FIC: A Damsel in Distrust (1/?)

Feb 14, 2013 21:29

Title: A Damsel in Distrust (1/?)
Author: invida
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Sherlock, VM
Timeline/spoilers: entire series of VM, S1 of Sherlock
Disclaimer: I know the law, and the law would win.
Summary: the winds have blown the tiny blonde one to another shore to annoy a whole new country.
Acknowledgements:  A birthday fic for maybe_amanda. Thanks to aud_woman-in for the ear ( Read more... )

veronica mars, damsel in distrust, fanfic, sherlock

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Comments 23

maybe_amanda February 15 2013, 04:25:07 UTC
Ooooooh! Good start. Awesome start! Now it just needs about 10 more chapters! Maybe eleven! Off you pop!


invida February 15 2013, 13:53:18 UTC
More? Really? Can't this be it? *whine*


maybe_amanda February 15 2013, 15:47:27 UTC
More? Really? Can't this be it? *whine*

Ha ha ha! No.


afrocurl February 16 2013, 03:42:04 UTC
I love that this actually went somewhere from that email you sent me ages ago.



invida February 16 2013, 17:41:20 UTC
Actually, except for a few wording tweaks, it's exactly what I sent you.


afrocurl February 18 2013, 16:51:11 UTC
And I liked it then and I still like it now! :D


invida February 21 2013, 19:24:20 UTC

Now tell me what to do with it!


aud_woman_in March 4 2013, 20:57:02 UTC
Yay! This is off to a great start. (Lucky birthday girl, that Amanda.) Love the one-upsman-shipping between V and Sherlock. Let me know if you need beta on future chapters :)


invida March 6 2013, 17:03:55 UTC
Lucky birthday girl, that Amanda.

D'oh! it should've been for your birthday too!

Let me know if you need beta on future chapters

Absolutely! tell me what to do next!


heliconian_julz May 9 2013, 06:13:11 UTC
I just discovered this and LOVE it. I can't wait to go read part 2 but thought I would leave you a lovely comment on this one first!

Honestly, it's difficult finding VMars fic that adequately characterises Veronica but I think you've captured the voice of all the characters brilliantly.


invida May 11 2013, 18:23:19 UTC
I would leave you a lovely comment on this one first!

Awww. Thank you! I appreciate the feedback!


avsno26rocks May 9 2013, 06:20:47 UTC
This is amazing! The dialogue is snappy, and the characterisation is on point and is practically faultless. And believe me, I looked. It's almost like a minor miracle to find a story this well-written with two of my favourite things mashed into one, but here we are. And I am gobsmacked.

I think you have completely nailed both sides of the crossover, and you've done a great job with setting up the backstory. Every time I had a question about how they came to be in their current situation, the answer seemed to magically manifest itself and kept sweeping me along for the ride.

It's impossible not to fangirl the writing in this, because you managed to match the feel and attitude of both series without it being clunky or choppy. Coupled with practically flawless SPaG, I conclude that this is probably the best thing that's happened to me all week. Thank you so much for writing this, and I avidly await updates!


invida May 12 2013, 05:53:59 UTC
Oh wow! Thank you so much for your very kind feedback! You've really made my day. I can only hope that the rest of the story will live up to your initial impression. Thank you again for commenting!


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