fanfic: The Pregnancy Chronicles - Part 1, NC-17 (Artie/Quinn)

Jul 10, 2010 16:02

Title: The Pregnancy Chronicles - Part 1
Author: ipickquinn & backitup_baby
Pairings/Characters: Artie/Quinn
Rating: NC-17 (comfort sex, dominance play)
Word count: 9,619
Spoilers: none
Summary: Crazy cravings, irrational mood swings, meltdowns at the most trivial things and an insane sex drive... Yeah, Quinn was definitely pregnant.

A/N: This fic was written by ipickquinn (as Quinn) and backitup_baby (as Artie)!

( Artie/Quinn 'verse masterlist)

The Pregnancy Chronicles - Part 1

A few weeks after Artie had finished grad school at Miami he was in the living room looking for more jobs to apply for on his computer when Quinn came in. They had been talking vaguely about moving out of Oxford for a while; there weren’t exactly many opportunities in fields at all related to what they wanted to do so Artie had started looking for jobs in a few bigger cities so they could move. They still had their lease up until the end of June, though, so they had a month or so. Artie figured they’d probably just move anyway if they didn’t find anything after that, but he still wanted to have a job before they did that.

“What’s up?” he asked Quinn, closing his computer after bookmarking a new posting and setting it down on the coffee table. He was lying on the couch and didn’t feel like getting up so he motioned for her to come over.

Quinn smirked at Artie all sprawled out on the couch and went to sit on the edge of the cushion, leaning down to give him a kiss. “Nothing, I was just making a snack. Do we have any peanut butter? I can’t find the jar anywhere. It’s kind of driving me crazy actually.”

Artie raised his eyebrows a little, feeling like this was kind of very familiar but not really knowing why he had that feeling. “Uh, I had some earlier, sorry. You should make a grilled cheese or something.”

Quinn rolled her eyes. He probably just wanted her to make him a grilled cheese but she was really craving peanut butter and felt like she wasn’t going to stop being so restless unless she got some. “That’s okay. I’m just going to run to the store to get some, do you want anything?”

He thought about this, then shook his head a little. “I’m good, thanks though.” He picked his computer up, then added, “Are you going like right now?”

Quinn nodded and stood up. “Yeah, might as well.” She walked over to the side table where they kept their keys and grabbed her set. “I’ll see you in a little bit, okay?”

“Sounds good,” Artie said contentedly, then waited until she’d left to open his computer back up He spent the time that she was gone fiddling with his resume, then started actively looking for jobs again. His parents had told him that if he didn’t find anything he could always just move back to Lima and they’d get him a job in their telecommunications business but he really didn’t want to do that at all and had a feeling Quinn wouldn’t want to go back to Lima either. Eventually when he heard her come back he pushed himself up so he was sitting. “How was your peanut butter mission?”

Quinn ignored Artie’s question and went straight for the bathroom, the plastic grocery bag still in hand.

There she had been, strolling down the aisle happily, until she reached the peanut butter section. As she looked at all the different kinds (she had always been partial to Jiffy) there was this weird feeling in the back of her brain telling her this was like deja vu, but that was stupid because she had obviously purchased peanut butter before. Except... oh fuck ...

Brought back to reality, she jiggled her foot as she waited for three minutes to pass before she could look at the (she took a deep, needing to even mentally prepare herself to just think the words) pregnancy test.

Artie, meanwhile, was kind of confused about what was going on. Quinn hadn’t even said hi to him when she’d come back from the grocery store. “You aren’t eating the peanut butter in there, are you?” he called out while he waited for her to come out.

“Don’t be gross,” Quinn called back before she reached out a shaky hand to pick up the test. She wasn’t sure what she wanted the results to be. They definitely wanted to have kids together but Artie had just graduated and they didn’t even have real jobs yet and they lived in this little apartment... But at the same time she was sort of excited. It wasn’t as if they had planned for this to happen but it was after graduation like they said they were waiting for...Taking another deep breath (she seemed to be doing that a lot) she turned over the test.

Quinn walked out of the bathroom slowly and went to sit by Artie on the couch. She bit her lip nervously as she looked at him and said “Hi.”

Artie was kind of wary of her by this point. “Hey... You okay?” he asked, turning his head a little to look over at her better.

She nodded slowly and just decided to say it before she lost the nerve. “Yeah. Um... I’m pregnant.”

He raised his eyebrows a little. He definitely hadn’t expected that at all. “You’re what?” And then before she could repeat herself he just kept talking. “So-- but I thought you were still on the pill. Unless you stopped that or something. I know we stopped with the whole condoms thing. So, uh. Are you sure?”

Quinn nodded again slowly. “I just took a pregnancy test. I mean I guess I’ll have to go to the doctor and they’ll have to take blood and run an official test. But they’re usually pretty accurate aren’t they? And I didn’t even think about how I was late until I was standing in front of the peanut butter section at the store.” She bit her lip again, not sure how Artie was taking the news. “Birth control isn’t 100% accurate...”

Oh, right. Now this kind of made more sense. At least, the peanut butter thing. So that was happening again? He made a mental note to stock up next time, or at the very least to put it on their shopping list. “So... we’re having, uh. You’re really pregnant?”

It seemed like she just kept nodding to everything he said, but she wasn’t doing to well with words right now. After a long pause she said, “Um, are you. Uh. Okay with this?”

