fanfic: Worth The Wait, NC-17 (Artie/Quinn)

Jun 21, 2010 17:13

Title: Worth The Wait
Author: ipickquinn & backitup_baby
Pairings/Characters: Artie/Quinn
Rating: NC-17 (fingering, sex, dirty talk)
Word count: 6,462
Spoilers: none
Summary: After being celibate for a month before their wedding, Quinn and Artie make their first night as Mr. and Mrs. Abrams one to remember.

Sequel to: I Like You Better Without Pants | Come On, Cougars Are Cute

A/N: This fic was written by ipickquinn (as Quinn) and backitup_baby (as Artie)!

( Artie/Quinn 'verse masterlist)

Worth The Wait

All the stressing, fighting, and general stupidity that went into the wedding planning turned out to be worth it. When she finally said 'I do' while grinning and maybe happily crying, she couldn't even remember all the struggles it took to get there. She was becoming Quinn Abrams and nothing else really mattered. The reception was beautiful. Even that stupid seating chart had worked out and no inter-family family brawls had broken out. They smushed cake in each others face and had their first dance (which had just been Quinn taking a ride on Artie's lap around the dance floor, grinning like an idiot the whole time) and talked with their family and friends. Over all, a perfect day. Not that Quinn would ever tell Artie, but she credited everything going so smoothly due to all the planning. Either way, she had probably just had the most perfect day of her life and nothing was going to change that.

By now the reception was winding down and Quinn was sitting in Artie's lap, grinning at him. "Hello, husband," she said as she ran her hand through the hair at the base of his neck. "I can't believe the day is almost over."

Artie was more than kind of drunk from all the wedding champagne so he just grinned back up at Quinn, feeling a little dizzy and hazy and deliriously happy. "I can't believe that today happened," he said, aware that he used to say that all the time when they first started seeing each other. "So I'm glad we have these rings to help me remember that we really are married."

Quinn wasn't quite as drunk as Artie but she was a little tipsy. She giggled then looked down at her ring, grinning. She still never got tired of looking at it. "I'm glad we have them too, well because mine is so pretty to look at." She leaned down to kiss him then and pulled back after a long moment. "I love you."

"I love you too," Artie said happily, reaching for her hand and playing with her ring a bit with his thumb. "I guess things are kind of dying down here. How much longer should we stay?"

"We can leave when ever we want, it's our wedding," Quinn said, waving her free hand around a little exaggeratedly. "Do you think we should just like... say goodbye and go? I think we can do that." She nodded a little enthusiastically.

"Yeah let's do that." It was actually kind of late (well, only a little past midnight, but it had been a pretty hectic and stressful day) and Artie just wanted to lie down in their hotel room, get it on with his woman, and go to bed. He leaned up as much as he could and whispered in her ear, "I can't wait to be alone with you tonight."

Quinn giggled and just kissed Artie before getting off his lap. "Let's go baby, I just want to cuddle with you on that king size bed and be with my husband." That hadn't made much sense or did it? Maybe Quinn was a little more tipsy than she thought. Her mom had already left so they mostly just had to say goodnight to Artie's parents and whatever drunken friends were still on the dance floor.

Waving to Artie's parents as they approached them, Quinn grinned, and when they were close enough said, "We're heading out and came over to say goodnight. Thank you, sooo much for everything." She had drawn out that 'so' a little long, but whatever. Quinn was pretty sure Andrew and Catherine had seen all the champagne both kids had consumed so they should be expecting this.

Artie yawned hugely, covering his mouth politely about halfway through, and shared a surprised look with his dad when all of a sudden his mom reached over and enveloped Quinn in a tight hug. He really had not been expecting that at all. It wasn't like they were still not getting along, but his mother was never really physically demonstrative with Quinn. Artie's father shrugged and they shook hands while they waited for Artie's mother to get ahold of herself. She did eventually before leaning down to hug Artie while his dad hugged Quinn. "Thanks again, really, for everything," Artie said then, a lot more carefully than Quinn had done just now, and, once they had moved away, turned to Quinn. "Wow... they were really emotional."

