Doctor Who... will cut so no spoilers!

Jul 05, 2008 20:13

I think C is on the fence on this one! I think it will bring some of the newer viewers deeper in and encourage retracing steps to see how it all got to *that* point. ( Read more... )

doctor who, tv

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Comments 12

onlyrobin July 5 2008, 19:37:20 UTC
I missed the first 20 minutes myself. But came in when Martha was in Germany.

I was thinking that Martha will replace Owen (as the doctor in Torchwood) and Mickey will join in Tash's place. I giggled when I read your questions.

I'm not sure what I thought about the carbon-copy Doctor staying with Rose...still have to think about that one. I'm thinking I'll watch it all again on BBCiplayer during the week and try again on Friday to watch it again on TV.

No idea about the new sidekick. I don't think there's been any hint about who it could be. Whoever it is, they'll have BIG shoes to fill after Rose, Martha, and Donna. Especially Donna. I must admit I had a few tears when she was going through what she did.

Its all going to keep people staying tuned when the new mini-season starts next year. Wonder what the Christmas episode will be?????


ioevri1 July 5 2008, 22:45:07 UTC
I had tears in my eyes at teh grandpa bit. Otherwise I was okay.

I wish they wouldnt have gone through everything so fast. I couldnt keep up.

And Rose had a whole other Doctor when she started... what would she care if he changed again. I just dont get it, she got used to him changed before, so why would 10two be such a big deal. I mean that bit bugged me.

Not sure about Christmas, but the preview looked good. C and I like the period peices.


tintaglia30 July 7 2008, 13:03:39 UTC
OMG I am so glad to hear someone else ask that. Tennant isn't the Doctor she first met, surely her love would transcend another change?!?!?!? (barf)

Ad I did love Donna's grampa!


trav28 July 5 2008, 19:41:46 UTC
I really liked it, and the fact that Ten2 said what the Doctor wanted to say. I'm a dirty Rose/Ten Shipper and proud of it ;)


onlyrobin July 5 2008, 19:55:27 UTC
But WHY could he (even D2) not say it out loud?!?!?


trav28 July 5 2008, 20:01:15 UTC
Because it would break 10's heart. Being the lonely god and all.


warlockuk July 5 2008, 20:36:33 UTC
I thought it was bloody awful. Towing the earth? Daleks once again defeated by a few button-presses, even though they were previously so dangerous defeating them cost the lives of all the other Timelords...

Martha is wooden as hell and annoying, she's had her go... I reckon they'll bring back his clone-daughter.

And they didn't even kill the annoying people off. Or, in fact, anyone... Whole thing was a massive, massive cop-out.

Like the regeneration. The idea is that the whole body is replaced to cheat death - he gets a new not-knackered body. Not, as they implied, that they heal the body _then_ change it. Total bunch of cockery. They made up a faux-cliffhanger and got out of it with a stupid "I'm magic, I can do anything" movement. Gah.

/whine :D


ioevri1 July 5 2008, 22:40:48 UTC
I knew there would be people that thought it was too commercialized! (aka hollywood style)

Maybe it was Davros that was meant to die? Or did they just mean the part of Donna that was 'doctor donna'?

I need to watch it again... I was having a hard time following with hubby and baby making noise!

I didnt follow half of what was said during the bit before they towed the earth...


warlockuk July 5 2008, 23:39:46 UTC
It wasn't that it was commercialised at all - it was just bollocks.

The "meant to die" thing was just Donna I think - in that he loses his companion by her losing the memories.

Davros is _always_ meant to die. And for some reason they keep bringing him back even though he is seen by the Daleks as impure.

RTD just cannot write sci-fi, and definitely can't write things that don't contradict his own fictional universe. It sucks balls that it's going to be two years until Steven Moffat takes over and makes it un-shit.


tintaglia30 July 7 2008, 13:14:03 UTC
I love you.

Also, how could they forget that The whole Medusa Cascade was half a second out of sync with the rest of the universe and simply dragging it back to it's previous position wouldn't fix it?

RTD wouldn't know science facts if they came up and bitch slapped him.
Making characters that your average Joe on the street can bond with and love, he appears to excel at.

I STILL want them to bring back Sally Sparrow to be his new companion. SHe would be awesome. Also her boyfriend was a looser. :P


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