Title: Call Sign - Deadman
Disclaimer: Being a bloke who likes to slash pretty men doesn't make me RTD, I don't work for the BBC, and as much as I might like to, I don't own Jack or Ianto or any part of Torchwood. I do, however, order pizza under that name on principle.
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-ish
Notes/Summary: Jack's offhand comment about storing dead soldiers in warehouses doesn't come out of nowhere.
You know what they used these warehouses for during World War Two? Storing the bodies of dead GIs. Sometimes you can know too much history.
- Jack Harkness to Toshiko Sato, "Combat"
Jack's body convulses as he tries to suck in that first, new breath. The last thing he remembers is the flash of a bomb, and then nothingness. At first, he thinks he's still in the Dark, but the weight on his chest makes it impossible to take that first breath. He can't move his arms. He's being crushed.
If he could scream, he would. Instead, he can only hold his mouth open and squeak weakly in his throat while he kicks inside the bag and fights to expand his core muscles. His arms are pinned firmly at his sides. What little he manages to inhale stinks of rot and makes him vomit into his nose and mouth. Within moments he's choking to death.
They find him, three days later, half crazy and covered in his own blood and sick. Any other time they would discharge him, but there's a war on and he's one of their best pilots. Instead, they stick him back in an airplane and point him at the Jerrys.
Next time, they leave Deadman at the top of the stack.