The Ashleigh Legacy | Gen. 2.2.

Jan 08, 2013 08:34

Archive | ✖ Naughty language, sexual situations/pixel nudity, and general disregard for the status quo.
Last time The Ashleighs moved to Neverglade so Austin and Charlotte could find their fairy kin. Which they did, and then moved out together. Bo had her elder birthday and damned the world quite often, and Ares adopted a dog named Sheba. Etain met a boy, who turned out to be gay, so she moved in on his roommate. They fell in love and got married after Bo kicked her out. Finn made Dylan and Bishop a potion that would help them get pregnant, which Bishop slipped into Dylan's plasma juice, resulting in the birth of their son, Kash. And Finn met a mysterious woman who came on strong and led him on, but like the puppy he is, he won't stop sniffing around.

Dylan: Say daddy. Daaaaadeeee.

Kash: :x

Dylan: 8[

As you can see, teaching Kash how to talk isn't going too well.

Ares. Never change. Please live forever.

Guess whose turn it is to be a baby oven?

Bishop: Huh. My abs, they feel very slightly less firm and toned.


Finn and Etain graduated, Etain only doing so with the help of Finn and some serious summer and night school classes. Finn got voted something along the lines of Most Likely to Scare Anyone He Talks To or something like that lmao.

The Ashleighs went to the fall festival, at which Sheba rolled around in her own pee at Kash's royal command.
Kash: (Yes, peasant. Roll for me. Roll.)

Sheba made a friend named Sky. I can't tell if Sky is a girl or a boy so idk if there's puppy potential, or if I even want puppies. But Sky is really pretty.

Bo and Finn went through the haunted house, resulting in Bo coming out in her formal dress and smelling like total ass, and Finn getting that witch's ghost curse thing put on him.

This poor woman died trying to out-eat Dylan.
Dylan: Bitch, there's no one who can stuff meat in their mouth better than me.

This was my very first in-game Grim sighting ever. (Spoiler: Though it certainly won't be the last time this update -__-)


Finn: Ew. I'm trying to eat, here.
Bishop: Don't hate on my pale, distended stomach, all sexy and stretched and life-bearing.

Basically this is the only cap of Bishop pregnant I got because he's way too vain to let me show pictures of him wearing the godawful maternity clothes I have installed. No fucking joke. I had to omit all the other pictures.

While Bo chaperoned Sheba and Sky's "date" -

- Bishop went out to eat, and since he's eating for two, he continued on with furthering his Lifetime Wish. This is vamp #2 he's turned. His name is... Jordan, I think. And he allowed this picture to be posted since you can barely see what he's wearing through the swirling chaos of vampire-y badassness.

Figured since Bishop got to decorate for Kash, might as well let him decorate for the next brood. You'll notice there are two new cribs, not just one. Bishop literally had the easiest pregnancy I have ever played in my entire history of playing this game, male or female. Hence why there are no labor pics, because he didn't freak out once. I got the notification and my camera got pulled, and there's serene, calm Bishop casually going to the hospital with Dylan. Not a single labor pain.

This is Sasha, named for 'Sasha's Voyage of Ima' by BT (which I don't recommend you listen to all the way through unless you like 43 minute long songs). Sasha loves soul, spaghetti, and hot pink. She looks real evil, huh? Terrifying.

And Scarlett, named for 'Scarlet's Walk' by Tori Amos. Scarlett loves indie, trip-hop, and black, and takes after her uncle Finn in personality almost 100%.

Ares and his bro like to chill in the hot tub while it's snowing. Apparently it's really good for the pores, or something.

Bishop: I can't think of a better way to relate to my spawn.


So, they figured that after three kids it was probably a good time to get hitched, and what better place than an old stone church with... fish mounted on the wall. I just don't know.

Bo: Hooray. (Did I really pay for this fucking fish decor?)

Where were Ares and Finn, you ask? Both in the bathroom, peeing. Such charm. And guess who else was in attendance? Yeah, Bailey Swain, mourning the loss of the two pretty vampire boys.

There is no point to this picture other than the fact that I really, really like it.

Note: It was at this point in gameplay that I got tired of constantly having to debug all the vampires twice, so from now on they will no longer have awesome glowing eyes.
- Management.