Quinn had been just as surprised as Artie when his mother hugged her tight, though she was glad that she had finally been accepted or whatever that just was. Since she truly was part of the family now. Well at least by marriage. The hug from Artie's dad was a little more expected, but she still grinned at that. She had always had a soft spot for him. Leading the way to their car, Quinn nodded. "Yeah, but well, it's been an emotional day. A really good day though. Ready to get out of here?"

"Definitely," Artie said, really glad they'd decided to hire a car. He really hadn't meant to drink this much. Once they had gotten into the car and the driver had stowed his chair and all of that technical stuff, he leaned over and kissed her ear. "Tonight I wanna see it in your eyes, feel the magic, there's something that drives me wild. And tonight we're gonna make it all come true, 'cause girl, you were made for me and, girl, I was made for you," he sang, drawing out the vowels every now and then but getting most of the melody right besides that.

Quinn giggled quietly and bit her lip as she watched Artie singing to her. He was quite silly tonight but she rather liked it. "I love when you sing to me, baby," she whispered back, kissing him below the ear.

"Good, I'll sing to you all night, then," Artie replied, taking this declaration very seriously (probably more seriously than Quinn thought). He leaned forward and moved his hand under her dress and onto her leg, grinning at her all the while. "I was made for loving you, baby, you were made for loving me. And I can't get enough of you, baby, can you get enough of me?"

Quinn let out a shocked noise when Artie put his hand up her dress, but grinned at him. "Naughty," she teased him before moving a hand up to massage the base of his neck.

"You spent like three years practically begging me to do stuff like this," Artie mock-protested, leaning in to kiss her.

Quinn smirked and kissed his neck again. "You didn't hear me asking you to stop, did you?" She said with an eyebrow raised, suggestively.

"You want me to do this here?" Artie asked, kind of surprised. If he hadn't had so much to drink he would've never have been tempted to actually go for it but as the circumstances were, he definitely had and was really into this for now. He figured they were kind of close to the hotel anyway so they couldn't get very far. After waiting to make sure, he slid his hand up her leg and onto her thigh, still grinning.

Quinn shrugged and grinned back. "A little risk is always fun," she said before leaning in to kiss him. She knew this wouldn't get very far because they were close to the hotel but dammit it was their wedding night and they could do whatever they wanted.

"Maybe for you," Artie said, mostly against her lips. And then, to emphasize his point, he moved his hand up higher on her thigh and brushed his fingertips against her underwear.

Quinn whimpered against Artie's mouth and started kissing him harder when he made contact with her underwear. Unfortunately then the car came to a stop and Quinn pulled back to look out the window. "Oh look, we're here," she smirked then pecked him on the lips.

"Your loss, cougar," Artie said, shrugging a little. Getting himself back into his chair was surprisingly difficult (well, it shouldn't have been surprising because he was drunk), but he made it in all right. "I'm totally okay," he told Quinn, in case she was worried, then proceeded to wheel-pace around behind her while she made sure that everything with their room was in order.

Quinn felt a little ridiculous checking into their hotel room when she was clearly still dressed in her wedding dress but the person behind the desk was extra nice to her and even threw in a complimentary breakfast so that was pretty exciting. Room keys in hand she flounced back over to Artie and laugh at him wheeling around like a maniac. "Baby let's go!" She waved around the keys enthusiastically to show that they were all set.

"Totally down," Artie said, following Quinn into the elevator. Having their baggage dropped off here earlier pre-wedding had been such a good idea. He nor Quinn were in any state to deal with that. He waited until they got into their room to pull her down and kiss her again, seeing as he had spent most of their elevator ride talking about how their wedding had gone really well and he was sorry for all of the fights they'd had prior to it, so his mouth was otherwise occupied.

After kissing Artie back for a few minutes, Quinn pulled back and straightened up. She tripped slightly on the train of her dress and laughed. "I need to get out of this dress." After locating her luggage and grabbing a nightgown she waved it and smirked, saying, "Be right back," before retreating to the bathroom. It took her a little while to navigate her way out of the dress. It had been a challenge getting into it and that was when she was sober. Obviously being tipsy made things a little more difficult. Eventually though she emerged from the bathroom, went to the closet to hang up her wedding dress, then approached the bed, doing a little twirl. "Hi."

Artie had taken the time to get out of his tuxedo and had folded it all somewhat neatly on the dresser, then gotten into some pajama pants. Quinn was taking forever though so he got himself onto their bed after pulling the bedspread down and turned the tv on, sitting up and humming a little. "What took you so long?" he asked, looking her over appreciatively.

