FIC: A Damsel in Distrust (2/?)

May 07, 2013 12:44

Title: A Damsel in Distrust (2/?)
Author: invida
Rating: PG-13 for the swears
Fandoms: Sherlock, Veronica Mars
Timeline/spoilers: entire series of Veronica Mars, up to A Scandal in Belgravia of SherlockDisclaimer: I know the law, and the law would win ( Read more... )

veronica mars, damsel in distrust, fanfic, sherlock

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Comments 17

thecrunchie May 7 2013, 18:30:50 UTC
Really excited by this crossover, everyone is so in character, even the Logan apparition. I love it!! :)


kocie_pisanie May 7 2013, 21:48:09 UTC
This is great, I love it! Such a wonderful idea for a crossover :) Your grip on the characters is great and of course the tension between Veronica and Sherlock is a lot of fun. And oh, John! He falls a little for a girl even if he doesn't mean to fall for her :D Also, Mrs Hudson absolutely rules!

I can't wait for more!


invida May 8 2013, 16:24:11 UTC
Thanks very much! Glad you're enjoying it.


invida May 8 2013, 16:23:27 UTC
Thank you very kindly!


maybe_amanda May 8 2013, 00:54:10 UTC

More! <------------- demanding proletariat.


invida May 8 2013, 16:24:42 UTC
More! <------------- demanding proletariat.

Make me.


maybe_amanda May 8 2013, 16:26:42 UTC
Dude, I know where you live...


afrocurl May 9 2013, 00:50:32 UTC
Oh Clarence, I've missed you! Less when you're being a dick, but that's your default.

One tiny little thing: Doctor Who, not Dr. Who. Never abbreviate. The Doctor wouldn't like it.


invida May 9 2013, 01:55:57 UTC
Changed. Ta.


mack_the_spoon May 9 2013, 06:35:02 UTC
Still ridiculously good. I would pay good money to see a detective-ing competition between Sherlock and Veronica, and I'm fascinated to know where Logan is!


invida May 12 2013, 15:52:19 UTC
I would pay good money to see a detective-ing competition between Sherlock and Veronica

The crossover was suggested to me by a friend and the gauntlet was thrown down when another friend said it would never work.

I'm fascinated to know where Logan is!

Me too! :D


namarie24 May 9 2013, 06:38:31 UTC
Oh so excellent.

And poor John - aiming for disappointment with Veronica, not that I could blame him.


invida May 12 2013, 15:53:35 UTC
And poor John - aiming for disappointment with Veronica, not that I could blame him.

He is wonderful that way. Thanks for commenting!


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