(no subject)

Sep 17, 2008 00:42

[[A letter is left on top of the Blue Falcon, pinned under a rock to keep it from blowing away. Guess who it's from, Falcon!]]

Dear Grandpa Falcon DJ Grandpa DJ Grandpa Falcon,

Ionia has have decided to be a good pikmin from now on. Do you know what a good pikmin does, Grandpa?
A good pikmin works hard always. We must help and help until we cannot anymore. We obey without doubt or fear because the one who orders us needs us. We are not strong, but we will fight and carry until we ache so our beloved person won't have to. We sometimes get eaten, but if it means that we are eaten instead of the person we protect, then we will be happy for it. A good pikmin does not work for a "thank you" or so that they will be loved. A good pikmin works because they love.

Ionia had spent so much time trying to be a good person that she forgot how to be a good pikmin.

Ionia is happy that you have said sorry, Grandpa, but Ionia does not need sorry. Ionia loves you and that is enough.

Ionia loves Leader and will help him for always, but you are Ionia's most special one, Grandpa. She will keep smiling for you always, just like she promised, so please keep smiling always for Ionia too. You are still DJ even though you are big, and so Ionia will play again with you again and hold your hand like we used to. It is a very big hand and Ionia's fingers get lost but Ionia does not mind. Ionia still wants to be in your class and Ionia will still become a for-real F-Zero racer. Ion will do a Falcon Punch and I will be very very great so that Grandpa Falcon can be proud. Ionia is very very happy to be like your daughter and hopes it is okay to still say Grandpa instead of Daddy?


grandpa falcon

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