Quinn giggled slightly then crawled onto the bed. "I had to get out of that dress and sort of got lost in the train and... it was really difficult, okay?" She shifted over closer to him and positioned herself so her head was resting on her shoulder. "Hi," she said again, grinning at him.

Artie moved an arm around her and turned off the television before bringing his other arm around her too, draping it loosely over her stomach. "I've been really trying, baby, trying to hold back this feeling for so long. And if you feel like I feel, baby, then come on, oh! Come on, let's get it on, babe, let's get it on, you know what I'm talking about, come on baby, let your love come out if you believe in love let's get it--"

Quinn giggled as Artie started singing again and reached down to hold one of his hands. Eventually though she got inpatient because he just kept singing and singing and she wanted to be kissing. So she cut him off by leaning over and covering his lips with her own.

Artie kissed her eagerly, using her hand to begin to pull her on top of him. The whole no sex thing had been his idea in the first place but it was their wedding night and it was tradition for people to have sex on their wedding night so obviously that was what was going to happen here. He pulled away to look her over, smiling slightly. "I love you. And I can't believe that we're married now."

Quinn moved as Artie's hand directed her all the while continuing to kiss him. Once sort of half on top of him she pulled back as well, smiling. "I love you too, husband," she smiled even wider before leaning down to kiss him again.

Artie moved both of his hands down onto her hips and settled her firmly onto him, biting his lip a little at the contact. "I'm going to take this off now," he said, very seriously, tugging upwards a bit at her nightgown.

There seemed to be this vague recollection in her head that she wanted to wait to have sex until they got to Italy, but really right now she couldn't just put the breaks on. They had just went like a whole month without having sex, and sure, what's another day? But it wasn't that simple when she was already straddling him and he was pulling off her nightgown. That was just be cruel to stop now... So instead she just nodded and helped him pull the garment off before throwing it backwards.

Artie took the time to look her over again now that she was just in her underwear, a half-smirk, half-grin forming on his face. "You're so beautiful," he told her, kind of reverently. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

Quinn blushed slightly, though maybe it was just a flush caused by her tipsiness. "I'm pretty lucky too," she replied as she traced up and down his chest. After a moment of just grinning at him she leaned down to kiss him again.

He kissed her back for a moment, then broke the kiss to press his lips against her neck. He moved his hands up to her breasts but didn't keep them there, bringing them back down to her stomach probably too quickly. "I want to put a baby in here," he said, talking mostly into her skin.

Quinn let out a disappointed whimper when he didn't linger too long at her breasts but Artie's next words pretty much made her forget about that. She pulled back slightly and looked down at him seriously. "Tonight?" Her voice squeaked a little. "Baby, I thought we talked about waiting until after you were done with grad school..." She definitely wasn't opposed to having Artie's children. In fact, she really did want to have kids with him. She just figured they should wait for the right timing.

Artie straightened up and thought seriously about what Quinn was saying, then nodded. "Okay. Yeah, that's probably for the best." He paused, one hand moving back up to her breasts while he thought. "Can we at least... I mean, you're on the pill... and the condoms are far away and I don't want you to get up off of me..."

It was hard to think with Artie's hands on her like that but somehow Quinn managed a nod. "Yeah, I'm on the pill..." She let out a gasp as his hand did something particularly right. "It's fine... Don't stop."

Artie brought his other hand down and hooked his fingers under the waistband of her underwear, pulling down a little. As always, he looked incredibly pleased with himself in anticipation of the prospect of getting his fianceé-- well, wife now-- naked on top of him. "Good, 'cause I don't want to stop."

Quinn just smirked and helped him pull her underwear down even further then wiggled around until she got them all the way off, throwing them away just as she had done her nightgown. "You're far too dressed for this," she said as she slipped her finger in the top of his pajama pants.

Artie was convinced that she was wiggling on top of him just to purposefully drive him crazy. He did his best to keep calm but it was hard to remember to breathe properly when she was moving on him like that, even if she wasn't directly trying to get him off. "Definitely, yeah, I think so," he managed, waiting until she'd gotten off of him to lean back and raise himself up so she could get his pants down.

