Welcome Viperine photoshoot (part 1). Also The Voice and Believe ramble, boo cable, hello moose?

Mar 11, 2014 02:02

So today I did a photoshoot with my lovely new Viperine! I took more pictures, but I don't have time to get the second half up so that will have to wait until tomorrow. But for now here's her welcome to the family!

After I unboxed her, one of her arms was a little stuck. It turned out there was a little bit of flashing left in her shoulder joint, I just had to pull it off and it was fine. But in order to see what was wrong, I had to pull off her dress. When I did I saw all of the detail in the body sculpt, I was really impressed by all of the detail in the snake scaling! She even has ventral scales that extend to the inside of her arms and legs! I'm always impressed by dolls with special body sculpts, especially as a sculptor. xD

I also love the colour they used for her. She's actually a bit irridscent, and it is just so pretty. :3

Now for less informational photos!
Duece is Viperine's cousin, so he's welcoming her home! :3

Welcome cousin!



You'll like it here.

Teaser for tomorrow's pictures:

Watched the Voice tonight, I thought it was pretty fun. I still don't have anyone that I feel strongly about, which is a bummer. The reason I had a lot of fun last season was because I had a couple of bbs in the race. Which isn't to say there weren't some good voices in there, just... nobody that caught my attention in any really special way. We'll have to see if that changes, but we're almost out of the blinds!

Also watched the first episode of Believe, and I liked it more than I thought I would! I mean, I'd been interested, but I hadn't expected to feel quite as strongly about it as I ended up feeling. I didn't realize that it was moving to a Sunday time slot, but I guess I'm ok with that. I don't think I normally have anything outside of things recorded on the DVR that I'm looking for on Sunday, so it won't have a lot of competition at least in my case. lol I have to say that there were a lot of pretty people in that show. Apparently they had the actress who plays Mulan on OUAT, and dang she's pretty. :3 Also the woman that's chasing them is pretty lovely. The lead guys not exactly my cup of tea but he's not bad. xD

Also, if you remember I was talking about our internet and tv not working? Well, it seems to have sorted itself out, we're not sure if it's because the weather outside has stablized (which it has a bit), or if there was something else out there causing a problem that was the raeson, or if it was because when we were cleaning around the cable stuff we'd noticed the splitter had been bumped a bit close to the heater and we moved it away. It's good that it has sorted itself out, because we called early Sunday morning to schedule a person to come out and check out the cable. The earliest they could do was 8 am to 8 pm on Monday (so today)... and they didn't show up. We kept the appointment in case there was something wrong that needed to be fixed (or if it would go out again, because it had tricked us already before), and they couldn't even be bothered to call and say nobody was going to be able to come. Scottie stayed home all day waiting for the cable guy to show up, and... nothing. Also mind you, as far as the cable company knows, we currently have NO internet or tv at all. e_e Gotta love the service, really.

Also when I was walking home from work, I literally almost walked into a moose. It was grazing right next to my trail, and I was fiddling with the radio on my phone. I was like GAH OH HI THERE PLZ DON'T TRAMPLE ME THX. It was sort of amusing.

Time for bed~

believe, scottie, loki is my spirit animal, what is sleep, the voice, dolls, tv, monster high

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