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Comments 17

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invsagoth March 20 2014, 22:51:39 UTC
You're fine dear! I hadn't mentioned it until the day before, though I'd been meaning to since I've known about it for a couple of weeks. n_n'

I do think it went alright, thank you! :3 I won't find out for a while how it went, but I'm glad that if I don't get it that I know it's not because I messed up the interview, ya'know? n_n


rhoda_rants March 20 2014, 15:13:43 UTC
She'd also worked in my Abyss, but in a different capacity. The conversation that happened because of this amounted to basically laughing about how everyone in the Abyss wished me dead (everyone would be an overstatement... I hope, but it is true) and how awful and stressful and dangerous and etc it was, "and yet you're still smiling!" <-actual quote

Okay, I don't the backstory behind this, but it sounds a bit . . . classless to bring it up that way. Unless I'm missing something here. I've also been told I have a nice smile, which strikes me as odd depending on who's saying it, but yeah, talking about how X number of people totally hate you like it's funny--uh, no, I wouldn't be terribly impressed.

You sure you want to work for these people? I'm glad your interview went well and all, but that would give me the all-overs.

Cookies make everything better. Cookies, marathoning, and tea.


invsagoth March 20 2014, 23:20:00 UTC
Sorry about the lack of backstory! I'm not very good at talking about my feelings (unless they're happy feelings, but that usually just comes out as flailing, so maybe that doesn't actually count) and I run most of my PTSD stuff though a Loki filter because that's what works for me. n_n' It probably makes more sense in my head, but without doing that I'd probably keep it all in and that's probably bad. lol (I don't post about this sort of stuff very often though ( ... )


rhoda_rants March 21 2014, 02:51:34 UTC
Oh please, don't apologize--just wasn't following the finer details is all. I get you. There's a few things I don't like talking about even on LJ, and I have a few filters myself. (It'll probably come out in more detail one day. . .) Just sticking with fandom-flail is easier sometimes.

I do agree that it was kind of classless, but I think the first woman was trying to share a common experience that most people don't get.
Ah. So it was more of a Just Not Getting it reaction, maybe? As opposed to deliberately vindictive? Still really not seeing the funny, but people are weird.

Though... I already work for these people, I'm applying for a higher position where I already work.
Ooooooh, never mind then. (Sorry.)


meathiel March 20 2014, 17:34:41 UTC
I'm gonna skip your posts in the future because all that Hiddles goodness makes me ... fan myself!!! *lol* Or something like that ...


invsagoth March 21 2014, 07:13:17 UTC

... )


meathiel March 21 2014, 07:59:45 UTC


invsagoth March 21 2014, 08:47:06 UTC
ehehehe, that seemed like an appropriate gif. xD

... )


gweniveve_skyes March 21 2014, 05:50:21 UTC
Nice job on the interview!

I liked Foxy and Co. myself :D. I was telling my dad that Roy, Tate, Miranda and Laura from last season needed to open their own makeup/special effects studio. . .I sort of got my wish! :D

Ooh, don't give me Rizolli and Isle spoilers! I haven't had a chance to watch the season finale, but I'm nervous about how they're going to incorporate Lee Thompson Young's death into next season. I really hope it isn't tasteless. Love Detective Frost (RIP)


invsagoth March 21 2014, 07:24:55 UTC
I did like it! I just like Face-Off more because it's a bit more focused on the art side (which is where I get especially excited). I was super excited to see all those past artists though! I'm looking forward to seeing more episodes. :3
Yay for you kinda getting your wish! :D

I'm sorry if I spoiled you at all! I try to shove most spoilery things under spoiler cuts, but I thought I was being vague enough that it wasn't really necessary. For some reason neither Scottie or I realized that was the season finale. *facepalm*
I'm nervous about how they're going to incorporate Lee Thompson Young's death too, it's so sad. :( I imagine they'll do something good though.


elizalavelle March 21 2014, 14:41:00 UTC
Rant ahead - feel free to skip - Lost Girl episode thoughts

Groundhog Fae is where I started to see some serious problems with the show. Loved the Bo and Tamsin parts. HATED Hale using the time loop on Kenzie. She said no how many times and it was okay to keep asking why? I get that it was supposed to be cute and he wanted to be perfect but then is Kenzie supposed to have the mentality of a 13 year old? What woman shoots someone down because they fumble a line of poetry if they're actually interested? It just didn't play well for me at all.

Also I think that's the one where Lauren and Dyson decide Bo doesn't get a vote in her own life and both think it's cool to make choices for her. It's well hidden in a fun drunk scene with Vex who is always awesome but the underlying message wasn't great.


invsagoth March 23 2014, 09:32:01 UTC
Not skipping!

I see what you mean about Hale and Kenz, at first I hadn't actually caught that he knew that he was in a loop. (I was super tired though lol) I was like, damn dude you always have bad lines. I get that it was supposed to be cute too, and I think that it almost was, but it was kinda weird. I do agree, if I was into the idea to start I wouldn't need a line to seal the deal. xP But at least Kenzie was weirded out by it, even though she did end up forgiving him.

I hate the idea of someone making choices for me, so I think Lauren and Dyson weren't doing the right thing, but I can see that they were at least trying to protect her however misguided that might be. When Kenzie saw the box and was like "oh it's addressed to Bo better give it to her OF COURSE" I was like YES THIS IS THE RIGHT THING. lol


elizalavelle April 7 2014, 14:50:36 UTC
I think it could have been made cute but the writers just missed the mark and for me it got creepy. But also I over think my television so I think it plays as cute on the surface, but if you stop and actually think about how that went down it's not cute any more.

Kenzi pretty much stayed the most consistent awesome character this season. I really think the actress is wonderful because she's working with the same writers everyone else is, she just never phones it in.


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