Moving down the bed eagerly, Quinn got a firmer hold on Artie's pajama bottoms and pulled them down. Once they were tossed away with the rest of their clothes she leaned down and kissed one of his hip bone, then the other, then up his chest, purposefully not using her mouth where he probably most wanted it. Finally reaching his face she just gave him a suggestive smirk. "Hi."

She looked way too smug for Artie's liking. "You're such a tease," he complained, running his hand up and down her thigh for a moment before moving it between her legs and purposefully not doing anything actually interesting with it. "See, I can do that too. I'm just going to keep this hand here by the way."

"You love it," Quinn grinned at him, though tried shifting her hips so his hand would make contact where she wanted him. "You're a tease too, though. I guess we'll just be here all night if we're both going to be like this."

"Probably," Artie replied, grinning back at her. Years of having sex with Quinn meant that he knew exactly how to push her buttons (oh, that was such an awful pun... except he couldn't help but snicker a little bit, out loud, at that) so he shifted his hand a little and moved his fingertip against her clit for a second before moving his hand back to a neutral position. "You love this too, don't lie."

Quinn's eyes squeezed shut as he teased her but when he moved his hand back to neutral ground they slowly opened. "I do. But you play so dirty," she pouted.

Artie waited a moment before repeating the motion, letting his hand linger a little longer before moving it back. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you have yourself to blame for that. I kind of learned everything I know from you."

Quinn whimpered this time and ground down into his hand, trying to get more contact, but didn't have much luck. "Who knew it would have backfired like this? But I obviously was a great teacher," she said smugly.

"Definitely," Artie agreed, nodding a little as well just because. "What do you want me to do, cougar?"

Quinn growled at him quietly. She didn't see him stop calling her 'cougar' any time soon so she might as well go with it. "Putting your wife in charge? I knew I married a smart man," she said teasingly. "I don't know... what do you want to do to me?"

Artie hadn't forgotten how he'd told her he was going to sing to her all night. "Dirty babe, you see these shackles, baby, I'm your slave, I'll let you whip me if I misbehave, it's just that no one makes me feel this way..." He raised his eyebrows and smirked at her.

Quinn raised an eyebrow back. "You didn't answer my question. Does that qualify as misbehaving?"

"Yeah, I think so." He stared up at her almost challengingly.

Moving to straddle Artie again, she positioned herself to rest on his hips. "Well what should I do about that?" She asked as she ground down into his pelvic bone, moaning quietly.

Artie's eyes widened as he watched her move. He was feeling a little overwhelmed all of a sudden and was kind of thinking that all this postponement business was a little overrated. "I don't know. Whatever. I just want you."

This was so typically Artie, Quinn thought as she chuckled slightly. He would get all these ideas to be a tease and make her beg for it but would cave after a few minutes. "No way, not tonight. Tell me. Maybe I should punish you by making you wait until we get to Italy. What do you think about that?"

Artie tried to reason all of this out. "Hold up. You want me to tell you how I think you should punish me? Because I'm not really going to say anything too punishing, then. Unless you want me to tell you what I want and then you're just going to not do it. Which would be--" awesome, actually. "Horrible. But can we just not wait until we get to Italy? Please?"

Quinn traced along Artie's collar bone as she she thought about this. "Well you didn't answer my initial question of me asking you what you wanted to do. I guess you just never knew how to deal with power, huh?" She smirked at him. "But if you don't want to wait to Italy, I suggest you speak up," she concluded.

"This is really mean," Artie complained, looking up at her. "You know I can't think properly right now. Plus I'm drunk so that's not helping! But. Okay. What do I want to do to you? I want to do a lot of things to you, actually." He trailed off for a minute, thinking. "And I totally wouldn't mind going down on you but that way I can't also make out with you at the same time so that's not going to happen. Sorry if that's what you wanted to happen." He paused again, then smirked. "So I think I'll settle for just playing with your clit a lot more, except that when you come, I think it needs to be really loud. For the record. But you're going to need to touch me at the same time, because I think that if you don't soon I'm going to fucking explode."

Quinn wasn't even aware, but as Artie describe what he wanted to do she started rocking against his pelvis bone again slowly. "Do you want to come from me touching you or do you want to come inside me?" She looked down at him, biting her lip. It oddly turned her on when he talked like this.