No. Not showing your senility at all, Bo. That's perfectly normal and socially acceptable.




Is it just me or is Grim giving off a sort of cheeky vibe here? I kind of like it.

Yeah, so Bo autonomously tried to fix the dishwasher in a puddle of water once. After getting electrocuted once you'd think that would have stopped her from trying to do it again. But you would be wrong. It's sort of douchey how her burned-to-a-crisp corpse sucked up all off the offending water on the floor, though.

Oh god, Ares, break my heart. No matter how mean Bo was to him, he always loved her and stuck by her.

These were the last two things Bo stole before dying. A coffee cup from the diner and a candle from the bistro.

Way to show that vampire insensitivity, Dylan. Maybe Finn deserved more than just a quick text message telling him that his mom was dead.

Finn: Death is all around us. We can't escape it, no matter what we do. It's almost as if I can feel the cold inevitability of my own morality right behind me. Right over my left shoulder...

Bishop: All this talk of death is making me hungry, but I don't want to go out. He there, little guy, what's your name?

Bishop: Puuuuurrrrrrfect.

Ares passed the time without Bo bonding more with Sheba. He finally succeeded in teaching her how to sit. It only took for-freaking-ever.

And Finn started spying on Etain's house across the street through the wooden fence slats. He passed it off as "SCIENCE!" but we all know better.

Sasha: (C-cake day?)

Scarlett: (There's cake today?! I want it!)

Kash: (It's my birthday! Release me!)

Bishop: Stop copying me.
Finn: Stop copying me.

Yeah, pretty much forgot to grab a cap of Kash when he wasn't derping out, but rest assured that he's a pretty good-looking kid. Mainly shows his Bowyer heritage, which if you've read the Bowyer legacy, you'll really be able to see.

With Bo dead, this legacy is a regular sausage fest.

Vamping #3. I couldn't even tell you the guy's name, because shortly after that my camera got pulled.

Grim: Excuse me? Angel of Death, here. Lord of the Underworld. This bathroom is too tiny to contain my fearsome majesty. Can someone direct me to the dead guy, please?

Kash: *sobsob* Did you lock the door, uncle Finn?
Finn: *wail* Yes! No one is taking my daddy!
Ares: Kids. You need to sack up. When it's your time, it's your time.

Grim: Seriously? You locked the door? That's real fucking mature. Come on, Ares. Let's go.

And they did. :(

Needless to say, Sheba was quite unhappy.

The saddest thing is that this is literally the first time Sheba has ever slept outside in her dog house. Obviously she preferred it to sleeping in Bo and Ares now empty room, alone. :(

But, time must move forward. And here we have Kash's first day of school. (Hi Etain!)

And Dylan ineffectually trying to teach Sasha how to talk while Scarlett is a fucking genius with those blocks.

Scarlett: (Being brilliant is fantastic!)

Sasha: (Lolol daddy, I don't need to know how to talk to destroy the world! Silly.)

After all of the death and drama, Finn took his father's advice and sacked-up. He called his mystery woman and asked her out on a real, official date.

Finn: I've never built a snowman before. The last place I lived, it never snowed at all.
???: Are you kidding? You're a natural. It must be those strong, capable hands.

???: I'm a big fan of these hands, you know.
Finn: Is that so?
???: It is. And if you show me what they can do, then I promise I'll tell you my name.

How many different ways can a guy say 'you got a deal'?

Little problem there, Finn?

Finn: Just needed to cool down a bit asdfghkl.

Finn: Okay, spill it. Your name is...?
???: Juliet. Juliet Fortune. It's a pleasure to meet you, Finn.
Finn: And it's awesome to finally know you better... Juliet.

And I leave you with Kash, whose favorite pastime is courting Child Protective Services.

Sorry for the lackluster update today. For some reason I just wasn't feeling the writing as much as I usually do. But hopefully next time it'll be better. Also, I know that this update was quite a bit shorter than the previous ones, but from now on they're all going to be about this length so it's less hassle to update my simblr with them.

As always, thanks for reading, guys! ♥

Guest Sims:
Ares Live by emalso
Bishop Bowyer by nice_days
Juliet Fortune by hopeless-sims

sims: ashleigh

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