Title: "Birth"
Disclaimer: Being a bloke who likes to slash pretty men doesn't make me RTD, I don't work for the BBC, and as much as I might like to, I don't own Jack or Ianto or any part of Torchwood. I do, however, order pizza under that name on principle.
Pairings: None
Rating: PG
Notes/Summary: Sometimes, Jack hides his past in plain sight.
“Never doing that again.”
He’d tossed the words out into the rain like a wad of unwanted tissues or a drive-thru burger wrapper. The team had left it, of course. Just another one of those things Jack said that didn’t make sense, a tiny shock to keep them on their game. He was full of outrageous stories. Why would any of them notice this random scrap of babble?
When all of them had gone for the night, he sat at his desk with a tumbler of still water and a hand on his belly, and traced fingers over the scar.