Title: Unfair Pairing: Nishii Yukito x OC Rating: PG Genre: Angst, Romance Summary: Hearts broken, lives taken, both will never be together. Note: A stress reliever. *drabble*
Gomen for making this so sad Psyra-chan!! *huggles*
Ah, he actually died when he was searching for her across the world and such. He died of the same thing she died from, which was because of a broken heart. Sorry for the confusion.
You shall never die of a broken heart luv!! That's not what you're going to experience! You shall experience happiness with your partner and you both shall have wonderful kids and love happily together forever~~~<3^^
Comments 20
But at least you were able to get rid of some stress! XD This is really good and the angst is perfect~ X3
Thank you very much for reading Vi-chan~♥!
good job!
Thank you very much for reading~♥!^^
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I knew you were going to catch that song there!!(>U<)
Thank you very much for reading Steph-chan~♥!
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You make me cho happie<3
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Ah, he actually died when he was searching for her across the world and such. He died of the same thing she died from, which was because of a broken heart.
Sorry for the confusion.
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You shall never die of a broken heart luv!!
That's not what you're going to experience!
You shall experience happiness with your partner
and you both shall have wonderful kids and love
happily together forever~~~<3^^
That was so sad. :(
Gomen for making this sad.
But thank you very much for reading Hannah-chan~♥!
It's ok!! :))
You're welcome!! :D
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