PotC: Give Me a Reason to Believe

May 31, 2007 17:54

Title: Give Me a Reason to Believe
Author: me
Fandom: POTC
Rating: a pretty firm G, I would say.
Pairing: hinted-at Sparrington.
Warning: (vague) Spoilers for AWE.
Notes: set about four years before CotBP. title from Thank You For The Venom by MCR.
Summary: Jack likes to lurk quietly in taverns, eavesdropping on everyone's conversations...

During the ten years the Black Pearl and her crew were under the Aztec curse, stories of the supernatural ship and her skeleton crew spread amongst superstitious sailors swigging ale in the taverns. Overhearing the yarns being spun at the bar, the figure in the corner merely smirks, a little wistfully, pulling the battered leather tricorne farther down over his eyes. He doesn’t bother correcting them, for Jack Sparrow (that’s Captain to you) knows the value of a good legend. They’ve saved his life, in fact, on quite a few occasions. Useful little buggers to have floating around.

The current tale making the rounds is that the Pearl can sail off the edges of the map, off the end of the world itself, come and go as she pleases from the land of the dead.

“Jus’ like th’ Dutchman!”
“Shut yer gob, you know s’bad luck to mention ‘er name…”

Jack knows the idea is utterly laughable, and possibly the most farfetched one so far, to boot. But years later, when he learns of the late Admiral (Jamie)’s fate, he finds himself frantically wishing it were true.

x-posted to sparrington

drabbles, fandom: potc

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