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Comments 4

elizalavelle January 16 2014, 17:24:35 UTC
I'm a season behind of Suburgatory - not sure when I'll catch up but I must do so :)

I am going to have to watch all of those videos when I'm home!

Boo for being sick, I hope you're well soon! There's a stubborn cold going around this season. I was sick and then thought I was better then relapsed again. Now I think I'm better again, we'll see how that holds up lol.


invsagoth January 17 2014, 07:09:11 UTC
You totally should! I like that show. :3

I hope that you did and enjoyed them! I thought they were so cute! xD

I hope I'm well soon too, this has been going on for far too long. :P I think staying home was a good idea. I've spent so much of today sleeping. Which is probably something that I needed! I hope that you stay well too!


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invsagoth January 18 2014, 07:13:25 UTC
I am super excited about the Lego game! We're going to get it for the PS3 or the WiiU, not sure which. Probably the WiiU. :3

I think that the Lego Movie looks super fun! I'm not sure when I'll see it exactly, probably not in the main theater but I'll probably try to see it when it gets to the cheap theater. :3 I just wish they had the Marvel characters in it as well as DC! Ah well. xD

(Side note: Scottie is currently playing Lego Star Wars. xD)


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invsagoth January 18 2014, 10:23:51 UTC
We don't have an Xbox, we had a Wii and a PS3. Our Wii was actually dying so we needed to get either a replacement Wii or a Wii U. The new one made more sense though because we could transfer our virtual console games to that. :D

Oh, I was talking about the Lego Marvel game! I definitely want it but I haven't been able to get it just yet. I'm looking forward to playing it though!
We'll get the Lego Movie game too I'm sure, we have a lot of fun with the Lego games. :3

ehehehe, Scottie is totally cool. :D


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