Logically, Artie knew there was nothing stopping him from just getting himself off with his hand, but for some reason that just didn't seem as fun right now even though it contradicted everything else he was thinking. "There's no way I'm not going to come inside you."

Quinn moved off Artie and moved a hand down so her fingertips were grazing him. "Good. So don't 'fucking explode' unless you're inside me then," she said before gently wrapping a hand around him though didn't really start moving as she waited for him to touch her.

"Don't drag it out, then," he said, moving his hand back so his fingertip was back on her clit. "Actually, maybe you should." He started moving his hand slowly, watching her face to see her reaction for a moment before kissing her.

"Make up you mind baby," she said before kissing him back and starting to move her had up and down, her thumb grazing the tip every few strokes. As they kissed she moaned into his mouth appreciatively, bucking her hips slightly as his fingers worked over her clit.

"Do it, then," he said, smirking as she moved against his hand. "Drag it out." He shifted his hand a little and moved one of his fingers inside her, keeping it still. "Do you want this?"

"Fine, I will," she murmured against his lips though let out a hissing noise when his finger entered. "Yes. Please... move your hand please." Quinn was a little embarrassed that she was kind of already begging, but a month of no sex was a long time for them.

Artie forced himself to stay focused and not get distracted by her hand on him. "So did you think about me doing this when we weren't having sex?" he asked, trying to keep the tone of his voice light. He could hear that he was failing miserably at that, though.

Quinn kept her hand on Artie moving, slowly twisting around the head then back down. "Yes, I love when you use your fingers on me. And your mouth and cock. I love all of it," she said, grinding down onto his finger a little shamelessly.

"We should not have sex a little more often if this is the way you're going to talk to me afterwards," Artie said, his voice coming out a bit strangled. "I guess I'm in charge now. That's fine." He took a moment to really catch his breath before saying, "I'm not going to fuck you until I think you really want it."

Quinn purposefully tightened her muscles around Artie's finger. "You don't think I want it now?" She asked before leaning down to kiss him again deeply. Pulling back slightly breathless, she moved her mouth so it was next to Artie's ear and whispered, "I like when you talk like this too."

He leaned his head against hers momentarily, adding another finger. "I'm not all entirely convinced you do, actually," he lied. He then remembered that he had another hand so he brought it up to her breasts, moving his thumb over one of her nipples. "So prove it."

A loud and unexpected moan escaped Quinn at the dual sensations she had going on and she clenched again around his fingers. "How do you want me to prove it?" She asked, her thumb circling over the head of his cock again.

Artie bit his lip hard and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. "Tell me how much you want it." He smirked again, then added, "In detail."

She was all about the dirty talk when it was Artie telling her what he wanted to do to her, but Quinn still felt a little bashful saying things like that herself. "In detail? Like how much I want to come around your fingers right now and have you feel how wet you make me," she said, already blushing. "Or then how much I want to ride you, feeling you slide in and out as you play with my nipples until I come again?" She was definitely blushing now. "Or how much I want to feel you come inside me as I watch your eyes scrunch together and you bite your lip? Except I think you should be loud tonight if I have to be loud," she finished off, grinding down into his fingers again. "Was that enough detail?"

Artie nodded a little, temporarily at a loss for words (which seemed to only happen during sex with Quinn). He'd definitely noticed the blush though. "Yeah, that was pretty good," he said, kissing her cheek before leaning his head against hers again. "Why are you blushing, though? It's just me. And I love you. And I think everything you say or do is hot." He punctuated this by pressing his thumb against her clit.

Whimpering as Artie's finger made contact with her clit, Quinn kissed him back on the cheek. "I love you too... I--I don't know why I'm blushing." She paused, trying to think rationally because what Artie's fingers were doing was really good. "Talking like that always makes me blush..." she trailed off then leaned in to kiss him again.

"I guess it's pretty cute how you still get embarrassed even though you're actually kind of dirty and you totally want it," Artie couldn't help but say. He smirked some more, then moved his hand faster.

Quinn moaned again and moved her free hand up to grab at Artie's face as she kissed him harder. "I--I'm not dirty," she said breathlessly. Except she was just being difficult. Whatever, that was her job in this relationship she thought with a smirk.

