Fanfic: The Beat Chapter 1 (Rating NC-17)

May 02, 2009 01:00

TITLE: The Beat
RATING: Overall NC-17 (Mature content, strong language); this chapter PG-13
PAIRINGS: U-Know Yunho x Female OC; Micky Yoochun x Female OC
SUMMARY: Eve Kim is a new writer for an upbeat entertainment magazine in the US. Her first assignment is TVXQ in the States. Strongly attracted to Yunho, she begins an intense relationship that is interrupted by Yoochun in more ways than one...
NOTE: It's good to be back after a long hiatus, and what a better way than this! This story is dedicated to my lovely eklivejour, she's been helping me a lot with this fic, throwing ideas and suggestions here and there lol and it's funny how, what started almost as a joke, is quickly turning into something really big! Thanx a lot babe, this is for you.

Now moving on with the story, hope you enjoy it and don't forget to drop a line or two.


Park Yoochun burst through the sliding glass doors of the hotel, frown on his face, no thoughts other than getting up to his room and away from his cell phone. After this last call from his girlfriend, he had cut the mobile off and jammed it into the back pocket of his jeans.

He swore, as he strode across the polished floor of the hotel, she was getting clingy and possessive and he had tried to end it with her before coming to the States. He needed no distractions and she was quickly becoming his worst; dealing with her over thousands of miles apart on a mobile was not the most wonderful thing in the world but he had no choice...

TVXQ's official US tour was already in full swing and they were now in Atlanta, Georgia, ready to be photographed and interviewed for the cover story of a slick new music publication. This magazine was being touted as “the best thing since Rolling Stone” in the musical world and TVXQ had been chosen to help launch the first issue.

Yoochun hardly saw the young woman that had risen from her place in the lobby upon spotting him. He only saw sudden movement from the corner of his eye and anticipating that it was a fan who was definitely catching him in a bad moment, he swung toward the movement and growled.

"Listen- my God! Can't you people just leave me alone for a while? I don't have the time to autograph a poster or a CD, just come to the concert. Here!" And with that he dug in his pocket and pulled out a stick of gum, flicking it toward the woman, where it landed on the floor at her feet. "That's been in my pocket, it should hold you." And with that he walked toward the elevator doors.

"You... YOU arrogant, son of a bitch!" The young woman said and Yoochun looked toward her and smirked as the doors to the elevator shut.

Eve Kim was not exactly a fan. She was a staff writer for The Beat, the slick new publication, a joint project between South Korea and the US that would launch its debut issue in less than a month, and it was her job to catch TVXQ in their American crossover and present them as no other had.

Eve was 28 years old and graduated from college, where she had been editor of an underground publication that had spotlighted new acts in the college town where she lived. After graduation, she began working on a local newspaper and its weekly magazine for little over three years, until she got a new offer.  The Beat had searched far and wide for someone of Eve's caliber and through some excellent recommendations, had located her and negotiated a contract.

It hadn't been easy, Eve was not one that was in it for the money; she loved music, had even had her own garage band when in high school. She loved living in the same town where she had gone to college and majored in communications. It was some comfort to know that she wouldn't be very far away though. Atlanta was only 70 miles south of the town of Athens where she had lived for most of her life. Her family had moved from South Korea to Athens when she was merely a toddler, and they lived within a 60 mile radius of each other so she was close with them. Life in small southern towns was often like this, especially so for her.

So she'd packed up her things and left her security, her job, her small town, her best friends and a boyfriend. They had promised to continue seeing each other but had decided to cool things off for awhile once Eve saw how demanding her new job was going to be. Finding cutting edge talent was her first love and she went into it full force once she got settled into her job. Eve's reputation had preceded her and the editors were pleased to hand over the first plum assignment. That being TVXQ.

TVXQ had appeared on the US music scene early in 2008 but to no avail as sometimes happened with groups of their genre in some Asian festivals, like Hollywood Bowl. They had toured small venues with groups of their same caliber for a little over a month, testing the waters but not much noise had been made about them and they had returned back to their native South Korea to write and record a new album.

