Valentines Day! Scottie's awesome candy making skills, books, Borderlands 2 Red Wedding, and more :3

Feb 16, 2014 01:51

So I didn't get to post about Valentines Day on the day, Scottie and I unfortunetly didn't feel well last night so we had a pretty quiet night. I've been really sick today, which is less than fun. I hope that I feel better tomorrow ( Read more... )

tanya doesn't feel well, borderlands 2, games, silly, scottie, food porn, valentines day, books, sillyness, dolls, hiddles is my spirit animal, game of thrones, monster high

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Comments 15

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invsagoth February 17 2014, 21:25:35 UTC
Oh, I'd never seen them at the book store before! I wouldn't do it there because I'd be afraid I wouldn't like the book. I think the library makes much more sense, the worst case there is you just bring it back if you don't like it!


tigtogiba34 February 16 2014, 15:54:12 UTC
Ahahah the cupcakes are great. Glad you had a good day!

Oh and the library books are pretty neat that they do that.


invsagoth February 17 2014, 21:26:46 UTC
ehehehe, I'm glad that we're not the only ones amused by those cupcakes! xD

I thought that was a really neat idea with the books! I'm glad Scottie gave one a try. :3


tigtogiba34 February 17 2014, 22:30:04 UTC
Did he end up liking it? or has he not delved into it yet?


tanvan February 18 2014, 19:29:43 UTC
I tried getting into it, but I felt it was poorly written. Bad enough that after five chapters I decided not to invest any more time in it.


christinafairy February 16 2014, 17:38:21 UTC
Wow, homemade kit kats? Scottie is a sweetie!


invsagoth February 17 2014, 21:31:06 UTC
He is! <3 :D

If you're interested in making them, I editted this entry to include a link to his journal entry about making them (he's tanvan). :3

I was going to try and do a picture entry of making them (we made more yesterday) but the process doesn't really go with it very well because there really isn't time. n_n'


icecoldrain February 16 2014, 21:38:52 UTC
I hope that you feel better soon! :D

OMG THOSE HEARTS LOL. They're certainly unique :P

Did you say homemade kit kats?! Pass the recipe on over!


invsagoth February 17 2014, 21:36:10 UTC
I hope I feel better soon too, thank you! :3

ehehehe, I'm glad we're not the only ones who were amused by them! I didn't post them, but the case next to the ones I posted actually had the same hearts in orange and purple! I'm even more confused by those. lol

Scottie saw that someone had requested a recipe of the kit-kats, so he made an entry on his journal about how he made them! I editted my entry to include a link (he's tanvan). Including my recipe on how to make them which was my response to him when he said that, which was:
1. Have awesome cutie
2. ????
3. Eat chocolate!



icecoldrain February 18 2014, 22:08:47 UTC
OMG lol, those orange and purple ones must have looked even stranger!

Thanks! I will have to make some. I miss kit kats lol.

Aw, that's cute! :D


du_secondaire February 17 2014, 02:06:29 UTC
Awesome! I love the mystery book idea! :)


invsagoth February 17 2014, 21:38:34 UTC
I thought it was really neat! :D


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