It was becoming increasingly more difficult to concentrate on keeping her hand moving on him with his hand moving that fast but even though her rhythm was a little irregular she somehow managed. "So good," she mumbled against his lips.

This talking thing seemed to be really especially working on Quinn tonight so Artie broke the kiss and moved his mouth back to her ear. "You're so dirty," he said, his voice low. "I fucking love it. And I love that I'm the only one that gets to see you like this."

Quinn nodded helplessly, "Only you," she said before she started shuddering and tightening around Artie's fingers, coming hard.

Artie waited until she had calmed down before kissing her again, a little less intensely than they had been just a few moments ago. "I didn't go too far, did I?" he asked, though he knew they weren't done yet.

Still breathing hard, Quinn shook her head. "No, that was... hot," she said before leaning up to kiss him again.

He smiled a little as he kissed her back, moving both of his hands onto her hips and pulling her as close as he could get her. "Good. I love you."

Quinn moved to straddle Artie again and pressed down against him. "Well it just so happens I love you too."

Artie reached between them to better align their bodies together, then raised his eyebrows. "Are we doing this?" he asked, trying to stay patient.

Kissing up his neck, she stopped below his ear. "I want you." No way was she going to leave him hanging either. She did want to do this. She'd been waiting for a month to do this.

He fought a sudden intense urge to sing 'Dick In A Box' to her as he helped her move down around him, biting his lip hard not because he wanted to stay quiet but because he knew singing now and singing that song would probably ruin the moment. What he did end up saying was "God, Quinn, I missed you. Not that I didn't see you all the time. But. This. Oh god."

"I missed you too," she moaned as she slid down on him. "I missed this. Oh god." She leaned forward to capture him in a rough kiss as she started moving on him.

Artie kept one hand on her hip and moved his other arm around her waist as he re-acclimated to how amazing she felt around him, groaning against her lips. He'd asked her to draw things out earlier so he'd have less of a chance of coming way too early, but he wasn't sure if that was going to make a difference now.

"Oh god, I love you," she moaned as she continued to move up and down. "Are you. Close... Are you?" It was really hard to speak again.

It wasn't really that Artie was the kind of guy who wanted to take advantage of his girlfriend while she was intoxicated (and she didn't have the best track record with that...), but he had kind of forgotten how awesome drunk sex could be when both parties were equally sloppy and into it. Except he wasn't nearly as drunk as she seemed to expect. "No, getting there though," he managed. "But if you are. Then I want you to come again."

"I. Not yet. ... But I just came. How...? Oh god." She moaned again then reached down to move one of his hands up to her breast.

Artie didn't really know what Quinn was trying to say but he went with it anyway. He left his other hand on the small of her back and leaned down a little to kiss his way down her chest, slowly.

"Mmmm, that feels good. I... what do you want me to do?" Quinn asked a little frantically. She wanted Artie to feel as good as she did but her brain wasn't really functioning at the moment.

"I like what you're doing," Artie said, already feeling like he needed to catch his breath. He leaned his forehead against her shoulder and closed his eyes. "I like what you're doing," he repeated, just to make sure she got it.

Quinn just nodded and started rocking against him, putting her hands on Artie's chest to brace herself. "Okay... well," she interrupted herself with a moan, "let me know."

The change in sensation caught Artie entirely off guard and he groaned again, his mouth staying slightly open. "God, Quinn, when did you get so good at this?"

She smirked down at him slightly before biting her lip and scrunching her eyes closed for a moment. "I could ask you the same thing. We're both just awesome," she giggled slightly before kissing him.

Artie wanted to argue that she was obviously much more awesome before deciding that kissing her was much more fun. He brought his other hand back around to her front and absentmindedly traced patterns on her stomach with his thumb, then started writing his initials on her skin.

Quinn shivered against Artie's fingertips, kissing him more fiercely. As she kissed she tried concentrating on deciphering what he was drawing on her stomach. Eventually she pulled back and looked at him a little perplexed. "Are you drawing the letter 'A' on me?"

He grinned up at her, completely unfazed. "Yeah. It's my initials."

"Branding me?" She asked, eyebrow raised. "It's hot when you get possessive," she said before leaning back in to kiss.

