Firefox hates me. It wouldn't let me post an entry today, so I had to use IE.
If you al get horrible viruses from this post, then I blame the stupid bug that made me post on this broswer that I DO NOT TRUST. D<
Stupid LJ.
At least the series is trying to go out with a bang... )
Comments 10
I so want C.C. to die. Like if she lives, the next episode will end with Lelouch like
"Yar dw I'll lyke kill joo afta u hav sex w/ me"
And because she never will, she'll never die, and her wish remains unfulfilled through the whole Geass season and it'll end with Lelouch postponing her death.
And then they can make an OVA xD
Everything else was so serious and dramamtic, that the thought of Nunally squirming like an inchworm on the floor made me giggle.
Euphinator is also awesomely hilarious. The pretty pink princess toting a machine gun and asking the Japanese to please die in the most polite manner possible was absolute crack; I couldn't believe that it was a canon scene in the anime. It was too ludicrous to take seriously.
Yay for OVAs! They could make OVAs based off the manga spinoffs with the alternate timelimes. I so want to see Rolo again. ;_;
(honestly I just find him so painfully dull he makes me want to cry)
This episode was weeeird. But for once I predicted an ending scene! Alright!
I wonder what will happen now...I wonder if Nunnally will go mad now that she can see all the destruction :o oooh la.
Diethard death = hilariously lame. I shouldn't have laughed, but I did. He was a fail character to the very end.
I can't believe it's the end on Sunday D: Bad times.
Holy crap Nunally's eyes keep scaring me to death each time I see them because seriously EUPHIEEEEEEE. I mean. Dye Nunally's hair pink in a few years and Cornelia and Lelouch would probably go OMFG IT'S EUPHIE'S GHOST! or something.
I want next episode now. o-o But not really. I DON'T WANT IT TO END.
Yay, Morrison. :D And Dhaos too.
Sexy Gino is sexy. ♥♥ If he dies, I will rage. Rage Rage Rage. And the Kanon scene made me sad. I didn't care very much about Diethard, he was a kiss ass. >_>
I agree. If Gino dies RAAAAAAGE. D<
Oh yes, I forgot to fangirl over GuilfordxCornelia. SQUEEEEEEE~! <33333
And I just had a thought. If Nunnally's still crippled, how in the world did she get back in her chair? She doesn't look like one to have strong arms... :/
And let us all send out a silent prayer for Gino's survival. ;_;
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