Artie forced himself to actually think about what this would mean. He knew from previous awkward experience that Quinn basically kept babies that she was having (well, not literally... but at least for nine months she kept them around) and it wasn’t like they weren’t married or in love with each other or anything so this was actually a pretty cool (and inevitable) thing for them. “Yeah, I’m okay,” he said eventually, slowly. “I think.” He smiled a little at her, trying to be reassuring, and held his hand up for a high five. “Nice job, cougar. Way to be fertile.”

Well that definitely hadn’t been what she was going for but she raised her hand hesitantly to high five him back. It sort of seemed rude not to return that, right? Though a hug or kiss or maybe even just real words of encouragement might have been more appropriate. “Thanks? I guess.”

“You’re welcome,” Artie said, smiling a little more as he kept thinking about it. “Are you excited? It’s going to be cool, I think. My mom is going to freak out. We’re definitely going to have to move then, and at least we’re leaving here in a few weeks so we don’t have to worry about doing that while you’re super pregnant. No offense in advance. But... this will be good. I think so, at least. Do you think so? Are you okay with this?”

Quinn blinked a few times, trying to understand everything Artie had just said since he was sort of speed talking. “My mom is going to freak out too. I think in a good way though. Your mom will be happy too, right?” Yeah... her mom would definitely react better this time. “Well we have to find a place to move to first. We should try to get two bedrooms so we have room for a nursery.” Already she was thinking about how she wanted to decorate and how they needed to buy a crib and a changing table and all sorts of things. She finally smiled and nodded at Artie. “Yeah, I think I’m okay with this.”

“Okay, awesome,” Artie said, full-on grinning now, and raised his hand up for another high five. He waited for her to high five him back, then took advantage of that to pull her onto his lap. “You’re not allowed to refer to our future baby as devil spawn, by the way.”

Quinn rolled her eyes as they high fived again but that quickly turned into a smile as she settled on his lap. “Fine, I’ll try and restrain myself. But you try having a baby kick at your internal organs and make you pee every five minutes and not want to call the baby evil.”

He pretended to consider this for a moment as he moved his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “Okay. Well, I suppose that’s a good point. I’ll just look the other way while you’re yelling at your womb.”

Quinn giggled slightly and kissed his cheek before she pulled back and looked at him seriously. “You’re sure you’re okay with this, right?” She wasn’t sure what they would do about it if he wasn’t but she needed to know they were both okay with this.

“I’m definitely okay with this,” Artie said, honestly. It had taken him a bit to get there, but he was getting more excited about this as he thought about it and he kind of had always wanted this ever since they really started getting serious. He just had kind of thought it’d be more expected instead of out of the blue like this. “Are you sure? You’re the one who was all drunk and talking about how we weren’t going to use condoms anymore because I graduated or something. I don’t know. That was kind of a hazy night.”

Quinn blushed and buried her head into Artie’s neck. “It was a night for celebration and it feels better without the condom. It’s not like you can argue that. You kept saying it over and over and over and over that night.”

Artie shrugged a little. “Well, it does. And you didn’t answer my question about whether you were sure you were okay with having kids.” He kind of felt like compared to high school, this was a little more of an ideal situation, though.

Quinn grinned and nodded (for the millionth time) before she grabbed his face and kissed him. Knowing that Artie was on board with all this relieved all the stress she had been feeling and now she just couldn’t stop smiling.

Artie kissed her back eagerly. He couldn’t exactly help but feel triumphant about all of this. First of all his penis definitely worked (even though it had been about-- wow, eight years?-- since Quinn had told her mom that it didn’t, it still bothered him) and second of all Quinn definitely wanted to keep his baby. Not that he had ever doubted that she would want to, but still. Knowing her track record he kind of vaguely wanted to ask her if she was sure that it was his but he had a good feeling that would end up with him getting slapped in the face so he just kept kissing her instead so he wouldn’t say anything stupid.

Eventually Quinn pulled back and grinned at Artie. “I love you. This is going to be great.”


Quinn was a few months along and thankfully the morning sickness stage was passing. Finally. It seemed a lot worse this time around. Now she was just beginning to show (she might have cried when her clothes started becoming tight, even though she really was excited about having a baby) and she started having really weird cravings.

“Baby, do we have any marshmallow fluff?” Quinn called as she searched through the cabinets. The cabinets of their house! Okay, so maybe it was the first floor of a duplex, but it was still better than living in an apartment and there was a room they could turn into a nursery and they had a yard! Just at the last minute when they thought they were going to have to move back to Lima, Artie got a job offer in Chicago so they packed up and moved and Quinn really loved it.

“Why would we have marshmallow fluff?” Artie asked, looking over at her warily from where he was seated at the dining table with some drawings. “That stuff is gross.” He knew it was just the whole pregnancy thing but that didn’t stop him from making fun of her.

Quinn turned around, hands on her hips, and stared him down. “You’re not being very supportive of me and our unborn child.”

“Our unborn child has gross taste,” Artie replied calmly.

“Your face has gross taste,” she snapped back before turning back to the cabinet and started looking for something else to eat.

Really? “Okay,” he said, turning his attention back to his work. “Don’t kiss it then.”

“Fine. Maybe I won’t. You’ll miss me though,” she said, snatching a poptart before leaving the room.

Artie turned his head to watch her leave, furrowing his brow a little, before rolling his eyes and getting back to his work.

That night before bed, Quinn stubbornly didn’t kiss him before she snuggled under the covers and clicked off her lamp.

He turned his head to look at her, torn between feeling kind of actually hurt and feeling like she was the craziest person in the history of crazy. “What’s up?” he asked, reaching a hand out onto her arm.

