S t a r g a t e  A t l a n t i s  I c o n s

Aug 17, 2005 01:55

14 Stargate Atlantis icons, all from the episode 2.05 Condemned. Credit necessary, comments very much appreciated, please enjoy. :D


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Comments 36

emesque August 16 2005, 09:02:46 UTC
How gorgeous are these?! Love bound, affinity and control: not sure which to snag but I'm definitely taking one of the delectable Major Lorne!

Somebody should start an LJ community for the legions of Lorne fans that are emerging :D


ireyah August 16 2005, 09:09:03 UTC
Why choose? TAKE THEM ALL. Teehee. :D (After all, 100 spaces is alot to fill. I haven't even gotten started adding icons for Lost, and I haven't seriously tackled Star Trek either)

I KNOW. I wonder what his first name is, though. David? Nick? *ponders*


emesque August 16 2005, 10:14:54 UTC
Shush, don't encourage me when I'm trying to restrain myself :D I took Lorne and Teyla/Ronon... but Lizzy is oh so tempting...

There was a thread about a possible name for Lorne, with ideas. Apparently characters have been named after fans suggestions in the past, Major Paul Davis I think it was. He strikes me as a Nick for some reason.

You ever watch Angel? My only other suggestion is Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan ;) (name of a character called Lorne in Angel teehee) Krevlornswath has a nice ring to it right?


ireyah August 16 2005, 17:09:30 UTC
I didn't know they actually listened to the fans. :o I'm goin' for Nick(Nicholas). Maybe Jesse or James. Definately NOT Phillip (doesn't suit him).

I used to watch Angel, but I missed one or two seasons in the middle. LOL, I get it. :D It can be a secret woobie trio thing - everyone else will just think you're crazy! LOL


kitestringer August 16 2005, 09:19:19 UTC
WOW-these are absolutely beautiful! I can't resist grabbing a John and a Rodney. *g* Thank you!


rosewildeirish August 16 2005, 09:34:53 UTC
Swiped Lorne, one of the Elizabeth's, and Out of Mind because I liked muchly. :) Will credit.


burningchaos August 16 2005, 09:39:48 UTC
took bound, captive and out of mind, will credit with use..


tallisen August 16 2005, 09:52:25 UTC
omg I love you! :) Am swiping Teyla/Ronon, and the really deep/angsty Rodney "Out of mind" icon. Will totally credit. These are lovely!! :)


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