Name: Spaz
Age: 17
Hair and eye color: Long, dark brown hair. Brown eyes.
Strong points: Art, creativity, yaoi/yuri, insults, sarcasm, writing, languages, vocab/grammar, spelling, laughing at funniness, books, food, sleep, spazzing, procrastination, paranoia.
Weak points: Small spaces, drowning, spiders, suffocation, making friends, smiling, super-friendly people, talkativity.
Pet peeves: Poor artwork/writing, lack of hygiene, wiping food-covered hands on the couch, sluts, preps, emos, people sitting behind me, long queues, throat slitting/injuries, dog saliva.
Likes: My computer, reading, funny things/laughing, yaoi/yuri, food, children (so cuuute~!), eating, sleeping, sketching, art, writing stories, movies, music, cats, insulting, ninjas, fantasy, arguing, autumn, lazing, ancient weapons, sadistic bastards, anime, manga, foreign languages, privacy.
Dislikes: Emos, whores, rap, country, poor artwork, science, socializing, bitches, onions, strictly immature, strictly mature, nosyness, the public eye, oral presentations, spiders, poserssssssss, crowds, small spaces, homophobes, racists, sexists, ignorance.
Favorite color: Purple.
Favorite food: Food. There can be no favorites.
Favorite IR character, and why: The doctor. He's random, he's hilarious, and I love how easily he manages to freak out Eury. I laugh~
Do you have a gender preference or don't you care: Hell, give me whatever. It's fun being rated as either.
Leader or follower: Meh, Follower so long as I don't have to obey orders that compromise my morals.
Favorite type of music: ANYTHING. It sounds nice: done, sold, I love it. It sounds bad: Ew, gross, I hate it. (except country, sorries)
Anything else you want to add: Yuka can kiss mah butt. J/K. Sorta.