Artie took this as a hint to keep going so he slid his hand up her side and started writing As on her breasts, feeling particularly smug about this decision. "It's hot when you... do anything," he said, very lovingly, once he'd pulled away from kissing her to simultaneously catch his breath and watch her moving on him.

Quinn continued to alternate between rocking her hips and moving up and down as she arched her back into Artie's hands. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said, a little desperately. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying not to completely lose control yet, and asked, "Can you go faster?"

Nodding, she starting moving over him faster, clenching slightly as she did. "You like that?" She asked, half as a moan but with a seductive, teasing edge.

He moved one of his hands back down, settling it on her hip first before moving it over to her ass. "Yeah, I fucking love it," he gasped out.

"I love when you talk like that," Quinn said (quite pathetically) before grinding down on him particularly hard.

Artie involuntarily pressed his fingertips into her skin as she moved, squeezing his eyes shut. "Good. Because I love telling you about how amazing and tight and hot and wet you feel."

At his words she bucked into his fingertips, liking the small amount of roughness. "I--baby, I'm. Oh god." She paused, trying to work on getting out what she wanted to say. "Close. I'm close."

"You better be," Artie said, though he grinned at her as much as he could. Quinn's orgasms always set his off so it wasn't like he could complain, not when everything was so good. "Come on, I know you want it," he added as he tightened his hold on her body.

Being pulled into Artie like that cause her clit to grind into his pelvic bone and that set her off. Dropping forward, she buried her face into Artie's neck as she moaned loudly (and only partially because he had told her to be loud) and rode out her orgasm.

Artie tried to hold off until Quinn had come but he couldn't ever handle hearing her make noises like that. He swore incoherently, barely registering what he'd just said himself, and leaned his head against hers as he came. He closed his eyes as he tried to come back down to normal, breathing heavily. "Yeah-- I think that was worth the wait. What do you think?" he asked, his voice dry.

Quinn nodded against Artie's neck and slowly started kissing him. "Definitely. You're--" she nipped gently, "amazing." Propping herself up she kissed him on the lips then said, "I love you."

Artie moved his arms back around her waist and kissed her lazily, then smiled at her when she pulled away. "I love you too. Which is cool, 'cause now I get to have you around for the rest of my life."

Quinn giggled and rested her head up on her hand. "Really? You want to keep me forever? Good thing I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not be," Artie said, looking back at her contentedly. "Are you still drunk?"

"Not really. I think you fucked me sober," she said smirking at him, wondering how he'd respond to that.

Artie wasn't sure whether he wanted to laugh or be concerned for her mental well-being. "Uh-- I'm sorry?"

Ignoring his apology, because what a silly thing to apologize for when she had sort of just told him he was so good his (definitely fully functioning) penis made her sober, she asked instead, "Are you still drunk?"

Artie was still kind of thrown by her last comment so it took him a while to answer. "Not very," he answered after some careful consideration. "But I was more drunk than you when we started."

Quinn was finally breathing normally and settled down so she moved off Artie and cuddled against his side. "Touché." She traced along his chest as she grinned. "Best wedding ever."

Artie lay back and moved an arm around Quinn, yawning a little. "You say that like you've had previous weddings, Fabray," he teased, then realized. "Abrams."

Quinn laughed. "Yeah well there was that Bedouin tribe ceremony and my secret marriage in Mexico... but this was one definitely the best," she joked. She nuzzled against him when he called her by her new name. "Say it again."

He turned his head to look at her better and smiled. "Say what?" he asked, playing dumb.

Quinn rolled her eyes slightly. "Say my name." She smirked slightly and pondered tacking on 'bitch' at the end of that but that was too kinky for them, even during sex.

Artie moved his free hand underneath his head and yawned again. "Quinn Abrams," he said finally, trying not to smile.

"I like the way that sounds," Quinn said before kissing the corner of his mouth. "So are you excited? Tomorrow we're leaving for our honeymoon. It'll be my first time to Europe. Yours too, right?"

Artie was beginning to feel really sleepy and he started thinking about how maybe he should go brush his teeth and wash off the make-up that both Tina and Kurt had insisted on applying to his face (although he had to admit that it had really evened out his complexion). "Yeah, I'm excited," he said, tilting his head back to kiss her forehead. "Where did my boxer go, cougar?"

rating: nc-17, ship: artie/quinn, type: fanfic

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