The Signy Legacy : 1.3

Jan 18, 2011 17:22

Sorry for all the posts this week, but I am just dying to find out who the heir will be so I can get to playing again!

I wasn't sure how to do the challenges with the college split, so I picked one for college as well as the normal one for the household.

Our college challenge:

She's Simply Irresistible: all female sims on the lot must max out their Charisma skill within the week.


Now it's time for the young adult pictures!

Obligatory move-in picture

Gunnar is a Drama major,

Astrid goes for Biology,

and Kelda Economics.

Instead of a welcome party, they get a streaker. Ah, college.

Gunnar really wanted to go on a date, so I splurged on him. The genie didn't think $5000 was enough for a good match. :(

It was horrible. I felt pretty bad but refused to try again.

Astrid looking pretty.

I really wish I could make other people do my term papers for me.

This happens at least once a day.

Back at home...

rhiannon-alexis's Busy


Being a zombie makes it hard to carry plates. Whenever I see her with a new batch of grilled cheese I'm afraid it's going to fall out of her hand.

Look, it's brilliantcat's Kestrel.

Social, comfort, AND bladder desperation at the same time? Dotta- how do you do it?

Kestrel got stuck eating spoiled grilled cheese. She would take a bite, put it down, and then go to eat it again. I felt a little bad, but Dotta got crazy amounts of aspiration points from it so I didn't do much to stop her.

It's Monday at the house - new challenge!

Asteroid! During the night, your house is inundated by a meteor shower, the house is saved but your lot didn't come out so well. Grab the lower ground tool, close your eyes, and randomly press it down all over the lot for an extended period of time. Live this way for a week until 'contractors' arrive to level everything out again. (requires University)

Now it looks like they have a moat surrounding their house.

Back at La Fiesta Tech...

Things are boring. So I have them go on an outing!

Astrid went on a date with bondchick_nett's Vivi, who is contstantly ADORABLE.

They both agree: Astrid's mom is hot.

Damn it, Astrid. Can't you make an exception? Oh well...

Gunnar only realized he was pick-pocketed in the bathroom. He was quite perturbed.

They come back to school, and I give them makeovers! Just because!

Gunnar didn't want one.

People! juri-anne's Scarlet Concepta and jesstheex's Indira Lempi.

Vivienne Claire (fivesims) was there too.

She goes to tell Kelda about it.

Kelda thinks she's ready and tells her to go for it.


Gunnar gets fit after doing pointe all day!

Astrid: Me? Really?


Poor Scarlet didn't know how to leave their dorm. :(


Things were going so well

Astrid proposed to Indira, both in their underwear, on the dorm room floor.

She said yes!

Cow mascot, why are you hitting on the newly engaged lesbian? You troll, you.

Back at home (again)...

Look who the maid agency sent...

Good job, Leon!

Aw, already?

Dotta was surprised to see him so much older when he came back in the house.

This always makes me laugh. There are no other meals other than grilled cheese, of course.

That face

That bod

I think becoming a zombie was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Elders getting excited from snow = ADORABLE

They're a cute couple.

A cute couple who can't keep their hands off of one another.

Pirate!Leon :D

Really? ONLY 87? Well...

I still can't comprehend that they were BFFs in the first place.

I forgot about the charisma thing, which means that it is time to GET SERIOUS as they are already in their final semester.

It's always awkward when the Matchmaker has to call YOU.

Even in a dorm with only 3 playable sims... this still happens.

Kelda ✓

They graduated and stuff. A IS FOR EFFORT AT SIM UNIVERSITY

Kelda is a gamer nerd.


Who will finish first? Well, Kelda will of course. Her creativity is maxed.

Finally! Astrid ✓

Time to go home.

Astrid turned blonde?

Kelda is last to leave and says goodbye to college.

BEFORE YOU GO, please vote in the HEIR POLL

Featuring sims by: radiationpoison, rhiannon-alexis, brilliantcat, bondchick_nett, juri-anne, jesstheex, and fivesims

signy, pixel_trade

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