“I’m trying to sleep. Me and our unborn child need rest,” she said though shifted slightly so she could look at him.

Artie refused to apologize for saying that marshmallow fluff was gross but he was okay with apologizing for not being supportive. “Want me to shut up?” he asked, moving his hand over and onto her stomach. “I’m waiting for the kicking to start. I’m on kick alert.”

It was hard staying stubborn and mad with him when he was so cute. She wasn’t about to apologize though because he needed to be more understanding of all the things she had to endure while pregnant. Instead she just moved over closer to him and put her hand on top of his. “It will probably be another month before we can feel it.”

Artie turned his hand up and laced their fingers together. “Okay. Well, keep me posted,” he said, then pushed himself up with his other hand so he could lean in and kiss her cheek.

Quinn smirked slightly and turned her face at the last minute so Artie kissed her on the lips. She pulled back after a moment and said quietly, “I like your face.”

“My face likes your face,” Artie replied, grinning kind of goofily down at her. “I love you.”

“Our faces are very compatible,” Quinn grinned back. “I love you too.”

Artie let go of her hand and used both of his to half-twist himself around so he was kind of lying on his stomach. “Sorry I didn’t run out and go get you some fluff,” he said then, moving an arm over her waist.

“It’s okay. The poptart was pretty good too... Sorry I like ignored you all afternoon,” she said as she laced their fingers together again.

“It’s okay,” he said, kissing her again. “I’m glad you’re not ignoring me now.”

“Me too. Except I actually am tired, so maybe we should go to bed. Or I should. You can stay up obviously. But I sleep better when we cuddle,” she said, smirking slightly.

“Well you kind of turned the lights off while I was in the middle of reading my book... so I guess I’ll try and go to sleep,” Artie said, very seriously.

“I can turn it back on if you want. I was just... a little caught up in being ridiculous. Forgive me?” She asked, then leaned forward and kissed him.

“Definitely,” he said once he’d broken the kiss, smiling still. “Are you going to bed now?” He really did have the hardest time being stubborn around her.

“Unless you had other plans that involved me, I suppose so,” she said, giggling slightly.

Artie raised his eyebrows a little, figuring he knew what she was so sneakily trying to suggest. “Do you want me to have plans that involve you right now?” he asked, kissing her again.

Quinn shrugged noncommittally after they broke apart from kissing. “If that’s what you want. I’m okay with just sleeping though.”

He shrugged too, trying not to smile. “I guess. I mean, whatever you want, too.”

Quinn opened her mouth to respond with something suggestive but yawned instead. “I think that’s my answer.” She gave him a final kiss before getting situated more comfortably. “Goodnight.”

Artie kissed her cheek before moving himself entirely onto his back again. He was pretty okay with this turn of events after having gotten readjusted to how Quinn’s libido definitely was a lot more... vigorous when she was pregnant. “Night.”


A few weeks later, Artie was still hard at work. This time he was lying in bed with some draft proposals all around him, mostly in little crumpled up balls of paper. The company he was working for was trying to land a few new contracts, and he wanted to at least suggest some design ideas of his own before he settled down to just doing what the head architects wanted to do. He startled a little when Quinn came in, then raised his eyebrows a little. She looked really determined about something or another and Artie had a feeling that this meant that he was about to be interrupted, even when he’d purposefully retreated to their bedroom so she wouldn’t interrupt him while he was in any of the other rooms. “Yes?” he asked, twirling his pencil a bit in his hand.

Quinn walked over to the bed and sat down a little pathetically. “I’m hideous. Look at these stretch marks,” she complained and lifted up her shirt, pointing to a tiny red line on the side of her stomach.

Artie adjusted his glasses on his nose and leaned in slightly to look. “I think you had that one already,” he said, kind of dismissively. “You’re not hideous.”

Quinn’s lower lip quivered and she tried leaning over to examine it further. “How did you even love me if I’ve been walking around with that ugliness? And it’s only going to get worse,” her voice was becoming slightly hysterical.

Artie took a few deep breaths to try and stay patient, then set his notebook and pencil aside. “I love you no matter what,” he said, glancing at his watch. Maybe he could calm her down in about twenty minutes or so, then get back to work. Then he’d keep being on schedule. “Do you want a hug?”

“So you think I’m ugly?” Her head snapped up and she made eye contact with Artie. “Why would you want to hug someone so ugly?”

Really? “I don’t think you’re ugly,” he said, slowly, trying to make sure that she believed him (and it wasn’t like he was even lying!). “You’re definitely not ugly.”

Quinn scooted closer to Artie and lifted one of his arms up to put it around herself before she laid her head down on his shoulder. “Are you sure?”

He winced slightly as she sat down half-on one of his discarded sketches. “Of course I’m sure,” he said, kissing her cheek. “You’re the exact opposite of ugly.”

“Okay then,” Quinn said slowly, though she was still pouting.

“I love you,” he said, placing his other hand on her knee and leaning in to kiss her on the lips this time. “And you’re not hideous. And have I mentioned that I love you? I think you should stop pouting soon...”

“I love you too,” she said before the corner of her lip turned up slightly. “How are you going to make me stop?”

This was a good question. She was sitting on some of his work (just because he’d crumpled it up didn’t mean that he might go back to it!) but it wasn’t like he could just ask her to get up so he could retrieve it. Plus then she’d think he wasn’t paying attention. “I don’t know yet,” he said, honestly, though he tried to cover that fact up. “Maybe... we should make out so your mouth is otherwise occupied.”

