Damn you, Joss! Damn you to hell!

Nov 08, 2007 17:44

Goddammit, Astonishing, why the hell must you make me fall in love with Scott Summers?

Because this last issue? akgkfkldhsdfomgHOT.

It's like I've slipped into some strange parallel universe where I adore Cyclops. Or the world's about to end. I'm not sure which yet.

Also, I would take valuable female wisdom from Aaron Stack any day of the week ( Read more... )

heroes, comics, tv

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Comments 2

mshea November 8 2007, 23:43:37 UTC
Scott is always under-rated and often poorly utilized, but I agree, that was an arc-saving issue there. Made up for several issues of not caring much.

And I thought Heroes was really pretty excellent. One of the best episodes of the season. I doubt they're done with Nicki yet.


irenak November 12 2007, 01:40:20 UTC
Seriously, I haven't been this interested in Scott in years and it's nice to finally - finally! - see someone write him like an actual leader. You're right in that it isn't always so much the character as it's the writers having no idea what to do with him.

Everyone seems to have really liked Heroes this week, but it left me a little cold. Like Kensei decided to carry a grudge for three hundred years 'cause he didn't get the girl? Seriously? It's not quite the lamest supervillian motivation ever (that still belongs to Lex Luthor hating Superman for making him bald), but it's right up there. Plus, he goes evil and they surgically remove his sense of humor. I'm not sure whether I'm going to forgive them for that yet.

Also, hi! Long time, no hear. :)


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