They were huge in Asia, breaking sales records and topping the music charts in Korea and Japan. But it was a burning passion of their manager, Lee Soo Man, to have them break through into the American market no matter what it took. Somehow, the five guys who made up TVXQ had taken on this same dream and they had come back to America now, the early summer of 2009, to promote their first English album and release some cutting edge videos to go along with it. Promotion would be fierce, non-stop, but well worth every bit if they could do what they were set out to do.


Yoochun opened the door to find four pairs of eyes glued to him.

"What?" He snarled as they all sat there.

"What? What, did you forget...? Where have you been? We've had an interview scheduled with The Beat for over an hour." They were all throwing comments and questions at him from every angle.

"Sorry, sorry. Yes, I did forget. Just let me get changed and I'll pop back in. It doesn't seem like I'm the only one who is late, where's the writer?" He asked.

“The writer is waiting for us, wanted us to all be together as a group so yes, you have held her up too!" Junsu said.

"Look, I said I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I swear. Go on ahead to the conference room, I'll be down in five minutes. Just let me change!” Yoochun implored.

"Fine, we're off but you'd better be down in five!" Yunho said as he closed the door behind them.

Yoochun blew out a breath and kicked off his shoes. He needed to destress in five minutes and get dressed in the process.

Stripping off his shirt and jeans, he went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, running his hands through his hair. Now was the time to be thankful for the newer, shorter cut he'd started wearing. It took less than half the time to mess with as before. He wiped his face and hands on a towel and went to the closet to grab a pair of fit blue denims while pulling a black tee shirt from his bag. He pulled on the pants and slid the shirt over his head, thanking God that these didn't wrinkle. It fit him snugly and he plopped down on the bed to put on his shoes.

Looking at his watch, he saw that he had indeed made it, though by ten minutes instead of five and as he swung open the door he was met by a frowning Yunho, who immediately turned on his heel and strode ahead of him to the conference room down the hall.


Eve had almost turned around and left after her abrupt meeting with Yoochun but decided to stay, only because she was really wanting the story and because she knew it wouldn't be fair of her to check out on the other four members, so she sat back down and waited, swinging her foot swiftly back and forth. Her mobile rang soon enough and she was told she could come on up to the conference room to meet with the guys. It was their tour manager, Hyukjae and he apologized over and over again for making her wait, promising her stage side seats, at least 6 of them, if she would forgive them. Laughing at his attempts to please her, she agreed and told him she would be on her way up.

She stood and went to the restroom before going up, letting them wait for a few minutes more. God knew she had done so and she had a strong feeling that Mr. Personality Micky Yoochun had been the reason.

She stood before the mirror, inspecting her appearance. She didn't normally dress so nicely in her day to day job, she preferred jeans, cargos, or zip offs paired with loose sweaters, long tees or spaghetti strapped tops. Still, with this being her very first "professional" assignment, she had decided to change her image a bit and with the help of her older sister, Grace and her best friend, Maggie, she had went on a mad shopping spree and racked up her Mastercard with little or no care.

She had to admit the outfit made her look the part. She had chosen a short gray skirt that hit her about 4" above her knee and had a small slit just up one thigh. This she had paired with a fitted black shortsleeved turtleneck. Very simple, but elegant. She chose black stockings and pumps. Her only jewelry was a tiny silver necklace with a cross pendant and a matching anklet. Her long, chestnut hair was pulled up into a french twist and secured, with bangs covering her forehead. It was a miracle it hadn't escaped it's confines in the humid southern weather for it was unruly to say the least and it reached to well past her shoulders.

She pulled a pair of silver wire framed glasses from her purse and with a last look in the mirror, left the restroom on her way to the elevator and TVXQ.

fanfic, tvxq, park yoochun, jung yunho, kim jaejoong, title: the beat

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