Quinn’s smirk grew. “I suppose I could go along with that plan,” she said before kissing him.

Right before Artie kissed Quinn he caught a close-up glimpse of her smirk and realized that she was probably going to want to do more than make out. That kind of screwed up with his schedule. Well, maybe if they just had a quickie or something... With this in mind he deepened the kiss after a moment, tightening his arm around her, and tried to pull her onto his lap.

Quinn let out a noise of surprise and moved onto his lap, grinding down slowly once she was settled and straddling him. She brought an arm around his shoulder to stabilize herself as she continued kissing him.

Yeah, she definitely wanted to do this, Artie thought to himself, pulling away and biting his lip a little as she moved on top of him. “See, I wouldn’t want to do this as much if I thought you were anything but gorgeous, and you definitely are,” he said, hoping that that would be reassuring.

Quinn took advantage of their kiss being broken to kiss his neck as she moved her hands up under his shirt, scratching up and down his chest lightly. “You want me? Like how much?”

Artie moved his hands down onto her thighs, running them up and down a bit. “As much as you want all of your crazy pregnancy cravings,” he teased. “You should take your shirt off.”

Quinn withdrew her hands from under Artie’s shirt and pulled back enough so she could take her shirt off. She giggled slightly when she looked down at her chest. “They’re getting bigger. We should go bra shopping soon. You can help me pick them out.”

Artie took a moment to look Quinn up and down, half-smirking, half-smiling all the while. “You’re definitely the opposite of hideous,” he said then, leaning in to kiss his way down her chest, following the edge of her bra.

Quinn brought her hands back up and started running her fingers through Artie’s hair. “That feels really good.”

“It better,” he said, talking mostly into her skin. He brought his hands up over her back and fumbled a little with her bra before getting it undone. “These things are really hard,” he said mostly to himself then before leaning back to take it off her.

Giggling, Quinn leaned back too and helped him get her bra off all the way. “You’d think with all your practice you’d get it by now,” she teased.

In the interest of time, Artie reached a hand down between them and unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. “It’s just really complex,” he said defensively, blushing a little.

Quinn looked between them and smirked before she slid off Artie’s lap and stood up so she could pull off her jeans. Once she was situated back on his lap she tugged at the hem of his shirt. “I think this needs to go.”

He nodded a little and pulled his shirt off, setting it aside, then kissed her again. “Do you want me?” he asked then, his hands moving continuously over her body.

What a ridiculous question. “I always want you,” Quinn responded immediately before kissing him again.

Artie settled his hands on her hips and adjusted her on his lap, biting his lip hard. “Do you feel that?” he asked then, leaning back in to kiss her neck. “I think you should do something about it.”

Quinn ground down on his lap, smirking. “Maybe if you ask nicely I will.”

He gasped and closed his eyes momentarily, then stared up at her. “Please. Quinn. I want you.”

Quinn got off his lap and hooked her fingers under the waist of his shorts and boxers. “Lift.”

Artie leaned back onto his hands and pushed himself up, keeping eye contact with her while she moved his clothes down. “What do you want me to do now?”

“You could always help me with my underwear,” Quinn said as she stepped back closer to him.

Artie pretended to consider this for a moment before grinning and pushing her underwear down. He was starting to get torn now between getting this done right now and drawing it out like he usually did, but for now he just kept smiling up at her. “Now what?”

Quinn got her underwear off the rest of the way then crawled back onto the bed, smiling back at Artie. “We could just start with this...” she trailed off before leaning in to kiss him.

He kissed her back, letting her set the pace of everything right now (although he really needed to get back to working... but this was probably more important), then pulled away and looked downwards at her body. “I think you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” he said then, running his thumb along a stretch mark.

“Then you should kiss me everywhere that you think is pretty,” Quinn said, bring her hand down to rest on top of Artie’s on her stomach.

Artie belatedly pulled his glasses off and set them on the nightstand before looking back up at her, trying to remain patient. “That would take forever because I’d have to kiss all of you.”

“You could do like a top five...” Quinn giggled.

This was why Artie never really took Quinn seriously when she was telling him that he was the one with the ego. “Okay,” he said, just so she wouldn’t get upset, and started trying to think of where he needed to kiss her. “These are in no particular order,” he said next as a precaution before pulling her down to first just kiss her on the lips. He really kind of thought they ought to be having sex right now instead, but he could wait a few more minutes. Hopefully.

Quinn smiled against his lips and kissed him back contentedly. After a few moments though she pulled back and looked at him. “Okay, one down.”

Artie kind of thought Quinn was being really conniving right now or something because she wasn’t even touching him but he still had to do things to her. This wasn’t very equal. He lowered his head and kissed her collarbone, before, because he hadn’t in about four years or so, starting to suck on the skin where her neck met her shoulder. He sat back up after a minute and admired his work. “That’s so if you ever forget where spot number two is.”

Quinn’s hand involuntarily moved up to Artie’s shoulder, squeezing gently as he sucked on her neck. “You’re lucky I don’t have a meeting tomorrow,” she said before kissing his chest.

She was finally paying attention to him. “I do have one,” he said, kind of warningly.

“So if I want to suck on something it can’t be visible?” She whispered seductively into his ear.

Artie swallowed hard and nodded a little, temporarily speechless. “Yeah. Please do.”

“Well what is number three though?” She said teasingly as she slid her hand down his chest.

He bit his lip and brought his hand up to the small of her back, his fingers running up and down her spine. “Right here.”

