FIC: Damsel in Distrust (5/?)

Jun 30, 2014 13:59

Title: A Damsel in Distrust (5/?)
Author: invida
Rating: PG-13 for the swears
Word Count: 4050
Fandoms: BBC Sherlock, Veronica Mars
Timeline/spoilers: entire series of Veronica Mars, up to A Scandal in Belgravia of SherlockDisclaimer: I know the law, and the law would win ( Read more... )

veronica mars, damsel in distrust, fanfic, sherlock

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Comments 14

maybe_amanda July 1 2014, 03:18:45 UTC
"Contrived?" John attempted.
"X-files. Nice one, Mulder," Veronica said, grinning at him in admiration.
John tipped an imaginary hat to her.
"What are they talking about?" Sherlock asked the room.

All my fandoms in one special, lovely spot! Glad to see more! Looking forward to more more.


invida July 1 2014, 12:50:41 UTC
I do what I can. As for more, we will need a free afternoon and lots of coffee.


vanessagalore July 1 2014, 16:13:11 UTC
Very enjoyable! If another beta would help to encourage you to write faster (it always helps me), I volunteer.


invida July 3 2014, 01:32:21 UTC
Thanks for the comment! And thanks for the offer! What I seem to really need help with is idea bouncing and decision making. That's where I get stuck a lot.

That's a lot of the reason my last WIP remains unfinished. I had an outline to a certain point and then never managed to write more of an outline to get to the end of the story.

So yeah, sure. Let's chat.

Anyway, thanks again!


invida July 7 2014, 17:31:10 UTC
I should probably ask what's the best way to correspond with you. That would probably help in actually being able to correspond with you. :)


lunar47 July 2 2014, 05:32:47 UTC
This was so good. I'm glad I found it. I didn't know I needed a VM/Sherlock crossover in my life.

Do you mind if I included this story in a fic rec post I'm doing on tumblr even though it is unfinished?


invida July 3 2014, 01:35:49 UTC
I didn't know I needed a VM/Sherlock crossover in my life.

Believe me, I didn't know I needed to write one. But then the challenge was issued and I couldn't back down.

Do you mind if I included this story in a fic rec post I'm doing on tumblr even though it is unfinished?

Sure thing!

Thanks very much for reading and commenting!


afrocurl July 2 2014, 05:57:15 UTC
Ooh! I don't like seeing Logan's necklace there - or what I assume is Logan's necklace - or that Veronica's crying at the end.

Damn you I!


invida July 3 2014, 01:38:07 UTC
Mwahahahahahahahaha! evil evil evil! plot plot plot!


afrocurl July 3 2014, 02:01:19 UTC
You're also evil because you didn't email me to say you were posting soon. Or was I only get updates if you update DDtC?


invida July 3 2014, 14:48:50 UTC
Oh sorry! I was getting betas from a couple of different sources for Damsel. Forgot you were involved at the beginning. Will keep you updated in the future.

But I should have something regarding DDtC soon. I'll shoot you a note about where to go from here.


liferscove2118 July 2 2014, 23:32:06 UTC
Holy moly. I'm a little in love with this.


invida July 3 2014, 14:42:23 UTC
Thanks! I'm a little in love with your comment!


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