parents... did your little one do this?

Apr 22, 2008 17:27

Lil buff has been sleeping through the night on average of 5-7 hours up until a few night ago ( Read more... )

sleep, bba, books, travel, family

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Comments 11

elixxir April 22 2008, 17:28:22 UTC
Well what's he doing when he's waking you up? Is he screamy like teething or gas pain? Or is he just waking up in a good mood and wanting to play?


ioevri1 April 22 2008, 17:44:39 UTC
well, it sure isnt to play, more than likely gas, although he has at least 2 teeth coming in.. 3 month's and already working on it. only sure sign of that so far is the drool!

it doesnt seem to matter what time he goes down, he is up on the dot at 3!

what do you think?


zhent April 22 2008, 17:57:49 UTC
Sorry, can't help.

When my two youngest got to about four months we managed to get them sleeping through the night, and aside from late night illness they stayed that way...


schedule change? ioevri1 April 23 2008, 06:04:57 UTC
it must be the schedule change during the day...

Lil buff was back more on his regular day schedule and even though he went to bed earlier than normal, he slept until about 6 am, I went to bed about 10:30, so I will take it! Although I am still tired!

We moved him into his bed ages ago and he has been sleeping through the night ever since... I think he was about 2 weeks old, and he was 12 weeks yesterday.


slooj April 22 2008, 18:04:23 UTC
It could be a few things - teething, gas or a growth spurt - is he seeming to want more milk?

The baby whisperer is a great book, I read it and while I didn't follow her methods as such, I remembered them and put a few things to practice.


ioevri1 April 23 2008, 06:13:09 UTC
yesterday he wanted breastmilk more than anything else, my sister had me water down his formula a little to see if it makes a difference. He did seem to pee a bit more. She thinks it might be too much iron in the formula when we give it causing tummy troubles.

it may just be teh disruption in his schedule during the day with having my parents here.


ladycathead April 23 2008, 01:30:01 UTC
That was nice of you to share the yummy cookies with your friend. It sounds like it could be a helpful book. I love that you mistyped "popped" to read "pooped"'re a new parent though so there's always "poop" to contend with.LOL Don't feel bad...if I was a new parent I don't think I'd have the energy to even type coherently. You're way ahead of where I'd be! LOL

Here's hoping a nap is in your near future! :)


ioevri1 April 23 2008, 06:20:42 UTC
I had to go back and look to see what sentence. yeah, that is about right, you should see me at home with C and the words that come to mind arent teh ones I am meaning at times!


yes, I shared, and then she shared with her neighbor's as well!


onlyrobin April 23 2008, 03:38:19 UTC
Sometimes when little ones do this, its down to getting their schedules messed/mixed up. Was there an instance where he got up at 3 for dirty nappy/eat/sick? Its possible he just got his "clock" backwards. Just attend to his immediate needs and see if he'll stay in bed. I remember one of mine did this and that's what happened with him and after I was able to put him off (obviously, not in a bad way) a bit longer each night, he finally got back to a normal rythm.

By the way, I went to Mary King's Close back in Oct. '06 and I wasn't that impressed. I hope that your folks enjoyed it more than I did. I felt it was overpriced for what you "got" - could've done without the costumes and the shock stuff. A nice walk through with the history being told would've done me fine.

Good luck with the baby ... boy, do I remember those days!!


i think it might be... ioevri1 April 23 2008, 06:23:27 UTC
the schedule, a growth spurt as well as the begininngs of teething. for the last ten weeks he has pretty much slept thru the night, it was his bedtime that varied. on average 5-7 hours...

I havent been to the close myself, but I would love to go and see it, that and the secret bunker in/near St. Andrews.
Something about underground passageways intrigues me.


Re: i think it might be... onlyrobin April 23 2008, 21:16:48 UTC
I always laugh when I see the signs for the "Secret Bunker" when I'm driving through the Fife coastal road near Anstruther and Pittenweem!

There's also a kind-of secret passageway in St. Andrews Castle - a mine/counter mine. Very tight for the first few feet/yards, but then it opens up when you get to the part through the "hole" - I've walked it several times over the years.

There was also another ghost tour I took in Edinburgh that same night I went to Mary King's. Not as expensive and it was a bit more daunting. A little scarier. They have a big wooden sign up near St. Giles. You just turn up at one of the times listed and the guide shows up. I'd imagine it would be scarier in the winter months when the night is actually dark, but once you're inside the corridors, there is no light anyway, so that bit would be scary enough.

If you haven't gone by the time we all get over there, let me know and maybe we can make it a family outing! ::grin::


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