Orphaned SGA Intro Thing

Oct 30, 2008 20:54

An orphaned intro to some unwritten fic. No clue where this is going, but the idea popped into my head and wanted to be put on paper, so...
(2nd person, 279 words, Rated PG for the word "bourgeoisie", a conjugation of "fuck", and the smell of raw sewage)

Intro to God-Knows-What (SGA)

There are the good missions, where the natives are friendly, deals are made, and the alien fruit tastes like chocolate chip cookies. There are the bad missions, which involve nasty weather, cultural misunderstandings, running, occasional jails, and the so-called snograx tastes like overcooked spinach. And then there are the missions where a sweeping and bloody revolution has taken out the old, friendly, willing-to-trade-cookie-fruit-for-basic-medical-supplies government in the three weeks since you were last there; where you and your team are captured on sight, denounced as symbols of the bourgeoisie corruption of the previous administration, pelted with rancid snograx (which now smells akin to raw sewage), thrown in a muddy pit, and mentions of burning-at-the-stake later are being tossed around as the screech of incoming Wraith darts draws nearer.

It’s an unfortunate testament to the Pegasus Galaxy that the latter type is as common as they are.

***Possible Continuation? Something Else Entirely? Who The Hell Knows?***

Of course, you think, this sort of thing never happens to Stackhouse’s team, or Sgt. Meyers’, or Lt. Smith’s. Well, that’s not strictly true. Lt. Smith’s team has gotten into their fair share of shit. And no one has gotten into as much trouble as the Colonel’s team. SGA-1 is winning by almost 200 points on the Trouble Tally board set up in one of the greenhouses (1 point for accidentally insulting the natives, 5 for getting thrown in some sort of prison, 10 if the Wraith are involved, etc), not even counting the 500 they’d received for waking up the Wraith in the first place. But that’s not the point.

The point is that fate has shown an inordinate fondness for fucking with the Atlantis expedition, and your team is no exception.

(Bits of this are totally influenced by and probably unintentionally ripping off of skoosiepants's Supersaturation-verse.
Because honestly? The Trouble Tally totally seems like one of the bandom boys thought it up. I'm thinking Urie or Wentz, personally. :P
*cough* ANYWAY.
I totally put in Lt. Smith on purpose, though. :D *pokes Spencer*)

misc, drabbles, fandom: stargate

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