Fic: Interrogation

Nov 14, 2010 22:59

Title: Interrogation
Fandom: LotR RPS
Pairing: Elijah/?
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It serves as a blindfold. At first.
Warning: violence.
AN: Written for Silk Tie Challenge from aliensouldream.

The tie was snatched cruelly away from his eyes and Elijah gasped. He blinked several times before his eyes could see more clearly again and slowly the predicament he was in sank in.

He was naked and bound to a chair in the middle of what looked like an interrogation room.

Elijah began to squirm.

“Stay still!” A voice snapped from behind but Elijah couldn’t even look back; he was tied up so fast.

“W-what do you want?”

“I said stay still. And that includes your mouth and tongue.”

He tried. For Christ’s sake, he tried. But he couldn’t stop it when his body started shaking. And it was nothing to do with the freezing room.

“Don’t you get it?” A hand seized his hair and yanked it painfully backward. “I’ll tell you when you need to move or talk.”


Suddenly the man materialized before his eyes and a loud slap sent him reeling back. And before Elijah fully recovered, the man’s face was within an inch of his.

“Where is it?”

This time, Elijah decided to shut up.

“Where. Is. It.” More slap, slap, slap.

Elijah tasted blood. And to his horror, he realized something as he shot his gaze down. The fact didn’t escape his tormentor who smirked devilishly.

“You get off on pain, huh?” He picked the discarded red tie and slowly knelt down between Elijah’s legs. “What about some additional torment?”

“No, no.” Elijah panted as the man ran the tie ever so slowly along the length of his cock, stirring it, and it began to swell. Elijah squeezed his eyes tightly.

“Oh yes. I’m so glad this little part of yours understands and is more compliant than you. Let me ask you once more. Where is it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Elijah’s words rushed out, eyes still shut.

But soon they flew open as he felt what the man was now doing, unhurriedly, as if he got all the time in the world. He flicked Elijah engorged, crimson cock that was standing proudly against his belly and slipped the silk tie before slowly tightened it up around the head.

“You have one second to answer.”

Elijah threw his head back. “Ah. Don’t - do that.”



“The pendant, Elijah.”

“I don’t -”

“Time’s up.”

And the tie was left completely taut around Elijah’s rock-hard cock like a hoisted flag. The man rose and walked out of the room; the door slamming down behind him sounded like a death penalty for Elijah.


interrogation, lotr rps

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