My new Loki figure meets Pony!Loki and my ghouls :D

Mar 15, 2014 22:59

So my giant photoshoot is here! I had a lot of fun with it, and it got really silly. I hope that you like! :3 ( Read more... )

pictures, scottie, loki is my muse, loki is my spirit animal, my ponies, dolls, loki, tyrion, game of thrones, monster high

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Comments 15

dieastra March 16 2014, 07:17:08 UTC
The girls (and the one boy) do seem to like him!

But what is far more interesting to me is the size. Do you think this one:

is the same size like your Loki? Because then I could indeed use the head to make my own 1:6 Jack figure. The head might be a tad too big but it looks great otherwise.


invsagoth March 16 2014, 07:57:09 UTC
ehehehe, they do! xD None are immune to his charms, even when he's chibi form. :3

I'm not sure if it's the same size or not, hrm. My Loki bobble head has a pretty big head compared to my Monster Highs, and my Monster Highs already have a large head for their size category because they're so stylized.

Still, I'd go for it if I was you! Even if it doesn't end up working out for a 1:6 figure, you would still have a really fun bobble head of a character that you like. :3 I was really impressed by this bobble's sculpt! One of the reasons I ended up liking it as much as I did (ya'know, besides the fact that it's Loki) is because of that fact, the head and costume details are going to be a really useful sculpting reference for me.


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invsagoth March 17 2014, 00:54:45 UTC
I just couldn't help myself. xD I'm glad it gave you a smile! :D


meathiel March 16 2014, 15:30:09 UTC
Hehe ... Loki seems to be very popular with the girls ... and the one boy. ;-)


invsagoth March 17 2014, 00:56:06 UTC
ehehehe! I just couldn't help myself. xD

Icon love btw! :D


icecoldrain March 16 2014, 21:01:43 UTC
Pony!Loki came out so well!

My first thought was wow, Loki's head is huge! Then I was like OMG IT'S A BOBBLEHEAD, OF COURSE IT'S GIANT LMAO.


invsagoth March 17 2014, 01:14:28 UTC
Thank you! I'm really pleased with him. :D He's still not finished, but he's finished enough to play with. :3 (I just need to finish up the paint, and finish the armour)

ehehehe, it is! I've never had a bobblehead before so I'm rather amused by that. xD


rhoda_rants March 16 2014, 23:19:17 UTC
That is awesome!!! He looks about the right size for Loki!Pony, too.

I wouldn't underestimate the fangirl army, by the way. They can do some damage when properly motivated...


invsagoth March 17 2014, 01:23:15 UTC
Oh thank you! :D He's not entirely finished, I still need to do finishing paint and the rest of his costume, but he's done enough to play with. :3 He's the largest of my ponies intentionally, I'm glad you like the size for him!

ehehehe, I don't at all underestimated the fangirl army at all, especially as a member of said army! I'm sure that we can do some damage when properly motivated (proper motivation: Loki and/or Hiddles). xD


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