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Comments 14

bitterbird May 16 2009, 08:54:58 UTC
Ive always had questions about the YEDs plans, like how did he know when he made the deals with Mary and such they would have kids of the right age in 1983? I think maybe they have some power of foresight. thats just a guess though

And yeah O think Lilith was just testing Sam and pushing him so he would kill her so Lucifer could be free, I dont think she had ay intention of keeping her promise to Sam in Monster at the end of the book. Or maybe she knew Sam would never go with it, and it was just one more way for them to mislead the boys


irishka1205 May 16 2009, 14:17:17 UTC
Yeah, YED plan doesn''t really seem to make sense a whole lot unless there was some prophecy that the 'special child' would be born in 1983. Not to mention, how did he know who the parents would be?

As for Lilith, I could possibly get behind Lilith just trying to test Sam, but season 3 finale? I don't think that was testing. She looked pretty surprised and scared when she couldn't kill him.


donna_c_punk May 17 2009, 05:10:09 UTC
Honestly? The only answer I can give you is, they retconned their canon and sloppily tried to tie it to the first two seasons. None of it makes sense. No matter how many lines you try to draw to connect the dots. It just doesn't work.


irishka1205 May 17 2009, 05:23:16 UTC
I was hoping you'd give me an insight into something I'm missing here. *pouts* But there really isn't anything there, is it?

Bobby's still alive, I am not mad at Kripke, Bobby's still alive, I am not mad at Kripke.....


donna_c_punk May 17 2009, 05:30:55 UTC
Yeah, I'm sorry. I wish I could be incredibly inventive and try to successfully link this new information with the old canon, but it's not possible. It's a flatout retcon, which means past canon isn't worth the tape it's filmed on. There's absolutely no logical way you could make it fit, you just can't. My favorite analogy is they're trying to shove a square peg into a round hole, you can't do that without tearing up the peg or the hole. You might be successful on a level, but the overall result looks like shit. I've stopped trying to make sense of it, I'm just going to enjoy what I can in season five and be glad Bobby's not dead.


irishka1205 May 17 2009, 14:27:37 UTC
I know. *sighs* You're absolutely right. though seriously, I'd take what happened in season 1 and 2 and even 3 over anything that we learned in season 4. As far as I'm concerned, aside from the JJ's performances in season 4, the entire season is not worth the tape it's filmed on.

So, I guess we'll just suspend our beliefs and hope that season 5 makes more sense and more importantly that Kripke doesn't go full on evil and kills one or both of the boys.


spilled_coffee May 19 2009, 13:20:59 UTC
Is 22 the legal age in hell or something?

I don't have an answer for any of your questions, but I had a good laugh at that one


irishka1205 May 20 2009, 00:30:38 UTC
That's the only thing I can come up with to explain the 22 years


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