Title: Cut From the Same Cloth
Characters: Masuda, Tegoshi, Tegomama :D
Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy, Gen
Notes: For
shingung (thank you for bribing me with the icons!), who wanted something out of
THIS magazine translation. I... didn't really think this was as funny as I wanted it to be, so sorry about that XD But I hope you like it anyway :) Enjoy~
Disclaimer: Not mine, not for profit, stories are fictional but the characters are not.
"Tegoshi-kun, someone is here to see you," An AD announces outside their dressing room, knocking once before opening the door to let the person in.
"Tegomasu! Good work~" She greets immediately. Massu turns, and smiles when he sees who their visitor is. "Oh, Tegoshi-san, good evening," he bows in greeting.
"Masuda-kun, good work, good work," She repeats, then looks around the room. "Where's Yuya?"
"He's speaking with band director-- oh, here he is," Massu says, looking behind her as Tegoshi enters the dressing room. "Mom! You came!" Tegoshi says, crossing the room to offer his mother a hug.
"I told you I'd come, didn't I? Your voice was amazing, Yuya."
"Ah, thank you. Did you--"
"And Masuda-kun, I loved your performance!" She gushes.
"Oh, thank you very much,"
"I even got your uchiwa for myself. See?" Tegomama says, pulling a lone uchiwa from her bag and waving it in front of Massu's face.
"Did you buy mine too?" Tegoshi interjects.
Tegomama looks at her son blankly. "No. Why would I?"
"Because I'm your son? You're supposed to be my fan!" Tegoshi frowns, digging through his mother's bag to see what else she bought. "These are all Massu's goods!"
Tegomama swats at Tegoshi's hands and pulls her bag to herself. "What a silly thing to say! Of course I'm a fan-- but our house is already full of your face plastered everywhere." She tells Tegoshi, but immediately turns to look charmingly at Massu. "Isn't that right, Masuda-kun? My, my, it's been a while, look how handsome you've become! And you're getting a tan, yo!" Tegomama exclaims.
"I'm doing swimming activities for the summer--"
"...'Yo'? Since when did you start using 'yo', mom?"
"Don't you know? It's the in thing these days. The youngsters I spoke with last week say it a lot,"
Tegoshi blanches. "Someone tried to pick you up again?"
Tegomama plants her hands on her hips and pouts. "You say that like it's a bad thing, Yuya." She retorts.
Tegoshi just smiles. There's a bit of quiet before Massu blurts out, "Tegoshi's mom is really pretty, ne." He blushes.
"Really~? I am, aren't I?"
"You remind me a lot of Tegoshi. Only prettier. And you're an actual girl." Massu says, and Tegoshi looks at him in disbelief. "Oi."
"Yuya and I look a lot alike, don't we? We can pass as siblings, even!" Tegomama says, sidling up to her son and looping their arms together. "Although I must say, I can carry the perm better,"
Tegoshi defends himself, "--I did it first," but Massu cuts him off. "--You're right, Tegoshi-san,"
"Oh, you don't have to call me Tegoshi-san. Aunt or Mom is ok too," She winks at Massu, and follows it up with a "I've always wanted to have another cute baby, but Yuya is a handful all by himself! Did you know he used to run around na--"
"Mom, you're too noisy." Tegoshi says, exasperated. He turns to Massu. "Right, Massu?"
"Tegoshi's mom is cool," Massu comments, and Tegomama gives her hair a quick pat, flattered by the compliment. "Why, thank you Takahisa-kun."
"...Takahisa-kun? A while ago he was just 'Masuda-kun'." He mutters, watching in irritation as the two of them compliment each other back and forth.
"I've memorized your songs too! Maybe Takahisa-kun can come visit sometime and we'll do karaoke!"
"I'd love to, Tegoshi-san," Massu replies.
"Maybe we can be a trio and call ourselves Tegomamasu!" Tegomama giggles.
Tegoshi feels a tic in his eye. He loves his mother, really he does, but he feels inexplicably irked with the way he's being ignored. "Would you two stop doing that, I'm trying to rest. And Massu, didn't you just say you wanted to sleep, come sit with me."
"But I'm still speaking with your mom, Tegoshi."
"Oh, just ignore him, Takahisa-kun. He doesn't like competition for the person he l--"
"You're really not reading the atmosphere right now," Tegoshi sighs. His response falls on deaf ears though, because Tegomama and Massu have already started talking about autographing the concert goods.
The next day, after another tiring but successful concert, Massu heads straight for the dressing rooms, hoping to squeeze in a bit of rest before their afternoon performance. When he opens the door, he absently greets Tegoshi with a 'Good work' before proceeding to take off his shirt. He stops halfway though, and blinks in confusion. "Wait a minute, I just spoke with Tegoshi before I came in here..."
"Takahisa-kun!" Tegomama exclaims, and Massu jumps in surprise, forgetting that his shirt is bunched up around his midsection. Before Massu can make himself presentable though, Tegoshi enters the room and immediately looks back and forth between his mother and Massu.
"Why are you undressing in front of my mom?!" He berates Massu, then turns to look suspiciously at his mother. "And why are you looking?!" Massu is about to reply when Tegomama answers for him. "Oh hush, Yuya. Taka-chan thought I was you."
"Yeah, I'm sorry, Tegoshi-san," Massu says.
"No worries, Taka-chan," Tegomama waves him off with a smile. She walks over to Massu and presents him with a bento. "Here, I brought this for Taka-kun, it's gyoza."
"...Taka-kun? Since when did you start calling Massu, 'Taka-anything'?" Tegoshi asks, then huffs when he is once again ignored, his mother busy fawning over Massu and Massu busy being fawned over. "Did you bring anything for me?" He asks hopefully.
"Of course," Tegomama says. "Here, have some seaweed." She tosses something at him, and resumes fangirling Massu.
"That's it?" Tegoshi asks, and his mother turns to him, "Isn't that what you always have at home?"
"But Massu got gyoza!" He complains, also voicing the fact that she didn't bring them anything at all yesterday, no gift, no nothing. "I used up all the money I brought for the concert goods," She says simply, and points to her bag, this time filled with several photo sets, clear files, a pamphlet and four uchiwas, three of which are Massu's.
"Speaking of which, can you sign the pamphlet? Yuya's grandma wants a dedication. And maybe Taka-chan can draw something special too?" She tells them both, and Massu is only too happy to oblige (he looks like an enamored twit, if Tegoshi was honest.)
They continue in this vein for at least another half hour, when Tegomama notices the time and hastily bids them goodbye. "I have to get a good seat for the next concert. There's no priority seating in the reserved section!" She says, and while Massu bids her goodbye with a hug and a pout, Tegoshi gets up from his seat (Finally, he thinks) and escorts his mother outside the dressing room.
When they get outside, Tegoshi frowns at his mother. "Mom, mother, I love you and all but please don't come again."
"Yuya, that's a mean thing to say!" Tegomama sighs dramatically, clutching her Massu uchiwa to her chest. She makes her eyes big and shiny and Tegoshi feels like he's looking into a mirror.
He sighs. "I hate it when you do that."
Tegomama smirks at him, and kisses his cheek. "Where do you think you learned it from, you copycat," She laughs, and starts walking away. "Oh. And don't forget to tell Taka-chan to wave at my section later~" She sing-songs.
"I'm so glad grandma is not with you." Tegoshi bangs his head against the dressing room door.
Thank you for reading :)