Title: Skit (couldn't think of anything more creative than that, sorry XD)
Characters: Masuda, Tegoshi
Summary of sorts: Sometimes Tegoshi and Massu have a weird way of expressing their member-ai :)
Notes: I know their concert is long over but this is a leftover drabble from some stuff I wrote before XD Now I really really want Tegomass dvd, Tegomass dvd, Tegomasss dvd. Those several seconds of flail-worthy Tegomass moment on the WPD dvd makes me super excited to see a dvd that only contains Tegomass, Tegomass, and more Tegomass! (Wow, I wrote Tegomass seven eight times in one paragraph. Hehehehe XD)
As always, please excuse any typos and grammar errors, and feel free to correct me of course!
Disclaimer: Not mine, not for profit, stories are fictional but the characters are not.
Please do a skit, the slip of paper says, and in tiny print, A TegoMasu version of AiQ Skit would be preferred! ^_^
Tegoshi and Massu stare morosely at their 'Tegomasu box'; a couple of concerts have already passed and so far the idea has been helping them a lot for the MC. Today is rehearsal day and Tegomass has decided to cheat a bit, wanting to see what other questions and requests were written for them.
"There is no way that I am doing that again." Massu says at once.
"This was the Honey and Darling thing, ne? Aww, come on Massu. I think it'll be fun! We haven't done a Tegomasu skit yet, haven't we?" Tegoshi tries to convince him, and their manager chimes his agreement. "You wanted to see what else was in your Tegomasu box or can or whatever, and I think this is a great idea. You can practice it now, if you want."
"No." Massu is adamant, but his manager fixes him with a stern look. "Who was it who said no ideas will be rejected for this concert?" Manager-san tells him before leaving the two of them alone to practice.
Massu scratches his head in resignation. "Fine. But I'll be the husband--"
"I'm not wearing a skirt."
Something about the glint in Tegoshi's eyes makes Massu wary of what exactly Tegoshi is up to, declining the opportunity to crossdress when he obviously enjoys fooling people into thinking he's a girl. "You'd look better as a girl than me, Tegoshi."
"Well I'm not wearing one as Tegomasu. Let's janken for it. Loser has to be Honey." Tegoshi says, then adds, with a smirk on his face, "For the record, I never lose at janken."
Massu just fists his hands and gets ready. "For the record, I don't really care."
"Tadaima! Honey~"
Adjusting his frilly apron, a reluctant Massu bounds over to a suit-wearing Tegoshi. "Okaeri, Darling!" He greets with an overbright smile. "Come, come, give me a welcome home kiss~" he says, and dutifully closes his eyes and puckers his lips.
Tegoshi gives him a peck.
"Eh?!?" Massu stumbles back, hands coming up to cover his mouth. "Wait a second, Tegoshi, you're supposed to do anything BUT actually kiss me!"
Tegoshi plays it innocent, or as innocent as he can get away with, and tries to hide his smile. "Oh, is that so? I'm sorry. Let's start from the beginning again, ne?" He says and walks to his spot by the door.
Massu gives him a suspicious look, but goes back to sitting on the couch. "Okay, let's try again."
"Tadaima! Massu~" Tegoshi calls out in a loud voice, and Massu cringes.
'You're supposed to call me Honey,' Massu grumbles. Overbright smile in place again, he calls out, "Okaeri, DARLING!"
"Come, come, give me a welcome home kiss~" Massu puckers his lips and is just about to close his eyes when he sees Tegoshi coming towards him at full speed, and before he can avoid it Tegoshi has already given him another peck.
Massu turns red, and Tegoshi isn't sure if he's blushing or just really, really mad. "What the-- Tegoshi!"
Tegoshi suppresses his laughter in vain. "Sorry, Massu. I forgot!" He tries to placate Massu when the older boy fixes him with a glare. "Really, I did!"
"Fine. Whatever. Let's just continue with the next part."
Massu drags a happy-to-be-dragged Tegoshi to the couch, and presents him with a slice of chocolate cake. "Today I prepared chocolate cake filled with love for my Darling--" Massu stops in the middle of his dialogue when he sees Tegoshi get up and start lamenting by the side of their AiQ set.
"Ma-- Honey has changed. Honey knows I rarely eat sweets nowadays, and this is what I get for dinner? Oh just think about how many calories there are in that slice..." Tegoshi ad libs in front of a nonexistent audience.
Massu purses his lips and waits for Tegoshi to turn around. "You done?" Tegoshi nods happily, while Massu goes berserk.
"That's not how it goes! You're messing it up! I'm the one who's supposed to act like that!"
Tegoshi blinks at him. "...And look, Massu was never quick to get angry at me before!" He wails.
"No, that's wrong, stop. I'm Honey! We haven't even gotten to the quiz part of the skit!"
Tegoshi ignores him. "Thinking time, start!" He exclaims, and starts singing lines from NEWS songs.
Massu smacks his head on the couch. "Tegoshi, you're giving me a headache right now," He complains. "I don't know how Koyama puts up with you,"
Outside their dressing room, Tegomass' manager and a staff eavesdrop on the progress of their 'skit'.
"I think their skit is going to be funny. I can hear Masuda-kun saying Koyama's name," Manager-san comments in delight.
Staff-san presses his ear against the door. "...Is Tegoshi-kun singing NANDE X 2 DAME?"
Manager-san joins staff-san and presses his ear against the door as well. "He is! They even included a song number, how great!"
"It doesn't sound like they're actually having a skit--"
♪~kimi ga suki dakara~!♪
PS: Okay, so I might have gone a wee bit overboard with this, but I hope it's still funny even if I stretched this one out :D Thank you for reading :)