[OOC] Got Dirt?

Oct 06, 2008 10:52

Gin is extremely well connected. He's got Aizen's spy network to call on whenever he wants to know something, and he's a terrible stickybeak at the best of times. If you come to his attention, then expect him to have dug up something on you by the next time you meet ( Read more... )


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Comments 53

knifeandcompass October 6 2008, 02:09:02 UTC


inyourmidst October 6 2008, 02:12:19 UTC
WRY ARE YOU ALL POUTING AT ME? Geeze, it's almost like you don't want someone stealing your secrets and pulling your puppet strings. 8/


tiny_snow_white October 6 2008, 02:20:38 UTC
Actually I'm pouting cause Hughes has got NOTHIN'. Like srsly, I didn' give him much dirt for history, he's pretty normal as of now. Maybe in the future I'll throw some dirt in regarding his years between graduating and coming on the Silvana, but as of now there's really nothing for Gin. So booooooooo no fun 8(

ON THE OTHER HAND THOUGH, would a loli who can be turned into the Holy Grail be of any interest to Gin even if she's on another ship? |D (also my next character on the Silvana should be of WAY more interest on him with all her dirt 8])


inyourmidst October 6 2008, 02:24:16 UTC
No dirt? D: Well that is a shame. Although Huges does have that girl he's courting who might be a potential weakness, so there's something.

OH WOW YES. 8D Aizen's on a serious power trip, so anything/anyone that'll give him more would definitely be of interest to him. How widely known is this Holy Grail thing?

8O Character with Dirt? Who, may I ask?


smokydemon October 6 2008, 02:32:42 UTC
Zou's probably been too low-profile to grab his attention/have much dirt worth the effort of finding.

Sun Ce...is fair game, for anything in his bio.


inyourmidst October 6 2008, 02:45:43 UTC
OH HO HO, MEBBE NOT. As discussed with Rou above, Gin observed Zou at the ball. A little bit of asking to discover that they have the same surname would have been a little bit of a clue~ He might not have any personal interest in Zou, but as leverage for his cousin? X3 He'll be keeping that under his hat for now, though.


smokydemon October 6 2008, 03:07:23 UTC
OH HO HO! Well, there's still not that much on record about him, and anything Gin found from digging around would probably be not all that remarkable. 'Zou has kept things pretty quiet for some time now. Whatever he can find, though, feel free to have him manipulate as he likes~


karmauberalles October 6 2008, 02:55:25 UTC
*STARES AT ICON* God I miss that website. I'm not fond of Aizen/Gin but damn their art was pretty.

ERRRRM ANYWAY. vK... is pretty much a public figure, so Gin can know pretty much everything except that he shot Edgeworth's daddy.

Grimmjow actually sort of worked for Aizen until his posse got killed off, so Gin probably knows everything about him.

Ocelot... well, in canon EVA knew he was the son of a legendary hero, so it's cool if Gin knows that. Which legendary hero, however, is a ~*~mystery~*~. Also Gin can know he's shady, but I'd rather the extent of his shadiness be secret for a while.


inyourmidst October 6 2008, 03:05:44 UTC
RE vK: Does this include recent events, such as the loss of an eye? Gin's working on getting some character to play spy for him on the Vicky, but I'm sure Aizen's already got some nameless NPC who can spill the obvious things.

OH HO HO GRIMMJOW. I was gonna ask you about his how/when/whys for working with Aizen. Can Gin have his journal ID? Because he will probably want to get back in contact with Grimmjow for lulz because he's bored FOR AIZEN-SAMA, OF COURSE.

Of course. X3 We shall be like two mysterious black holes of suspiciousness gravitating around each other~♥ *looks forward to EPIC MEETING*


karmauberalles October 6 2008, 03:08:44 UTC

It's all in his history, I think...? If not I'll get back to you tomorrow |D;; And oh god yes he can.



inyourmidst October 6 2008, 03:24:54 UTC
89 Because it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it's a scavenger hunt. Gin sends his false sympathy.

SO IT IS. *reads* I'm sure Gin would have met him at some point, if only so Aizen could go, 'See, lookit the clever thing I did here! 8)' How much he knows about Gin in return is debatable though.



doctor_is_out October 6 2008, 03:30:33 UTC
Ryuuken is a Quincy. He hasn't been using his powers actively for a little over twenty years, but he fought monsters in Colvus. He knew Isshin back then, too. He worked his way up to director at Colvus General Hospital, but up and left recently. No one really knows why. Perhaps he was simply sick of pushing paper. In any case, his wife is dead, and he is estranged from his son, Uryuu.

As for Ichigo, well, he's got two younger sisters who he cares deeply about, his mother is dead, and he's Isshin's son. He's been on a mercenary monster-fighting ship, but said ship got blown to smithereens. He's on the Winding Way now.


blood_m9 October 6 2008, 03:53:41 UTC
Jr., as you've probably already read, is second in command of the Kukai Foundation. Gin, being, well, Gin, probably knows about Dimitri Yuriev's now canceled project to create super soldiers by infusing liquidized mana crystals into the bloodstreams of genetic clones of himself. He's probably read that there were 668 clones (with a rumored 669th) and that all but two are reported dead. One (Jr.'s twin brother Albedo) disappeared in the Badlands sixteen years ago and is assumed to be dead, although his body was never found. The two surviving clones are Jr. (Real name: Rubedo) and his younger brother, Gaignun (Nigredo). Both still have the powers they received from the mana injections and may be of interest to Gin.

There have been recent sightings of a man matching what Albedo would look like surfacing all around Reial, and that is the real reason why Jr. is on the Silvana. He's also looking out for the rumored 669th clone, if he(?) exists.


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