Title: It Can Happen to the Best of Us
Episode: 8.4/Instinct
Theme: Believe
Rating: PG for profanity
Summary: It really wasn't that hard to believe at all.
Spoilers: 8.4/Instinct
Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine.
Author's Notes: I found it really hard getting into Lois' head for this fic, so I'm not really fond of the way this is written, but I hope anyone who
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Comments 5
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I loved the part where she's reliving Maima's words in her mind, so she tries to cover her head with a pillow!
If that isn't Lois, I don't know what is...
Gonna go read the rest of your stuff on fanfiction now!
I could so picture her burying her head into a pillow so I had to include it. Glad you enjoyed it.
Happy Reading!
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