Monster High Photoshoot- meeting a new pony!

Apr 10, 2014 00:46

So I have had an awful migraine all evening, so it's a good thing I don't have a question to answer tonight. I decided to take some pictures of the new McDonalds pony I got the other night when me and Scottie went there for dinner. I had another kids meal. I was so excited because I got Luna eeeee that's the pony I wanted most! <3

Who is this?

The ponies meet.

They are coming to say hello!

They want to say hello to you too...

Hello there...

And now we have new friends!

And now it is time for me to try to sleep. Scottie says it feels like I have a fever and I think people were sick at work last week, and I haven't been sleeping like at all so that doesn't bode well.

tanya doesn't feel well, dolls, hiddles is my spirit animal, monster high

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