Quinn twisted around so her back was to Artie. “Kiss?”

Artie waited until he’d bent down to kiss her back before rolling his eyes. “Good enough or should I do something like--” He moved his hand out of the way and licked up her spine, slowly.

She really hadn’t been expecting that at all and moaned out in surprise. “That was definitely good enough,” she said as she twisted back around. “You have a very talented mouth, Mr. Abrams.”

“Did you like that?” Artie asked, kind of actually surprised. “Turn around,” he added, straightening back up (his back had been at a weird angle).

Quinn raised an eyebrow at him but followed instructions and moved so her back was to him again. “Of course I liked it. What are you planning to do now?”

He moved her hair out of the way and kissed the back of her neck experimentally, then continued downwards. “How’s this?”

Letting out another little whimper, she reached a hand back so she could run her fingers through Artie’s hair again. “Amazing. I already told you, your mouth is really talented.”

As much as Artie was enjoying himself right now, he was still hoping they could get a move on things (not just because he had a lot of work to do, but also because he seriously needed to get off by this point.) “Can we just skip numbers four and five?” he asked, keeping his hands still on her stomach.

Quinn was getting anxious for actual sex too and nodded her head. “So what are number four and five then?” She asked, placing her hands on top of his.

He snuck his hands out from underneath hers and moved one up to her breasts. “Here’s number four,” he said, kissing her shoulder in lieu of having her turn back around. He was actually pretty into her not facing him right now. “And then number five.” He moved his other hand down her stomach and onto her inner thigh, just because he felt like being a tease. “Sorry the last one’s not as exciting as it could’ve been.”

Quinn let out a frustrated groan when his hand stopped on her inner thigh. “I want my kisses,” she pouted.

“Too bad,” he said, and smirked before leaning forward and kissing her. “I hope this is good enough too.”

She wasn’t all that fixated on it but decided to play stubborn. “And if it’s not?”

“I guess you’d just kind of have to deal with it,” he said, trying to pull her a little closer to him now. “Can we try it like this, cougar?”

“Try sex like this?” She asked, turning her head slightly to look at him. “I could go for that.”

“Get on it, then,” he said, then realized the pun and started laughing.

Quinn rolled her eyes then looked down, trying to figure out how this all worked. “I think you need to like put your legs together so I can straddle them.”

“You’re kind of in the way,” he said, a little impatiently. “So I can’t reach. Just scoot like, backwards and then you should be able to.”

Figuring it would just be easier, she moved from between his legs until she was on one side then pushed them together. Before she went to straddle him though she faced him so she could kiss him while she had the chance. She rested her hand on his thigh as they kissed and gradually shifted it up until her fingers brushed against him.

Artie closed his eyes as he tried to focus on staying calm. “You’re driving me crazy,” he said, eyes still closed. “Please just. Do something.”

Quinn wrapped her hand around him gently, moving up and down slowly. “This kind of ‘something’ okay?”

He inhaled sharply and nodded, opening his eyes then and keeping his gaze on her face. “I love you,” he said, swallowing hard. “So much.”

She stroked up and down a few more times before pulling back her hand and looking up at him slightly nervously. “Is it okay if I get up on this now?” What if she was really bad at this position?

Artie leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Definitely,” he said, looking forward to the novelty of something new.

Quinn moved back to straddle him, facing away, and struggled slightly to position him correctly, but eventually felt like she got it right. She lowered down slowly and gasped as she felt him enter her. “Like this?”

“Yeah, just like that,” he said, tightening his arms around her. “Why has it taken us so long to do this?”

“Because we like to look at each other. And you can’t kiss me like this,” Quinn responded as she slid down further on him.

“Oh yes I can,” Artie said, leaning in and bringing a hand up to her face as he kissed her. “Never say never, cougar. Not when I’m involved.”

Quinn reached an arm back and tangled a hand in his hair as they kissed. “I love when you get stubborn like this.”

“It makes a nice change from doing whatever you say,” Artie said, only partially kidding. “And I just love you in general.”

Quinn rolled her eyes slightly then tightened her grip in his hair to pull him in for another kiss. When she finally pulled back she said, “Don’t lie, you love when I boss you around,” before grinding down on him.

While this was completely true, Artie didn’t feel like just outright admitting this (even though Quinn obviously knew what she was talking about). “Do not,” he said, mostly-successfully suppressing a groan as she moved hard around him.

She giggled slightly at his continued stubbornness. It was pretty cute. But she knew it was total bullshit. “Really? Then take charge right now. I’ll do whatever you tell me.”

“Why, do you love it when I boss you around too?” Artie asked, smirking a little as he started thinking of a few possibilities. “Tell me what you want me to have you do. Maybe I’ll let you.”

Quinn rolled her eyes. “See, this is exactly my point. You need me to boss you around and tell you how to boss me around. That isn’t how it works.”

“No, I want you to tell me what you want,” Artie said immediately. “You get all blush-y and embarrassed and maybe I want you to be uncomfortable for a moment.”

“You’re mean,” she said, jokingly before grinding down into him again. Let him feel uncomfortable and flustered for a moment. “What I want right now is to just fuck you.” She had even managed to say it with minimum blushing just to annoy him. Take that Mr. Abrams.

Artie bit his lip hard and gathered his resolve. “Get off, then. Not like. I want you to come. But literally get off of me, then turn back around and give me a blow job.”

“You’re not serious are you?” She asked, rolling her eyes again slightly. Leave it to Artie to not let her do the one thing she wanted at that moment.

