Ask Me Anything Meme #18 Why did I start journaling?

Apr 30, 2014 00:24

I am so tired I'm going to diiiiie. Did some sculpting though on my Loki face, I'm liking how that's coming along.
Watched Agents of Shield, which was amazing!

But let's get to my Ask Me Anything question before I pass out. I can barely concentrate enough to remember my train of thought as it's happening. ...SQUIRREL! Oh my god of mischief all ( Read more... )

agents of shield, scottie, loki is my muse, hiddles is my spirit animal, suggestions from the audience, sculpting

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Comments 10

daturabelle April 30 2014, 10:48:13 UTC
i'm really interested to see how your loki face is going :)

i started my lj because i had friends that had moved interstate and it was a good way to keep in touch with what was going on in a day to day type basis.
since then, i've reconnected with friends and met a whole bunch of new ones all over the world that i've even spent time with in real life during my grand adventure last year.
lj is the most awesome thing ever :)


invsagoth April 30 2014, 17:24:40 UTC
I'll post another picture, I just hadn't had a lot of noticeable changes since the post I made on the previous day (there's a picture there if you want to look :D). Normally I post a picture with every sculpting update, but human faces can have a lot of minor changes that take a lot of time and I didn't want to bore people. n_n'

It's so interesting to me that connecting with IRL people is a common thing for starting here! I strove to keep mine a secret from everyone IRL. It was a huge deal when I gave Scottie my lj username. There is only one other person on here that I knew IRL first, and she had found my journal on her own. xD LJ was a safe place for me to post my thoughts, and to find friends.

It would be awesome to meet friends from here, that's cool that you have! :3


becofoz April 30 2014, 11:01:43 UTC
I can't remember why I started LJ. I can't even remember how I found out about it!


invsagoth April 30 2014, 17:11:54 UTC
Well, the important thing is that you're here! :3 I remember all sorts of weird things lol.


meathiel April 30 2014, 16:46:59 UTC
I always found it easier to write than to talk as well. ;-)

I've got an LJ because one of my penpals moved to Russia and our letters ALWAYS went lost. She had a LJ ... and here I still am 8+ years later. We're still friends, btw! ;-)


invsagoth April 30 2014, 17:10:22 UTC
I'm glad I'm not alone in that! xD I can be fine with just talking in person, but certain things like feelings can be next to impossible (unless they're fangirling). I feel bad for Scottie because he can often tell if something is bothering me but getting it out of me is like pulling teeth (and sometimes it just won't come out). I don't know why that is. :P

Aw, that's sweet! :3
I had a penpal once but we ended up losing touch because neither of us were terribly good at keeping up with letters. LJ is so much more convenient!


theacidqueen May 1 2014, 01:54:57 UTC
i had a deadjournal before i got a friend code, too! haha good times! i was a computer geek when i was younger, and i liked journal sites because i could mess with the html and css. i also had a ujournal. somehow livejournal is more appealing, though.


invsagoth May 1 2014, 05:43:28 UTC
I think I tried another site too before I got my friend code here, there just wasn't the draw to stay at those other places. It probably helped that friends from forums I was active in were already here, so I felt less like I was talking to an empty room to start. xD

I was a computer geek too when I was a kid. I liked coding my journal here, and I was on neopets too coding things there as well. (It's funny how lazy I've become with that lately though lol, but I've finally started coding again!)


jeune_fleur May 1 2014, 13:25:14 UTC
I started my journal for similar reasons, besides I had a friend there so I wanted to follow her :333


invsagoth May 1 2014, 17:04:21 UTC
That would be similar too, even with the friend! Unless it was a friend from RL, I had friends here that I wanted to follow from other places online. :3


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