hard to imagine that some of his emotional distance is genuine.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: n/a
Character Plans: Given the nature of Bro’s character as a fighter, I’d definitely like to explore the Darkness-based aspects of the game. In general, however, I’d also plan on taking part in various events. As far as CR goes, I hope to try and open Bro up a little more, both with cross-canon CR and with castmates. Since I'm taking him post-death, I’d also like to explore the way an event like dying might change his outlook on life, both how he lives it and the way he handles things like personal relationships.
Right here! Writing Samples
First Person Sample
so this could be the loaded question to end all loaded questions.
and before this gets way the fuck out of hand. just gotta set up some guidelines.
no religious bullshit allowed here.
no theories and mythology and existential why are we here and what happens after we die bullshit.
leave it at home kids.
this aint your pappys soapbox.
save your arguing for political debates and sunday family dinner screaming matches about how you dont believe in god anymore and thats why you didnt go with them to church that morning because ill believe what i want fuck you you arent my real dad.
just wanna get an idea. show of hands here.
how many people think this is the afterlife.
Third Person Sample
The first thing he registers is cold.
Of course, shortly thereafter comes pain, pulsing through his veins, seeping in through his skin, from the phantom sensation of literal splitting agony in his chest, from the god damn chill that is everywhere, and his fingers ache when he grasps at the front of his shirt and he doesn’t find a blade lodged there, and-
holy fuck.
It hits him hard and fast enough that he bolts up, a near-silent gasp wrenching from him, and it’s shockingly unhindered, heavy and full instead of shallow, filling lungs that should be drowning in blood with piercing cold air. There’s a throbbing in his temples, behind his eyes, but he can’t close them, can’t help but stare from behind his shades at his surroundings because he’s sitting in snow in a baseball field instead of on the wretched slab of cobalt rock where he’s pretty goddamn sure he just died.
Or at least, he was sure. Now, it's kind of hard to say. Is being dead supposed to hurt this much?
Bro didn’t think the game had an afterlife construct. Or at least, if it did, it wouldn’t look like this. Like the real world. Or who knows? Maybe it would. Just to say Well, you fucked up. Have fun spending the rest of eternity in a simulation to remind you of Earth. You know. The one that just got screwed over bad-end Hollywood disaster movie style by the Giant Meteor Clusterfuck Express, where everything you knew and loved has been vaporized into nothing but dust.
Good job surviving that, by the way.
… Christ. To think after all that, he'd just go and get himself offed. Not like it was a fight he was expecting to win, but still. Lot of damn good he is now. Not to Dave or his friends. It's all on them now. And here he is, still bewilderingly... existing. And useless, because he's stuck here and not where they are.
No. Screw that. He’s sorting this out, slowly but steadily pushing himself up to stand, taking a quick flip through his sylladex-Cal and his sword, unsettlingly devoid of any blood, are thankfully accounted for-and turning himself towards what looks like the center of town in spite of the overbearing weariness seated deep in his core.
It might help to get some warmer clothes, for starters.