“Dead serious,” he said, not at all bothering to hide his grin.

“And why should I do this?” She asked, still not moving to do what he asked.

“Because you said you’d do whatever I told you to do and I’m going to hold you to it.” Artie was kind of unsure about whether she’d actually do it but this was like an experiment and now he needed to see it through.

Quinn finally got off of him, because she really couldn’t fault him on his request. She had said she’d do whatever he wanted. She just didn’t think he would actually have the balls to do it. She adjusted Artie’s legs so she would have space to lay between them then moved to rest on her side. “Fine,” was all she said before gently grabbing him and taking the tip of his cock in her mouth, swirling her tongue the way she knew he liked.

Artie was feeling pretty pleased with himself now. In a way he was kind of getting her back for not really doing anything to him before they started having sex, besides the five second hand job that had really not been all that satisfying due to its shortness (although he figured that was probably her intention). “Go down more,” he said then, eyes slightly wide as he watched her.

This was mostly amusing to Quinn. He so rarely took charge like this that it was kind of weird. But again, she was going to do it because she said she would so she took him more into her mouth, now focusing her tongue on licking the underside and below the head.

Artie reached down and moved her hair more out of the way, partly to be helpful but mostly so he could watch her better. He was kind of tempted to just let her keep going until he got an orgasm out of it but that would be mean. For now, though, this was pretty great. “Suck a little harder, will you?”

What the fuck. She seriously wasn’t about to back down from this but hadn’t she come to him looking for reassurance? So how did she find herself giving him a blow job? She sucked harder, fueled by her irritation and confusion.

Artie let her keep going for a bit longer before saying, “Okay, you can stop now.” That had also kind of taken a lot of willpower since she was really good at... well, kind of everything sex related, but he wasn’t going to be a total jerk about this. He couldn’t help but grin. “Still want me to be in charge?”

“Well you are on a roll,” Quinn said, still mostly amused by all this. Except she was also a little bit frustrated too but mostly because she was frustrated in the sexual kind of way and it was making her the regular kind of frustrated too.

“Yeah, I know,” Artie said almost immediately, feeling really pleased with himself. “If you still want to fuck me you should do that now.”

Quinn moved herself so she was sitting up now and faced Artie. “Are you going to tell me how?” She asked, her voice slightly shaky from anticipation and from the fact that she really enjoyed when Artie talked like that.

He nodded, running his hands over her body as he looked her over. “But you can do it like you want to first. So I can lull you into a false sense of security.”

She straddled him as she rolled her eyes. “You think you’re so clever don’t you?” She asked as she started kissing up his neck. “You think you’re so good at this being in charge thing. Except we both know who really is.” She said before finally kissing him on the lips.

While Artie knew that she definitely had a point, that didn’t mean she needed to demean him while making it. That wasn’t very nice. “I am clever. And you needed to be on me about a minute or so ago.” He planted his hands on her hips and waited for her to make the next move.

“Of course you’re clever. You married me,” she replied with a smirk before sinking down on him, letting out an appreciative moan.

Artie had no good rebuttals in response to that because it was pretty much true. “I obviously made the right choice, although you did have some pretty good competition,” he teased, tightening his hands on her.

Quinn got a very unexpected and sudden surge of possessiveness and she looked at Artie intensely. “But you’re mine. And if I ever catch Chang mooning over you again I will take her out.” Where was this coming from?

He was kind of taken aback by this, but he also thought it was really pretty hot that she was getting jealous even though he clearly only wanted to be with her. “Oh yeah?” he asked, leaning in for a kiss. “Well good thing I am yours.”

These pregnancy hormones were making her so damn crazy, but it wasn’t like she could control it. She just really wanted Artie to understand that he was her husband and they were having a baby together and to even joke about how they might not have ended up together was horrible. They clearly loved each other too much for that to even be a possibility. But Quinn always got what she wanted and this was no exception. So she just nodded and kissed him back as she started moving on him again. “Mine.”

Even though Artie kind of thought that Quinn was being a little strange about this (wasn’t the whole wedding thing that they’d done kind of a good indicator that he was hers?), he knew he probably just needed to go along with it despite the fact that he also kind of wanted to joke around with her some more because she looked so good when she was all jealous (was that weird to think?). “Always.”

“Good,” Quinn said, smiling at him. She continued moving on him though wasn’t really getting too intense about it because soon he was probably going to tell her to stop doing that and do something else and she wasn’t going to let herself be “lulled into false security” or whatever, despite what Artie said.

“Go a little harder,” Artie said after a moment, biting his lip. He closed his eyes and thought about whether he wanted to hurry this up or not. He’d kind of given up on doing this quickly but he probably could just have her do everything that’d make him come sooner if he wanted... He opened his eyes then and kissed her again. “You don’t still think you’re hideous, do you?”

“Well you joking about how we almost didn’t end up together didn’t help me feel less hideous, but I guess I’m over it since we are married after all...” She said moving harder as he requested, biting her lip as well to stop from moaning too loudly.

“Come on,” he said, doing his best to try and not sound exasperated or anything. “You know I think you’re beautiful. And I have been ready to marry you for a while, I just didn’t know it then. And...” It was really hard to think coherently as she kept moving on him. “I love you. And you’re my favorite.”

So maybe Quinn was just pushing Artie’s buttons now, but it still wasn’t nice of him to joke about that. “Like how you practically proposed to me at my seventeenth birthday party, I know,” she said, grinding down on him again. God that had been a long time ago. “I love you too,” she said before kissing him again.

