clearly doomed from the start

Jul 11, 2009 12:09

Apparently I am in bandom for the drama, because this week's shenanigans have made me interested in Panic! (yeah, exclamation point, bitches!) for the first time in three years. littlerhymes summed up a lot of what I've been feeling, so I'll just link to her post: That disconnect between fannish perception and reality, particularly Ryan and Spencer's supposed ( Read more... )

make it or break it, panic, weeds, tv, music, brand new

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Comments 3

svilleficrecs July 11 2009, 14:45:29 UTC
I kind of am loving the show right now too! And OMG I <3 goofy Razor dude.

(though okay, I'll admit it, new stern blond coach guy totally does it for me, and I TOTALLY ship him with Marty... they had a torrid, gay, very very flexible love affair back in the day. )


iridescentglow July 12 2009, 07:52:55 UTC
they had a torrid, gay, very very flexible love affair back in the day.

You've sold me! :D MIOBI does seem like a handy mode to explore Olympian slash without delving into the minefield of RPF. Yay.


(The comment has been removed)

iridescentglow July 12 2009, 07:54:51 UTC
Have you watched the Pilot of The Beautiful Life? How was it? (Terrible, I'm guessing, but I'm a sucker who'll watch anything about models.)

Razor's final scene did read a lot like, "hai, I just got a new gig... see ya!"


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