friends only;

Jul 28, 2011 05:47

Alexandra Harrysson
   friends locked ; comment to be added.

!friends only

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Comments 25

thundersquall August 18 2009, 12:25:37 UTC
I also like Yewook , thanks to someone - Is that someone supposed to be... me? *feels awkward and presumptuous*


irapehellokitty August 18 2009, 19:08:14 UTC
. . Maybe. ~

Oh wait yes it is, 'cuz you're a secret-ninja-4.3 And because it was you who made me like Yewook, and your LJ who . . Keeps my obession alive? ( Feeds me with Yewook-food, which probably is some healthy food too, because it feels so right to eat . . read? )


xxstaybeautiful March 28 2010, 10:36:27 UTC
This is Kyu-mun from Ordalia and i'm adding you and there's nothing you can do because i'm an ass like Kyu is so you have no say in this. ok? ;3


irapehellokitty March 28 2010, 11:48:59 UTC
aw, :* add away & be an ass, i like it. 8D
okay, that sounded wrong, but you get what i mean. i think.
annyyway, i'll add you back, ~ and let's stay friends.


fakestache April 15 2010, 04:27:02 UTC
D: /sob. Your offline IM storage is full! So I'll just comment here, otherwise I'll forget what you said and I wanted to reply~

Okay, I think it's established that my memory is really, really bad. xD Lol, my muses can't even have good memories because that would be like...impossible. And if my dreams reflect my personality, what does that mean for you? e____e Although didn't we have this discussion before? About our creepiness? (You know, the one with the know, the good, Belgium chocolate. 8D ( ... )


irapehellokitty April 15 2010, 14:09:06 UTC
Why is mine always full? :| I always bomb your offline box as you're gone, like a lot, everyday. On different times as well, Idek (has already spammed a lil on there) ;___;

... If your muses had a good memory, I'd be .. amazed. But hey, you've got a log for such. Just look back and you'll know all about the person you're talking to, hey btw, how'd things go at that new rp you joined?

You mean the discussion about the ... I mean, the one we never had about them hot guys pouring chocolate (oh-so-good-belgium chocolate) on themselves ... 8DDDDD /wants.

LOL. KEEP TRYING. /proud of her record. btw : 8994 And aha, so you're just doing it because in reality, your're in two schools. You're still in High School but then taking the college courses but .. You have to do the tests because, the school needs the funding and it's easy tests? i'm starting to feel like every guess I have about your education system is wrong. D: But lol, go Minnesota! Dumb down tests are for losers if the tests are already easy ( ... )


hello =) iqmal July 1 2010, 07:48:09 UTC
hye... u can call me no-b n i'm from malaysia...
do u mind to add me?
i'm glad if u do...

i really want to read ur ficts...
but it's too late i guess...

add me back please... *puppy eyes*


Re: hello =) irapehellokitty July 1 2010, 21:47:22 UTC
Aw, hey No-b. I'm Aleex. ~

Actually, all the fics I've written, 'cept for two are so that only I can read them. Because I dont like them at all right now, but if you'd like I could make them friends only or something and add you back. :|

I'll add you back :3


Re: hello =) iqmal July 2 2010, 03:32:32 UTC
thx 4 add me...
hope we can keep being friend...
love ya


eunhaesherry August 22 2010, 11:31:04 UTC
hey! last time i read one of your eunhae fic..i think it is nothing is imposible..i want to read the rest of it..wont you mind adding me?i recently wrote my first fic? if you have time can you read it and comment on it too?thnx


irapehellokitty August 22 2010, 23:07:17 UTC
actually that story is so only i can see it, because i'm like 'no i hate everything i write and ever have written because it sucks and sldnflkmfkslf' so yeah. but if you want i could unlock it if you tell me what chapter you were on i guess o: ?


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