“I didn’t really,” he said, not really sure why he was being so defensive about this. Obviously she didn’t care now, and hadn’t at the time. “Can you. Twist a little?”

Quinn just rolled her eyes again at his response though at his request, slowed down and looked at him curiously. “What do you mean? Twist?”

Artie nodded a little, taking advantage of her slowing down and catching his breath as much as he could. “Like when you move up and down. Your hips.”

She was still a little confused as to what he meant. How was she supposed to twist her hips? She decided to just try out a few things. She started moving faster again, adding a circular sort of rotation as she moved. Biting her lip, she looked at Artie, wondering if this was what he meant.

His jaw dropped a little, involuntarily and also a little embarrassingly (well, Artie thought it was embarrassing). “Keep doing that,” he said, closing his eyes momentarily. “I mean. Unless you don’t like it.”

“You suck at being in charge,” Quinn smirked at him as she kept going, leaning in to kiss him again.

Artie had been kind of getting to the point where nothing could derail him from getting his orgasm when she said that. He frowned a little and was silent for a moment before talking again. “Well-- sorry if I wanted to be considerate. Do whatever you want then.”

“Don’t pout at me,” she said as she cupped his face to kiss him slowly. “I love when you’re considerate. You’re the most considerate ever.” She kissed him again. “But sometimes I need you in charge. And maybe I’m trying to rile you up so you get into it. I guess I suck at that,” she said, amused.

“Yeah, kind of,” he said, looking away for a moment. He suddenly wasn’t as into everything as he had been just now and he didn’t know what to do about that. He considered telling her he didn’t want to be in charge of things anymore but he didn’t think that would go over well so instead he just said, “Let’s just keep doing this then. I guess.”

Quinn frowned slightly when he got that defeated tone in his voice. He probably thought he was hiding it really well but she had known him for so long now that she could easily detect it. “Do you even want to keep doing this?” She really did suck. Now he was all moody and all she had wanted was some sex but apparently she couldn’t even do that right. Why was he even married to her if she was such a terrible wife?

“Yes,” Artie said stubbornly. He wasn’t about to stop, or, rather, ask her to stop just because she was being all strange and doubtful or whatever was going on with her. Unless she wanted to stop. He took a deep breath and tried to use his hands to slow her down a little on him. “Do you still want to?”

“Of course I want to.” She kissed him again, running one of her hands through his hair. Once she pulled back she rested her forehead against his. He had slowed her down so she didn’t try speeding up on him or anything but she started rotating her hips again on him.

Artie tried hard to concentrate on how good everything still felt, but he still wasn’t as into the sex as he had been only a few minutes ago. “I want you to tell me how much you want me,” he said suddenly, swallowing hard.

Pushing her embarrassment issue aside because she could tell he was still not quite as into it anymore she nodded. “So much. Because I love the way you feel inside me. And I love the way your hands grab my hips. And I love the way you kiss me. And I love the way you kiss my neck when you’re trying to catch your breath. And I love the way you bite your lip. And I love how you look at me like I’m all you can see.” She kissed him hard before pulling back. “I love you.”

He leaned in to kiss her again once she pulled away, bringing one of his hands up to run it through her hair. “I love you too. And I don’t care if you get stretch marks.” He then decided he would probably need to explain that comment a little further. “Well. Not that I’m expecting you to. But if you do, I won’t care. And I’ll still think you’re beautiful. Because you are. If you didn’t know. And I’m pretty sure that you know. But I’m totally cool with the stretch mark thing. Because I’m so happy that you’re pregnant and if you get more stretch marks it’s because our baby is growing and I’m really excited about that. And I love you. Which I’ve already said but I can never say it enough.”

“I love you. So much. And I’m happy that I’m pregnant too. I can’t wait until the baby is born. You’re going to be such an amazing dad,” she said as she started moving faster. She wasn’t sure if Artie was necessarily into this again but at least he wasn’t disinterested and that was a start.

He was definitely beginning to get back into everything, especially now that she had started moving faster again. “Are you just saying that because you want the baby out of you already?” he asked, not at all seriously.

Quinn giggled slightly but it sort of formed into a moan. “No. I haven’t even started calling the baby ‘demon spawn’ yet. It’s not that bad yet. Now is the good time of the pregnancy. Because I’m not huge yet, there’s no more morning sickness, sex feels even more amazing than usual, and you can’t stop staring at how huge my boobs are.”

“Yeah, these are awesome,” Artie said, kissing her again on the lips before slouching a little to kiss his way down towards her breasts. “Just for these you should probably be pregnant all the time.”

Quinn wound her fingers through his hair again and massaged his scalp as he kissed down her chest. “Funny,” she said, though she was sarcastic in an amused way. She watched him, wondering if he would take a nipple in his mouth. She wasn’t going to tell him what to do because after saying he sucked at being in charge she just needed to let things happen without any input from her.

Artie was definitely into the sex again, though he thought it was kind of hard not to be when he was busy working his way down further. He glanced up and made eye contact with Quinn, smirking a little before running his tongue lightly around her nipple. He then adjusted his hand a little, moving it around from where it was on her hip so he could simultaneously get his thumb against her clit. “How’s this?” he asked then, smirking still.

“Oh my God,” she moaned out loudly before nodding her head. “So good. You’re so good. Fuck.” Her grasp tightened slightly in his hair though she was sure not to hold too tight that she would pull his hair. As she continued to move on him she squeezed around him purposefully for a few moments before releasing and repeating. “How’s that?” She panted back.

Artie had been pretty unprepared for that, maybe as much as she had been just a moment ago. He straightened back up and kissed her again, moving his thumb a little faster against her although he was kind of losing his ability to keep a steady rhythm as he started getting more desperate. “Don’t stop. Please. I will. Do something. If you do.”

Quinn was having trouble focusing on keeping up her rhythm because everything was feeling so good and he was distracting her even further by rubbing her clit like that. “Is--Oh God. Is that a threat?” She barely managed to say as she squeezed around him again.

“Yeah but it’s kind of a shitty one,” Artie said, grinning a little at the look on her face. He was really glad that they had somehow managed to work past his weird mood fluctuation that’d just happened (maybe he was having sympathy pregnancy hormones...). “Okay. I think I never actually relinquished control here.” It was also getting increasingly harder to talk but he forced the words out. “So I. With that in mind. I want you to come now.”

Realizing that her eyes had been shut, she forced them open and looked at him. “Right now? Right this second? You want me to come?” She could already feeling herself getting dangerously close to coming but liked how he was being in control again so she wanted to prolong it just a little longer.

“Yeah, right now,” he said, wondering if there was anything else he could do. Maybe some talking would help. “I mean, I know you want it. I can tell by the way your voice sounds and your breathing gets all quick. And I think I’m a little addicted to that. Making you feel that good. Actually, I know I am. But I can’t help that you’re so fucking sexy when you do and then afterwards you look really cute and. I just love it. So go ahead.”

Quinn whimpered as she listened to Artie talk because him talking to her like that was definitely helping. And the way he was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to be ‘fucking sexy’ was what pushed her over the edge. She moaned his name loudly as she tightened around him (this time completely involuntary but in the most amazing kind of way) before grabbing his face, kissing him roughly as she rode out her orgasm.

Usually Quinn having an orgasm would trigger Artie’s but this time it took him a little longer to come. It felt like about an hour of torture, even though in reality it was only a few minutes. He leaned forward and rested his forehead on her shoulder, gasping loudly and closing his eyes as he came. After a moment he straightened back up and kissed her as he tried to calm down.

She kissed him back slowly as they both worked on catching their breath. Finally though she pulled back and kissed his cheek before whispering, “For the record, you’re fucking sexy when you come too.”

Artie wrapped his arms around her and yawned a little, leaning his head against hers. “Not as much as you are.” He was silent for a bit longer before saying, “You really messed up my productivity plans.”

Quinn pouted slightly at him (though she wasn’t really be serious). “But you were productive in giving me an orgasm.” She smirked at him then and gave him a kiss. “Sorry though.”

“No you’re not,” Artie said, smirking back at her. “I know how much you love it when you just have to be quiet while I’m working so we can still hang out.”

“Yeah, I never have a problem doing that,” Quinn said laughing. “Do you have to get back to work right away or can we cuddle for a while?”

Artie looked between his work papers, which were still scattered on their bed, and his hot naked wife on his lap. “Both?” he suggested, only partially serious.

“I love you,” Quinn said suddenly, giving him a kiss right before she (regretfully) got off his lap and gathered some of his papers to move them out of the way so she could settle down on the bed. “I suppose you need this,” she said, holding out the papers.

Artie took the stack from her and set it aside for a moment so he could get into his boxers. “I love you too,” he said, picking up his drawings and kissing her cheek. Before he started trying to get back into work, though, he asked, “Are you feeling better? I think I got some of your weird mood swings...”

Quinn watched Artie pull on his boxers, amused by his need to get dressed right away while she could really care less about clothes. She adjusted her pillow before stretching back. “Yeah, I am. Thank you,” she said, reaching out to rub his arm. “Sorry my mood swings are apparently contagious. Are you feeling better now?” She asked, smirking.

“Yeah, I am,” Artie echoed, smiling a little at her. “Maybe I’m just too empathetic or something. But I don’t know. When you’re not in a good mood lately I feel like I usually end up not in a good mood either.”

Quinn rolled on her side so she could perch her head on her hand and look at him. “I’ll just have to be in a good mood then. I don’t like seeing you sad. Or whatever other crazy emotions you’re empathizing.”

Artie retrieved his glasses and put them back on, adjusting them on his nose until they felt right. “I don’t like seeing you when you’re not in a good mood either, so I think this is a good game plan.” He then started flipping through his work, trying to remember where he’d left off. “Can you put some clothes on? I keep seeing you out of the corner of my eye and it’s really distracting.”

Quinn had already been on the edge of dozing off when Artie’s voice broke the silence. After taking a moment to comprehend what he had said, she let out a sleepy giggle. “What kind of guy asks their wife to put clothes on?” She teased but got off the bed to get dressed. “Only because I love you.”

“You’re naked a lot,” Artie said defensively, trying not to smile. “It’s not like I never see you without your clothes on.”

Quinn shot Artie a smirk as she pulled on her underwear and then a shirt. “Better? And I can’t help it that I just happen to like being naked and the situations I find myself in while in that state.” Plus the fact that she had such an effect on Artie wasn’t a bad perk either.

“Sure, whatever you say,” Artie replied, grinning over at her quickly before turning back to his work. “Okay, let’s resume conversation in an hour and a half. I love you.”

Quinn nodded and settled back in bed next to him. “Love you too,” she said before turning her attention to her own book.

rating: nc-17, ship: artie/quinn, type: fanfic

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